FEATURE: The Digital Mixtape: Songs from Brilliant 2020 Albums




The Digital Mixtape


Songs from Brilliant 2020 Albums


I am returning…


to albums and songs from 2020, as Dua Lipa’s phenomenal second studio album, Future Nostalgia, turns five on 27th March. Maybe five is not a significant anniversary, and it definitely shouldn’t be marked with a vinyl reissue of an album! I think a tenth anniversary is the earliest we can do that. However, this time five years ago, we were in the grip of the pandemic and lockdown. 23rd March, 2020 was when the first lockdown was announced. As such, an album like Future Nostalgia was strange but wonderful. Dua Lipa could not tour it or do much promotion. There were some fantastic albums released in 2020, at a time when things were stopped and we were experiencing music in a slightly different way. I found April 2020 especially interesting when it comes to albums. Works of brilliance from Laura Marling (Song for Our Daughter) and Fiona Apple (Fetch the Bolt Cutters) helping us get through a very difficult time - as were many other artists. We can look back on 2020 albums with a different perspective and set of emotions. However, it is important to recognise how impactful the albums were considering what the whole world was experiencing in 2020. It has been a pleasure to revisit important albums…

FROM 2020.