FEATURE: The Digital Mixtape: Reel to Reel: Songs from Incredible Film Soundtracks




The Digital Mixtape

PHOTO CREDIT: Olga Shenderova/Pexels


Reel to Reel: Songs from Incredible Film Soundtracks


I have done this before…

PHOTO CREDIT: Donald Tong/Pexels

but I want to return to the idea of film soundtracks. How great they are. I have respect for a soundtrack that perfectly compliments a film. Everyone will have their own favourites and those that they hold dear. From some older ace films to some more modern classics, I have combined some of the best film soundtracks together in a mix. Whether you are a film buff or not, nobody can resist a good film soundtrack! Because of that, I have enjoyed listening through some amazing soundtracks and rediscovering songs that I have not heard for a long time. From some personal favourites to the most acclaimed film soundtracks ever, this is a nice mix that should provide plenty of treats. Some of the songs in the mixtape do not say which film they are from, so you may need to do a bit of digging if you want to pair the track with the film. Regardless, sit back and enjoy a…

PHOTO CREDIT: cottonbro studio/Pexels

FILM soundtrack mix.