FEATURE: Holding on Together: Sunshine Platters: The Mental Health Awareness Week 2019 Playlist




Holding on Together

PHOTO CREDIT: @anniespratt/Unsplash 

Sunshine Platters: The Mental Health Awareness Week 2019 Playlist


IT is Mental Health Awareness Week...


 PHOTO CREDIT: @kalvisuals/Unsplash

and it is an important time to raise awareness of mental-health and those affected negatively. You can do some research but it is important to know the facts and the realisation that a lot of people suffer from mental illness. There is still a lot of stigma regarding mental-health and how it is perceived. We should not make light of mental illness and try and wash it away with music but there are many out there who will be feeling the pain and stress and will need a sense of escapism. A lot of modern music is focused too heavily on anxiety and the severe so it is appropriate, this week of all weeks, to bring some light in – in addition to talking about mental-health. If you are feeling low and cannot cope then there are great organisations like Samaritans who are set up to assist. Do not let depression and mental illness take you to such a dark place. I have also included, among the fun songs, artists we have lost because of mental-health issues – just to give it a bit of balance. It is important we appreciate the severity of Mental Health Awareness Week and all get involved. If you need a lift and a morale-boosting playlist, I hope the collection of songs below…

PHOTO CREDIT: @dmitrybayer/Unsplash 

DO the trick.