



THANKS to Tom from Heir



for chatting about the band’s new track, Restless, and what its story is. I was eager to know what comes next for the guys in terms of gigs and material and how they found one another; which rising artists we should keep an eye out for – Tom tells me how he and the band relax away from music.

Tom talks about the music he was raised on and how he feels looking back at a busy and exciting year for Heir; which one music memory sticks in the mind; what he/the guys hopes to achieve by end of this year – Tom selects a couple of cool songs to end things on.


Hi. How are you? How has your week been?

Hi, man. What’s it to you?! Joking. It’s been alright, thanks. Currently talking to you via Microsoft Word 2017 with a mint tea.

For those new to your music; can you introduce yourselves, please?

I’m Tom from Heir. We’re a Pop band from Leeds, U.K. Sam, Tom; Harry, Ste and Samuel – the musical equivalent of The Teletubbies.

How did Heir start life? When did you all find one another?

We are from all over the U.K. but met in Leeds for uni. We started playing tunes together and, after a couple of years, realised that we got on alright and all enjoyed it (yes; that took two years). We then decided to form as Heir in 2015.

Restless is your new track. Is there a story behind the track?

Restless is a tune that we wrote in Northumberland a couple of years ago now. It’s a song about being settled in your restlessness and overthinking. Obviously, with us being in the period of life post-uni, it’s something quite fresh on the brain.

Might there be more material coming this/next year?

Oh yeah, baby…



Last year was a busy and exciting one for you! How do you see the year looking back? How has this year fared in comparison?

Last year was bloody ace! Playing Reading and Leeds was fab and the big support gig at Scarborough Open Air Theatre were moments that you don’t think you’ll get early on as a band so it was a really great learning experience.

This year has been a little more focused on recording and writing - loads in the pipeline ready to put out into the world from Restless onward. Very buzzed to get it all going!


 PHOTO CREDIT: Charlène Dosio

If I were to travel back to your childhoods; what sort of music would I find in your collections?

I can only speak for myself as the lads would probably not be too thrilled if they were also associated with The Chuckle Brothers’ cassette. That’s actually not a joke: I can still remember one of the tunes in full to this day.

I was actually quite fortunate to be brought up in a household that loved a lot of amazing songwriters. Most of our car journeys were spent listening to Eagles, Billy Joel; Carole King and Supertramp. Those, along with the She’s the One (single) by Robbie Williams were the highlights for sure.

What do you hope to achieve by the end of 2018?

I’d like to be able to beat my long jump P.B.

Have you got a favourite memory from your time in music so far – the one that sticks in the mind?

I think my fondest memory with the band is our second visit to Belgium and Holland. We go out once or twice a year to play some stripped-back shows. I just love the fact that we crammed all of our stuff into my parent’s people carrier and roof box. We must have looked like the least Rock ‘n’ roll band in the world (which we are, to be fair).

Great people, great fun.


Which one album means the most to each of you would you say (and why)?

Again…I don’t want to speak for the other lads but, when I was getting into music and working out why I loved the songs that I loved, I listened to The StrangerBilly Joel a lot. That’s probably one of the main albums of my earlier years as a musician. Can’t say that it means the most to me now but it was certainly important to me when I was younger.

If you could support any musician alive today, and choose your own rider, what would that entail?

Band: HAIM; Rider: seven-a-side football pitch; my mum’s homemade Sunday roast and Tropicana - because, times are tough at the moment and I miss it (that’s not too much to ask, is it?!).



Might we see some tour dates coming up? Where might we be able to catch you play?

Yeah! We’ll be doing a big headline next year. More recently, we are playing the following:

9th October - Hull

20th October - London

21st October - Halifax (acoustic)

30th October - Exeter

More T.B.C.

What advice would you give to new artists coming through?

We’d be asking them…


 IN THIS PHOTO: Wild Front/PHOTO CREDIT: John Almando 

Are there any new artists you recommend we check out?

At the moment, I have been really enjoying Wild Front, Westerman and Greatest Hits.


 IN THIS PHOTO: Westerman

Do you all get much time to chill away from music? How do you unwind?

Absolutely. Some seriously good board games going on in our house - and a few of us play football. I know that Sam is a keen cyclist too. Thanks for your concern, m’dear.

Finally, and for being a good sport; you can choose some songs and I’ll play them here (not any of your music - I will do that).

Make You Feel - Wild Front

Easy Money - Westerman


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