FEATURE: Spotlight: Barry Can’t Swim






Barry Can’t Swim


WORKING my way through…

names to watch out for in 2023, and it takes me to the incredible Barry Can’t Swim. An amazing producer and artist, here is someone whose music has its own world, skin and sound. A magnificent and enriching blend of sounds makes Barry Can’t Swim’s work some of the most rewarding and fantastic around. I will come to a couple of reviews with the London-based producer. First, here is some background to this immense talent:

Edinburgh born, London Based producer Barry Can't Swim (real name Joshua Mannie) is quickly becoming well known for his trademark blend of skillfully crafted electronic production mixed with Jazz inspired strings and keys.

The classically trained artist grew to love Jazz from a young age, learning how to play the piano from the age of 9, to then working in various Jazz bars during his teenage years, which inspired a deep understanding and appreciation for the genre. During his time at university Joshua expanded his musical skill set, becoming involved in various bands, picking up the guitar, bass and drums, to then working as an intern at Glasgow's SOMA Records, giving him an insight into the underground electronic scene. Shortly after he made the move to London and became fully immersed in dance culture and electronic music, developing his solo electronic projects and honing his craft, which eventually evolved into Barry Can't Swim at the start of 2020.

Since then Barrys's rise has been unstoppable, making heads turn and feet dance on the international club circuit with his lush textures, blissed-out vocal samples and euphoric, orchestral elements. 2021 saw Barry release his debut EP "Amor Fati" with Bristol based record label Shall Not Fade with a follow up single 'Everything Is Going To Be Alright.' He shortly after joined the Ninja Tune family, releasing the critically acclaimed single 'Blackpool Boulevard' in collaboration with rising artist Anish Kumar via imprint label Technicolour Records, which lead to Billboard voting Barry Can't Swim as one of their '10 Dance Artists To Watch in 2022.' The track received amazing support (scoring a spot on the BBC Radio 1 playlist) from the likes of Pete Tong (Top 20 Countdown of 2021's Essential New Tunes) who described the record as "an utterly infectious modern dancefloor classic." Additional support came from Danny Howard (Hottest Record), Sarah Story, Clara Amfo, Jaguar, Jack Saunders and Mixmag who voted the track as one of their 'Best Tracks of the Year' saying, "The joint tune from the pair brandishes a sublime orchestral lead up to its dancefloor-moving, four-to-the-floor finale." Barry was also tipped as The Blessed Madonna's 'Ones To Watch for 22' and Annie Mac's 'New Names for 2021.'

Kicking off 2022, Barry returns to Technicolour with "More Content" -- a 4-track EP marking the producers first solo release for the label -- which showcases his vast musical knowledge and skill, blending seamlessly between Jazz, House, Techno and Jungle to name just a few. "Living in London you hear so many different styles of music just walking about, out of cars or flats and shops" he commented, "I wanted to channel that energy and appreciation of those genres”.

There aren’t many interviews around with Barry Can’t Swim, so I have grabbed from one that was published last year, plus one that was out this year. As he is being tipped for big things, I hope that there are more interviews online soon, as that music deserves a very wide audience! The Skinny fired some questions the way of Barry Can’t Swim last year:

What’s your favourite place to visit and why?

I’m based in London but originally from Edinburgh and I love going back to visit as often as I can. It’s a beaut city. I appreciate it more now that I don’t live there. My favourite place I’ve one-off visited is probably Lebanon – food was quality, really nice people too.

Favourite food to cook in lockdown and why?

I was cooking a lot of fish until I saw Seaspiracy and that just ruined it for me. I can never look at a prawn the same way again now. A lot of curries – easy to throw together with what’s in the cupboard.

Favourite colour and why?

Purple. No real reason, just a really nice colour. Regal.

Who was your hero growing up?

John Lennon / my dad. Lennon because he’s the greatest songwriter in pop music history. My dad cos he’s a class joiner and a really good dad.

Whose work inspires you now?

I’m loving Aleksandir – unreal musician. His production is on another level. There’s so much space in all his tunes but it never feels empty. Big fan of Khruangbin too. Still got Skee Mask’s last album on repeat as well.

What three people would you invite to your virtual dinner party and what are you cooking?

Marcus Aurelius, John Lennon, then a toss up between the Buddha or Tim Cahill. Might get a bit too deep and serious having both Marcus and the Buddha so probably Tim Cahill. Meat and two veg.

What’s your all time favourite album?

Really hard question. I can’t overlook Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not by Arctic Monkeys. That was an absolute gamechanger for me growing up. Astral Weeks and Channel Orange are up there too”.

More Content is the brilliant new E.P. from Barry Can’t Swim. Released earlier this year, I think it is his finest release. Ahead of the E.P. coming into the world, Dance Wax asked about, among other things, the inspirations behind the E.P. They were also curious about the intriguing and standout cover art:

Barry Can’t Swim is an Edinburgh-born, London-based producer renowned for his trademark blend of skilfully crafted electronic production, mixing a whole host of genres including jazz inspired strings and keys. With a splendid back catalogue under his belt, the young producer further cements his name within the electric music scene, announcing his brand new EP entitled More Content dropping on Ninja Tune’s imprint Technicolour. The record channels fluidity and flow found within a live performance, containing four unique tracks, ranging from the ‘Lone Raver’-inspired opener “God Is The Space Between Us” featuring singer Taite Imogen, to the more nostalgic and melancholic tones of “Can We Still Be Friends” featuring fellow hotshot Laurence Guy. Reminiscent of the lively vigour of recent single “Blackpool Boulevard”, the new release is set to mark 2022 as a milestone year for Barry Can’t Swim, as he continues to garner a serious amount of attention across the UK. Out on 24th June, we caught up with the youngstar to gain a deeper insight into More Content.

Congratulations on your forthcoming EP ‘More Content’, how are you feeling ahead of release?

Im gassed. it’s nearly a year since my debut EP  dropped and I feel as though my influences have changed a bit since then, especially now clubs have reopened, so I can’t wait to get it out.

Can you explain the overall meaning behind the EP?

Each tune has a different meaning really, but in terms of the title it’s a play on words about my experience while I was writing the music. When I wrote this over lockdown I realised that I was writing more music and committing more time to the project to distract and feel in a better headspace. I was creating more content in order to feel more content. Musically it’s a reflection of my changing moods at that time, each tune is very different and I think each triggers a different kind of emotional response that reflects where I was at then.

The EP cover art is super eye catching, what’s the inspiration behind this?

Ah man I love it, the designers at Ninja smashed it! I’d love to tell you I’ve got a garden of eye flowers I tend to every day but there’s no deeper meaning to it, just looks sick and is colourful, playful and surreal which is a good representation of the music. I think the best artwork looks how the music sounds.

In terms of production, when did you record the EP and did lockdown have an impact?

Last year, most of it during that proper grim January, bit depressing that haha. I think it definitely influenced the writing, this EP is darker than what I would usually write, but it’s also uplifting at points for sure. Making these tunes was a total escape for me at that time so it makes sense there are these uplifting moments, although that wasn’t a conscious thing when writing it.

Describe your new EP in three words.

Wee bit sad”.

Someone I can recommend very highly, the tremendous Barry Can’t Swim will definitely be busy through 2023. An artist who has been named among those we need to keep an eye out for, his incredible vision and production will lead to massive success. If he is not on your radar, then make sure that is righted straight away. Barry Can’t Swim is a magnificent musical force, so do make sure that you go and support…

THIS wonderful artist.


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