FEATURE: The Digital Mixtape: A Swedish Pop Mix




The Digital Mixtape

IN THIS PHOTO: Zara Larsson


A Swedish Pop Mix


WHEN you think of nations…


that have provided the best Pop music, inevitably people’s minds go to the U.K. or U.S. In terms of quantity, I guess these are safe bets. In terms of Pop with a difference, maybe there are other options. It is renowned how strong Swedish Pop is. Rather than tie this playlist to a distinct date or anniversary, I felt a Swedish Pop mixtape would be a perfect energy boost for this week. Many might only feel there is ABBA and that is all there is to select from. If you take from more recent years, there are great Swedish Pop tracks that have come onto the scene. In a lot of cases, these are artists that were born in Sweden and now live elsewhere – though that would still constitute Swedish Pop. You will know almost all of these artists, yet there might be a few that are new to you. From the deliriously upbeat to something a little more tempered but still wonderful, this Swedish Pop Digital Mixtape shows what a strong and consistently brilliant nation they are. Maybe more eyes should be on nations like Sweden, Denmark and Iceland. Rich and diverse in terms of the music. For a pure hit of Swedish Pop, the playlist below…

IN THIS PHOTO: The Cardigans

IS all that you need.