
 PHOTO CREDIT: Daniel Alexander Harris



THE guys of CAEZAR


have been telling me about their new track, Somewhere New, and what we can expect from their E.P., HAIL! I ask how the band met and what sort of music inspires them; if there is an approaching artist we need to get behind and whether they are heading on the road at all.

I discover which albums are important to them and what they have planned for next year; if there are any favourite musical memories and which artist they’d support given the chance – the band members each choose a song to end the interview with.


Hi, guys. How are you? How has your week been?

Hey! It’s been another busy week. It always surprises us just how busy it is when you’re deep in the middle of a campaign. With all the P.R. work, the travelling and the interviews – it’s relentless! We love it though.

For those new to your music; can you introduce yourselves, please?

Of course. We’re an Electro-Pop three-piece, originally from Cheltenham in the South West but now we spend most of our time in London. We’ve been a band for about four years, but previously performed under a different name (‘Quigley’). We then had a line-up change with two members leaving the band; this left just Chris, Zoe and Rich (C,Z,R) in the band. It seemed like the right time to close the chapter on Quigley and start something new. We’d started working with a new producer at the same time and the chemistry of it all just seemed to click. Eighteen months later and CAEZAR was born.

Somewhere New is your single. Can you explain the story behind the song?

This is actually one of the oldest tracks in our repertoire – although it’s changed a lot since when we first started performing it. We wanted to capture that feeling of restless excitement that you get when you discover a new place or a new adventure – and we think this song epitomises that. It’s a real anthemic track with a strong hook at its heart. It always gets a great reception when we perform it live.

The E.P., HAIL!, has been announced. What sort of themes motivated and inspired the songs?

It was really important for us to try and capture the many shades and sides to ourselves in this E.P. It would have been easy to have put four lighthearted, easy-listening tracks together. However, we wanted to showcase that – yes, we’re an Electro-Pop band – but there are so many emotions that inspire us and we love to explore in our music – whether it’s bittersweet, lighthearted; frisky… that’s what keeps us interested. We’re really proud of each single on the E.P. and feel that the tracks work either independently on their own but also as a collection.


 PHOTO CREDIT: Daniel Alexander Harris

In terms of sounds/artists; who are CAEZAR inspired by?

We have quite a diverse range of influences – Chris loves OneRepublic, Maroon 5 and Muse while Rich is more introverted and will spend hours digesting acts like Pink Floyd and Ben Howard. Zoe has Indie tastes, so loves acts like Nothing But Thieves and Amber Run.

How did you get together? Did you all meet in Cheltenham?

Chris and Rich first met on the rugby pitch. They played for the same rugby team and both got injured at the same time. As they couldn’t play rugby, they had to find another way to spend our time so they started the band! One thing led to another and now the music has completely taken over from the rugby (although they will try to get a game in when we can). Zoe came into the mix in 2015; first as a backing singer for the band but her voice and character were so strong she quickly established herself as a key member of the band.


 PHOTO CREDIT: Daniel Alexander Harris

What do you hope to achieve by the end of 2018?

The goals for this year is to complete the release of the E.P. (due 30th Nov) and to continue to nurture the CAEZAR following. We’ve been very fortunate to have an amazing reaction to the tracks so far with BBC Introducing featuring the E.P. as a main event; CLASH magazine premiering our singles and even getting some U.K. National T.V. broadcasting with Philip Schofield on ITV’s This Morning!

Do you already have plans for 2019?

We want to build on what we’ve started this year. It’s been amazing to release the songs to such a positive response; now we want to take the tracks on the road and showcase them to audiences across the U.K. – and beyond. We’re talking to festivals currently and hope to make some big announcements soon. After that, we will be looking to get back into the studio to start on our next project.


Have you got a favourite memory from your time in music so far – the one that sticks in the mind?

Our favourite memory so far has to be when we performed at Alt Fest in Belgium. It was our first international show and really opened our eyes to how far music could take us. We were treated like royalty; we got to meet loads of amazing acts, and also were able to hang out for a night in Bruges – which we’d highly recommend. It was an incredible adventure.

Which one album means the most to each of you would you say (and why)?

Chris: Muse - Origin of Symmetry

The first album I began to understand the power of melody regardless of genre.

Rich: Pink Floyd The Wall

I grew up hating this album. My parents would play it on-repeat and it confused the hell out of me. Then, as I grew up, I reengaged with the narrative, the journey; the multifaceted moods and tones – and, of course, the guitar solos. I love it. Dave Gilmour is the man. Fact.

Zoe: Amber Run - 5am

I'd been in a dark place where I didn't even want to listen to music. This was the album that changed that. It marks a very poignant turning point in my life


 PHOTO CREDIT: Daniel Alexander Harris

If you could support any musician alive today, and choose your own rider, what would that entail?

If we could support anyone performing right now, then I think someone like Raleigh Ritchie would be amazing. In terms of riders; we’re happy with a few beers! As long as it’s not fruit – we were once given a bowl of oranges as a rider and Chris is still angry about it today.

What advice would you give to new artists coming through?

Creating and growing music that you love is not easy. It takes a lot of dedication and persistence to get your head above the water and even then expect a lot of rejection and disappointment. It’s the bands that believe in themselves and who can ride the waves of ups and downs that will make it. So many amazing acts never make it because they give up too early.

Do you have tour dates coming up? Where can we catch you play?

We will be announcing 2019 tour dates very soon. Head over to our Facebook page to ensure you get the updates when they are published.


 IN THIS PHOTO: Rex Orange County

Are there any new artists you recommend we check out?

Not really an ‘unknown’ but Rex Orange County is tearing it up right now – we love him!

Do you get much time to chill away from music? How do you unwind?

Probably unsurprisingly we turn to rugby when we’re not in CAEZAR-land. We’re big supporters of Gloucester rugby, so will go to watch the Cherry and Whites when we can and, if not, we will strap on our boots for a game with our home club, Old Cryptians. Except for Zoe – she’s mega-creative so she will be painting or designing something stunning (like the band’s artwork).

Finally, and for being good sports; you can each choose a song and I’ll play it here (not any of your music - I will do that).

Rich: Rex Orange CountyLoving Is Easy

Chris: Navajo Masego

Zoe: Theophillus LondonBebey


