INTERVIEW: Vera Carlbom


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Vera Carlbom


THE terrific Vera Carlbom has been discussing…

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her new single, Bottoms Up, and filming its video. I ask the Swedish songwriter what the scene is like where she is and whether she is heading on tour this year – Carlbom reveals whether there is more material coming down the lines.

She tells me what she hopes to achieve before the end of the year; what her favourite memory from music is; if the determination and spirit we hear in her music is natural – I ask whether Bottoms Up’s themes of no-good men is taken from her own life…whether she has had experience of those types of guys.  


Hi, Vera. How are you? How has your week been?

HI! I’m really good, actually. I’ve been sick the last couple of weeks but I’m starting to feel better now so, right now, I’m just enjoying life (smiles).

For those new to your music; can you introduce yourself, please?

Yes! I’m an eighteen-year-old artist from Stockholm. I’ve been working as a producer, songwriter and artist for a couple years now - and I just released my debut single Bottoms Up. I love to make out on Sundays and my favourite movie is The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D

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Bottoms Up is your latest single. What is the story behind it?

I wrote that song on the bus and produced it the second I got home; sent it to my producer Jonathan and we both fell in love with it. It’s a song that makes me both laugh and cry. It’s both cocky and vulnerable at the same time. 

I guess no-good men and their dishonesty drives the song. Have you encountered your fair share of idiots and time wasters?

Yes, of course. I’ve met some fuc*ed-up people but none are in my life anymore. I’m all for letting people who don’t deserve me go. 

What was it like putting the video together? Was it interesting to film?

It was SO FUN. We were partying and filming at the same time; that’s why the video looks so real. You really get the feeling that this is something you’ve experienced yourself. 

Is there more material arriving later in the year? Might we see an E.P. down the line?

Yes. I’ve been working on my mixtape for the last couple of months and we’re just finishing up the last touches of it as we speak!

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You certainly have a lot of determination and attitude. Is that strength and defiance a reason you keep on pushing and aiming high?

I’ve always believed a lot in myself and my attitude is something I was born with; so aiming for the stars is in my veins. It’s natural for me. 

Being based in Sweden; is there a good music scene there? How does it differ to somewhere like the U.K. and U.S.?

Well. They say that Sweden has the best musicians and I believe that’s true. I just came back from a month in L.A. and the scene is definitely different: it’s harder to have a context there, but L.A. is where I wanna be based in the long-run, so it’s just to get used to it.

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Where are you heading on tour? Where can we catch you?

I’m gonna play a little bit everywhere in Sweden this summer, but it would be really cool to play in both U.K. and U.S. anytime soon.

What do you hope to achieve in 2018?

Releasing my mixtape and the singles after it; start touring a little bit and start working and finish my album.

 Have you got a favourite memory from your time in music – the one that sticks in the mind?

Yes. I was in Diplo’s house in L.A. and signed one of his basketballs he has in his kitchen. HOTSAUCE!


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