Kate Bush: The Tour of Life
IN THIS PHOTO: Kate Bush in 2005/PHOTO CREDIT: Trevor Leighton
Inside Her 2006 Interview with Tom Doyle
FOR Kate Bush…
feature 985, I am looking back at Tom Doyle’s amazing 2006 interview. Chatting with her for Q, the interview as part of a series to mark the magazine’s twentieth anniversary. The now-defunct publication ran twenty covers with twenty artists. This was the year after Kate Bush released Aerial. Tom Doyle spoke with Kate Bush at length in promotion of that album. He was given another chance to chat with her. However, whereas the Aerial interview was at her home, this one was down the line. I wanted to revisit this great interview and some standout sections. On 28th May, 2006, this amazing interview took place. If Tom Doyle notes in his book, Running Up That Hill: 50 Visions of Kate Bush, that it was a slightly gimmicky series, it did show that Q had pulling power. Bush was asked about her attending the Q Awards in 2001. She was honoured with the Classic Songwriter and received as standing ovation from her peers there. She was asked about that reaction and Bush found it wonderful and humbling. In 2001, it was still four years until Aerial would arrive. Bush was struggling to make big progress with it so it was a surprise that she was being recognised eight years after The Red Shoes came out. That reaction at the 2001 awards gave her heart and inspiration. Recognition that she was respected and relevant. I do like that. Recalling how it was “magic”, Bush was worried people had forgotten about her. As this album was taking longer than any other to that point, the fact that people were so responsive and adoring took her back. Bush was photographed at the Q Awards with John Lydon. They had been friends for years. She told Tom Doyle how he was a “true showman”. An intelligent man that she respected greatly, it was nice that the two got together in 2001 for Q.
One of the most interesting early questions is why Bush did not tour Hounds of Love after its success. Its success in the U.S. Bush said it was typical of her really. Expected to tour and do all these interviews to crack America, Bush stated how that was not her. She was not prepared to do that. She did go to the U.S. at the time the 12” of Running Up That Hill was popular. That was big in the clubs. Bush did do some promotion, but that version of it – sitting in hotel rooms drinking tea – was perhaps not want they were expecting. Bush was considering extending 1979’s The Tour of Life to the U.S. but there was demand in Europe and it would have been exhausted. I might extent that thought for a future feature. The success of Hounds of Love and Bush not touring in the U.S. The fact that she was not your typical huge artist and felt like touring was not for her. I wonder what would have happened if she did tour America! Bush was asked about her high and low points of the past twenty years. The birth of her son Bertie (who was on in 1998) was the highpoint; the death of her mother Hannah (in 1992) was the low point. Bush was asked about her music tastes and favourite artists. This is the most interesting section of the interview. She was asked which song from the past twenty years she wish she had written. She selected Paul Simon’s The Boy in the Bubble (from 1986’s Graceland). Commending his poetry (which Bush said was his forte), she also said she was a fan of Shaggy – which was perhaps unexpected! Tom Doyle cheekily asked if Tori Amos was one of her favourite artists. There was silence and Bush said how “As you could hear, I took a deep breath there”. That was no shade on Amos. I think Bush got asked about the comparisons and was a little fed up. However, you get a feeling that Bush is a fan of Amos’s work and there is respect between them.
Bush was asked about being out and about and being recognised. As she tends to keep herself wrapped up and private, she was not as recognised in the streets as in her heyday. She said she did get recognised in the supermarket now and then but from a distance. It is to do with her music and not her as a person necessarily. I would love Tom Doyle to chat with Kate Bush now and get an update. I can imagine there has been this new wave of recognition since Stranger Things took her back to the top of the charts in 2022. It would be interesting Bush said how, since Aerial was behind her, she has more free time. Dispelling this myth that she lives in some gothic mansion filled with cobwebs, she explained how she is doing normal things: the school run, watching films and that sort of thing. It is interesting that Bush said that was thinking of ideas for a new project. This was in 2006. It would take her until 2011 to release new material (with Director’s Cut and 50 Words for Snow). I wonder what she had in mind and whether it was abandoned. Informing Bush she had only released three new albums in twenty years – The Sensual World (1989), The Red Shoes (1993) and Aerial (2005) –, she was taken aback.
However, she explained Aerial is a double album. So her average was slightly better than that! Bush said how she always intends to finish them quickly but stuff happens. Life gets in the way. How she would like to finish them quick and have a holiday in the Bahamas and move to the next one. Doyle did ask whether we’d have to wait twelve years until another album. Bush (half-jokingly) said she could probably get the next one done in six weeks. As it would be six years instead, I guess that quite a bit got in the way! It was a nice interview that I wanted to revisit. I first highlighted it back in 2022 I think. One of the best interviews Kate Bush conducted, it is interesting going back to 2006 and where she was then. I keep thinking how there needs to be an award given to Kate Bush. Consider all that she has achieved in the past few years in terms of new chart success, raising money for charity and inspiring a new legion of artists and fans. That does warrant something! It would be great if an award ceremony handed her a prize. Maybe Bush would come out to collect the award. A chance for her to give a new interview. It does seem like new work is afoot. Something that she is very much focused on. That will provide opportunity for new interviews. Someone who is always compelling and truly her when she is interviewed, I would urge anyone not familiar with the archive to search through interviews and watch them on YouTube. Check out this invaluable resource. It has been great fun revisiting Tom Doyle’s interview with Kate Bush for Q in 2006. An insight into…
A true icon.