FEATURE: The Digital Mixtape: Tracks from the Best Albums By Female Artists of 2024




The Digital Mixtape

IN THIS PHOTO: Beyoncé shot for ESSENCE March/April 2024/PHOTO CREDIT: Andre D. Wagner 


Tracks from the Best Albums By Female Artists of 2024


I have done this a few times…

IN THIS PHOTO: The cover of Beth Gibbons’ album, Lives Outgrown

before, in the sense of compiling a playlist of songs from the best albums by women. I try and do it a couple of times a year. Highlighting the brilliant queens who are releasing the finest albums around. One cannot deny that for years now, the very best albums have been by women! Rather than dividing and labelling – ‘albums by women’ – or giving them their own genre, I wanted to spotlight the simply amazing work out there. The music industry is still hugely slow in creating balance and recognition of women. Right across the board. It is at odds with the hugely proliferation of awesome and original albums by women. This year has been no exception. The quality has been right up there! Maybe not quickly reflected in terms of playlists and festival bookings, one hopes that the kudos and acclaim that these albums have received means all of these artists get their reward and recognition very soon. That women throughout the industry are giving the respect and attention they deserve! There are some real gems in this playlist. Albums from some astonishing artists. Apologies for missing any out at all that should be in there. As we have four months left of the year, I will do another feature in December that looks at all the great albums from women in 2024. Now, as we are bidding farewell to summer, another opportunity to salute the queens. The songs below are from sensational albums…

BY some absolutely brilliant women.