FEATURE: We Are United: The Mental Health Awareness Week Playlist



We Are United


ALL PHOTOS: Unsplash 

The Mental Health Awareness Week Playlist


THIS week…


is an important one we should all mark. It is Mental Health Awareness Week and many people are reflecting and sharing their story. I am one among the millions affected by a mental-health problem: so many people have to live through a daily regime of anxiety, stress and depression. The subject and nature of mental illness is a spectrum that many people misconstrue – it is not as simple as someone being ‘depressed’. We cannot treat mental illness as a binary thing in 2018! Even though, for many, talking does little to resolve the enormity of their burden; there are options out there but the solution is a lot more challenging than most assume. There still is a stigma attached to mental-health and fighting illnesses like depression. This week is intended to help those who are going through bad times and raise awareness of a problem that is growing larger and more severe. Organisations and charities like the Samaritans are available to talk to and are free-of-charge. Music is there for people and a way of coping with the worst sides of mental illness. I have compiled a list of songs that either address mental illness or lift the mood – designed to, at least. It is important, as the week goes on, to keep the message alive and use the hashtag #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek. There is not an easy and quick answer to the epidemic of poor mental-health but the more we raise awareness, the quicker we will be able to…


SOLVE the problem.