FEATURE: The Digital Mixtape: The Chillout Playlist




The Digital Mixtape

PHOTO CREDIT: Armin Rimoldi/Pexels


The Chillout Playlist


I like to put together playlists…

PHOTO CREDIT: Todd Trapani/Pexels

now and then on a particular theme. This Digital Mixtape is all about chillout songs. Whether you see it as a genre or a looser word for music that has laidback vibes, I think we can all do with something a bit more soothing. Chillout does not necessarily have to mean completely relaxed. A song that makes you feel better or can calm you. It can have some energy to it. I hope that the songs below help to put you in a lighter mood. In future Digital Mixtape features, I am going to compile some more eclectic and energised songs. I felt there was place and purpose combining some chilled out cuts. Those that should get the nerves calmed and the body relaxed. If you do require songs to cool and soothe as well as raise a smile, then I hope that the mixtape does the job. Put it on and…

PHOTO CREDIT: Fabian Wiktor/Pexels

DRIFT away.