FEATURE: Man’s World: Why the Music Industry Should Be a United Voice in Highlighting Violence Against Women




Man’s World



Why the Music Industry Should Be a United Voice in Highlighting Violence Against Women


THIS week has seen…


some truly horrific things. Not only on a global scale. Earlier this week, Kyle Clifford murdered three women with a crossbow in Bushey. It was an event that shocked the nation. It is, sadly, not surprising. There is a rise in misogyny. It is a misogynistic world. One still run by men. Where the most violence, extreme behaviour and horrendous crimes are committed by them. We are in a position where women cannot feel safe. Whether online or in real life, women are made to feel threatened, sexualised, endangered and vulnerable. That has been the way for a while. It is a time when things are especially bad. Another thing that happened this week was the release of a new Katy Perry track (11th July), Woman’s World. That is not the bad part. What is bad and hugely upsetting is how she worked with producer Dr Luke. Infamous and disgraced for being accused by Kesha of emotional abuse and sexual assault in 2014. There is no good reason for any artist to work with him. Someone who is clearly misoogntic and abusive, role models like Katy Perry are sending a bad message to fans. Not a great example. Like she almost overlooks his character and what he is accused of. It also brings into spotlight men in the industry who are dangerous and should not be allowed to continue. There are so many like Dr Luke who are violent and abusive towards women. We can see how there is this incredible amount of toxicity, abuse and violence against women. It seems to have increased. Whether that is because of misogynistic influencers and their impact or this almost unpoliced social media where poisonous and nasty men can unleash their misogyny and abuse towards women.

It is not only online where this happens. On the street and behind closed doors, there are so many cases of coercion, sexual assault, abuse, violence and bullying. Psychological and physical torment and suffering aimed at women. It is appalling, unacceptable and a very sad reflection on the modern world. How those calling out these men and the rise in misogyny are often women. How there are relatively few male allies (though there are a few out there). So many women in music face abuse and misogyny. Some daily. Many others have experienced violence or are threatened with it. The case of Katy Perry working with Dr Luke is not something to be taken lightly. Such a powerful artist with so many young and impressionable fans, someone who is about empowerment and liberation should not be working with a producer whose mindset and behaviour is very much the opposite. Someone who seemingly has very little respect for women’s safety and rights. This week is just another nail in a coffin. The industry as a whole should be speaking out and united. Speaking out against violence and misogyny women face. The rise in violent behaviour, misogyny and abuse online and offline should be reflected not only in songs and albums that highlight this. We need to put a focus on those who write about this and hold talks. Who campaign and work to make women feel safer. There needs to be more male allyship and greater volume for them. It is so important that they are active. I am not sure whether charities and bodies could combine. This seems like a time of crisis. Whether it is something like a respected and enormous female artist collaborating with a very controversial and dangerous man, or cases of violence against women happening around the world, it is such a frightening time. You do not have to look too deep into the music industry to see how women are treated. How so many are in constant fear. Receiving abuse and threats. Many experiencing male violence first-hand.

PHOTO CREDIT: Mustafa ezz/Pexels

Violence and misogyny has been glorified for decades in various corners of music. Not just reserved to Rap and Hip-Hop, we still have to see and hear so many songs and artists singing about unspeakable and horrifying things. Almost sermonising and romanticising violence against women. Artists like Diddy in the news for violence and abuse. Although we should condemn and ban music that glorifies domestic violence, there are not those sort of barriers and policies in place. The industry’s powerful and influencers doing nothing. Women still seen as second-class or inferior. If there are small steps made against gender imbalance, when it comes to misogyny and sexual abuse, even governments are not doing enough. There is a case that any music that includes images of committing violence and abuse against women should be banned. It still happens right across the spectrum. So many male artists creating very dangerous narratives and music. How this can influence listeners and then create this wave. A violent mindset and attitude that is extremely hard to break and dissuade. It may seem like an impossible task preventing violence against women. So many women in the music industry experienced violence and abuse. Artists and those in music can make a difference and have this powerful voice. From music that is that discusses this issue and the rise of misogyny to making documentaries and running campaigns, now is a time when action needs to be taken. Collectively. The rise of violence against women and the growth of misogyny is something that needs to…

PHOTO CREDIT: cottonbro studio/Pexels

STOP for good.