FEATURE: The Digital Mixtape: Great Songs of Love and Passion from 2022




The Digital Mixtape

IN THIS PHOTO: Rihanna/PHOTO CREDIT: Christopher Polk/NBC via Getty Images 


Great Songs of Love and Passion from 2022


I am doing a few …

 PHOTO CREDIT: Dan Gold/Unsplash

Valentine’s Day-themed playlists ahead of the big day on the 14th. The power of a romantic song remains strong to this day. Whether new examples can match the classics is yet to be seen, but I have put together songs from last year that are either romantic in nature or have a slightly steamier edge to them. A contemporary mix of Valentine’s Day-appropriate cuts, I hope there is something in the mix that takes your fancy. I know there will be a lot o celebration on Valentine’s Day, but there are many who do not mark it or, like me, are single. Regardless, I think that there were some great songs from last year where the feelings of the heart are definitely at the front. Whatever you are doing on 14th February, I hope that you…

 PHOTO CREDIT: Jonathan Borba/Unsplash

HAVE a good day.