FEATURE: The Lockdown Playlist: George Martin at Ninety-Five: His Brilliant Work




The Lockdown Playlist

George Martin at Ninety-Five: His Brilliant Work


WHEN we think of George Martin

 IN THIS PHOTO: George Martin with the Beatles at Abbey Road/PHOTO CREDIT: BBC/Apple Corps Ltd/BBC

we naturally link him with The Beatles. Even though his association with them is legendary, the producer also worked with other artists through his life. The fact that Martin was The Beatles’ long-term producer, alone, gets him a spot in the pantheon of the greatest-ever producers. I don’t think he gets as much credit he deserves when it comes to The Beatles’ success - and that is true of his production work with others. We sadly lost Martin on 8th March, 2016. It is a shame that he is not around today. As 3rd January would have been his ninety-fifth birthday, I have collected together some of the wonderful songs that he produced (or has a production credit on) for this Lockdown Playlist. As you can see, George Martin’s production talents and intuition are responsible for…


 PHOTO CREDIT: ANL/Rex/Shutterstock

SOME of the best music ever.