Interview: The State of Georgia




The State of Georgia



WITH 2016 now in full swing, I am spending the next week…

checking in with some of my favourite artists of the last year (in addition to some new peeps).  Georgiana Jakubiak’s moniker The State of Georgia is releasing a new album this year- with big plans afoot- so I was keen to catch up with her and see what was in store...


Hi Georgina.  I hope you are well.  How was Christmas and New Year?

Christmas and New Year were great thanks!  Spent it in Cornwall with my family (that's where I'm from).  It was all about my 2-year-old!

Looking back at the past year- either personally or music-wise- what have been the highlights for you?

Musically I managed to get funded on Kickstarter which meant I could finish my album (which has taken me two years)!  That felt amazing to finally finish it and I'm really pleased.  Personally I found out I'm having another baby, eek!

Your latest album Roses & Swallows is completed and almost ready to be released.  What can you tell us about it and its themes/sounds?

Roses & Swallows is an album of Pop songs.  People are scared of the word 'Pop' but I try to write melodic, catchy songs which mean something.  There's a lot about family on there and friends.  I love good ‘80s Pop like Fleetwood Mac and Kate Bush- listening to Haim a lot and Sia.

I know the album was funded via Kickstarter.  How vital have the fans been with regards getting the album made?

I usually fund everything myself by playing at weddings and teaching but I was struggling towards the end; everything is so expensive!  So grateful for the fans for helping me out.  Thanks everyone!  They get the album before everyone else.

Being based out of Yorkshire there are a lot of great artists playing throughout the county.  Any particular bands/acts you would recommend?

Oh there's loads!  I did some singing for The Ainsley Band in the summer as part of Long Division festival in Wakefield- where they recorded an album live and the audience heard the mix in headphones.  The album is great and they are a brilliant band; check them out!  Other friends Jonny the Firth, Rosie Doonan- who's working on new album too- Mi Mye (lots of Wakefield bands but I actually live in Leeds)

Listening to your music and it is hard to think of other singers/artists.  Which artists were important with regards shaping your music and passion?

Skunk Anansie were the first band that made me want to sing.  Skin's voice is amazing so I started singing her songs at school and never looked back.  I love Kate Bush and Tori Amos.  When I get stuck in the studio I always say 'what would Kate do?'.  I toured for a long time in a band called The Research- I was the bass player and sang so got to see so much music over the years.  I always love seeing girls in bands; check out The September Girls.  They are super cool.

What other plans are ahead for 2016?

Release a single No Man's Land which I'm making a video for in the next month hopefully; then release the album end of March.  Album launch party 1st of April at Unity Wakefield so rehearsals for that.  All before having a baby end of May.

When it comes to writing music, what inspires your creative process?  Do you set time aside to write or do songs form when inspiration strikes?

I don't get much time to set aside so usually when inspiration strikes, or in-between singing students when I'm sat at the piano.  Songs sometimes take shape in bits and come together in the studio.  I record at Greenmount Studios (in Leeds) with good friends Lee Smith and Jamie Lockhart- they produce me and do a great job!


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We have a few mutual music friends (including Jonnythefirth).  Any particular upcoming bands/artists you would recommend?

I think I said them all in the earlier question, whoops!  Yeah Jonny is on the album on guitar; he's a great guy.

I am curious to ask this of musicians.  If you had to choose one song/album that is most important to you, what would it be?

That's really hard!  Kate Bush's Hounds of Love is a longtime favourite.  I went to see her last year and it blew my tiny mind.  I've also met her! (I like to throw that one into conversation).  She is lovely.

Music means a lot of things to various people.  What does it mean to you personally?

It means everything; I don't know what I'd do without it!  It's my therapy; keeps me kind of sane.

If you had to choose your proudest achievement- or the moment that means the most to you- what would it be?

Nonmusical, but having my little boy!  I've played some big gigs and done some great things but I don't think anything compares really.  He's my best creation!

What advice would you give to any new songwriters coming through?

Keep trying, talk to people; make your own luck.

Have you any plans to come and play London- and perhaps internationally- when the album is released?

Possibly, depends what happens with it.  Will have to take some time out to have my second baby but it didn't keep me off for long last time.

Finally, and for being such a good sport, you can name any song, and I will play it here…





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