FEATURE: The Lockdown Playlist: Winter Songs




The Lockdown Playlist

PHOTO CREDIT: @jannerboy62/Unsplash 

Winter Songs


AS we are in 2021…

 PHOTO CREDIT: @spencerbackman/Unsplash

and the weather is not exactly ideal, I wanted to combine some wintery songs to help warm the blood. As we all look forward to spring and warmer weather, I thought it was appropriate to have a winter-themed collection of songs. Although last year was a pretty rough one, things are going to be better this year, and I feel things will start to come back to some sense of normality by the time the summer arrives. If you need some form of comfort or calm, then I think these tracks should do the job. Rather than brave the elements and endure the winter’s worst, stay put and listen to some tracks that either summon up images of the season or can provide…


 PHOTO CREDIT: @stephanejuban/Unsplash

A warmer feeling inside.