FEATURE: The Digital Mixtape: Some Golden B-Sides




The Digital Mixtape

PHOTO CREDIT: Photo By: Kaboompics.com/Pexels


Some Golden B-Sides


THOUGH I might have…

PHOTO CREDIT: Beyzaa Yurtkuran/Pexels

put out a playlist years back highlighting great B-sides, I wanted to revisit it. The reason is because the B-side is a thing of the past. We are sort of robbed of these kind of tracks. Maybe not deemed album or single-worthy, they would otherwise have been disposed of. Although artists do reissue albums with outtakes and unreleased songs, I do miss the B-side. When you would buy a C.D. single and there was this interesting B-side. On some occasions, the B-side was actually better than the A-side! We can all name some amazing B-sides. Maybe The Beatles’ Rain (the B-side of 1966’s Paperback Writer) is my favourite. There are some classic examples. I do long to see a day when we might get physical singles again and B-sides. For now, in digital form, I have compiled some of the very best B-sides from throughout the year. Many people consider B-sides to be irrelevant or weak tracks that were not good enough to go on albums. I argue that the examples below are…

PHOTO CREDIT: Pixabay/Pexels

STRONGER than that.