FEATURE: Houdini’s Great Escape: Imagining Five Great ‘Lost’ Kate Bush Videos




Houdini’s Great Escape

PHOTO CREDIT: Trevor Leighton 


Imagining Five Great ‘Lost’ Kate Bush Videos


I have touched on this subject before…

PHOTO CREDIT: John Carder Bush

but I want to go into more detail and depth. Kate Bush released so many great singles. She is someone who is responsible for some of the most distinct and memorable videos ever. From her 1978 debut, Wuthering Heights, to the videos for Breathing, Cloudbusting and The Sensual World, there have been some truly remarkable and original examples! I have named my favourite Kate Bush videos. It is always a case with any great artist. You ask the question: What other songs could have been released from an album and, as such, been given a music video? In a way, I guess they are ‘lost’ music videos, though it is subjective with regards which songs deserve music videos. It is the case that Kate Bush had single-worthy tracks on all albums that were never released. I think the greatest opportunities for releasing singles were 1980’s Never for Ever and 1982’s The Dreaming. I think 2005’s Aerial and even 1978’s Lionheart had a few songs never released as singles. I am not going to mention those that do not feature here which should have been singles. I am interested in the potential video. Kate Bush always said how important videos were to her. The five songs I am going to mention are terrific tracks in their own right. They could have been successful singles, either here in the U.K. or abroad, and would have been accompanied by magnificent and distinct music videos. I know it does no good speculating and hypotheticals. It is fun to think about the songs that you would have wanted as singles from Kate Bush. These potential ‘lost’ videos that fans imagine. What images and storylines would play out? Below are five songs that I feel would have been good singles with awesome music videos.

PHOTO CREDIT: Kent Gavin/Daily Mirror/Mirrorpix

The Kick Inside from The Kick Inside (1978)


This was a song that Kate Bush performed for 1979’s The Tour of Life. There was this staged version of the song. She also performed the song away from the stage. One such occasion was during the De Effeling Special of May 1978. On 12th May, 1978, the Dutch broadcaster TROS broadcast a twenty-minute Kate Bush television special, recorded at the Dutch amusement park, Efteling. On 10th May, 1978, Efteling was ready to open the Haunted Castle, the most expensive attraction it had ever constructed. And they wanted to promote it as much as they could. It is a great video. Bush’s hair is white/blonde in the video and she is appears under a waterfall and lying down in a boat. Almost this funereal end. It is hard to explore the meaning and lyrics of the song at an amusement park a limited and distinct setting. Inspired by The Ballad of Lucy Wan (alternatively Lizie Wan or Fair Lucy), Bush’s title track ends her debut album. The song refers to a sister who is having her brother’s baby and fears it will bring shame upon her family. She takes her own life and leaves a suicide note. It is worth reading this feature for more detail and analysis. I think that this track should have been a single. It is remarkably mature. It would have been a good follow-up to the second U.K. single, The Man with the Child in His Eyes.

If critics felt Bush was immature, wild or this inaccessible and strange singer, the vocal at least on The Kick Inside could have changed minds. A stunning video full of drama and cinematic touches would have made it a wonderful video. Maybe a budget would not have stretched for that, yet I think Bush could have played the sister. We have an actor playing her brother. Maybe there could have been this split screen. Bush, as the heroine, struggling to deal with an unwanted and taboo pregnancy. The brother reading her suicide note or suspecting something is wrong. Maybe angry and regretful of the situation. It would have stretched Kate Bush’s acting muscles and could have had this incredible video. Whereas Wuthering Heights and The Man with the Child in His Eyes are quite low-budget and basic – but extraordinary and distinct -, this could have been an opportunity for something more ambitious. As one of the more underrated songs from her debut album, I would love to have seen this song come to life through a video. Scenes that switch between intensity, wistfulness, tension and heartache. There are some many amazing possibilities. A song that is so epic and tender in equal measures, I sort of feel like Kate Bush wrote the song with visuals in mind. Never realised and executed as a proper music video, the live performances we can see are tantalising at least.

Houdini from The Dreaming (1982)


Skipping through a couple of albums. There are songs from 1978’s Lionheart and 1980’s Never for Ever that could have had music videos. I feel Lionheart’s Symphony in Blue and Coffee Homeground could have had amazing and spellbinding videos. Never for Ever has All We Ever Look For. I think that The Dreaming was never intended as a singles album. Bush is an artist who has been told by EMI that her album did contain any singles. She said that is because she didn’t write any. Maybe Hounds of Love (1985) was more of an effort to redress that. In fact, The Dreaming is the one with no real singles in mind. Bush writing it as a body of work and not for radio play and singles. That said, singles were released – they had to be! Apart from Sat in Your Lap (the first single), there was not any notable chart success. Including international releases, songs such as There Goes a Tenner and Night of the Swallow were released. One might argue that there are no songs that would make for popular and accessible singles. I will suggest two tracks from The Dreaming that would have been more successful singles – that The Dreaming and There Goes a Tenner -, and they would have had music videos that would have been featured and helped chart performance. These tracks are the final two tracks. The first is my favourite Kate Bush song: the beguiling and sublime Houdini. Think about the song and how it spotlights the famous escapologist, Harry Houdini. This is what Kate Bush said about Houdini:

Kate about ‘Houdini’

The side most people know of Houdini is that of the escapologist, but he spent many years of his life exposing mediums and seances as frauds. His mother had died, and in trying to make contact through such spiritual people, he realized how much pain was being inflicted on people already in sorrow, people who would part with money just for the chance of a few words from a past loved one. I feel he must have believed in the possibility of contact after death, and perhaps in his own way, by weeding out the frauds, he hoped to find just one that could not be proven to be a fake. He and his wife made a decision that if one of them should die and try to make contact, the other would know it was truly them through a code that only the two of them knew.

His wife would often help him with his escapes. Before he was bound up and sealed away inside a tank or some dark box, she would give him a parting kiss, and as their lips met, she would pass him the key which he would later use to unlock the padlocks that chained him. After he died, Mrs. Houdini did visit many mediums, and tried to make contact for years, with no luck – until one day a medium called Mr. Ford informed her that Houdini had come through. She visited him and he told her that he had a message for her from Houdini, and he spoke the only words that meant for her the proof of her husband’s presence. She was so convinced that she released an official statement to the fact that he had made contact with her through the medium, Ford.

It is such a beautiful and strange story that I thought I had very little to do, other than tell it like it was. But in fact it proved to be the most difficult lyric of all the songs and the most emotionally demanding. I was so aware of trying to do justice to the beauty of the subject, and trying to understand what it must have been like to have been in love with such an extraordinary man, and to have been loved by him. I worked for two or three nights just to find one line that was right. There were so many alternatives, but only a few were right for the song. Gradually it grew and began to piece together, and I found myself wrapped up in the feelings of the song – almost pining for Houdini. Singing the lead vocal was a matter of conjuring up that feeling again and as the clock whirrs and the song flashes back in time to when she watched him through the glass, he’s on the other side under water, and she hangs on to his every breath. We both wait.


I would have loved to have seen the great late Del Palmer play Houdini. Maybe this escape being planned and start. Kate Bush, as his wife, watching on. She slips him the key via a kiss. There is this look between them. An audience watching the trick and attempted escape. Maybe there is this unhappy end. It would be this really amazing video. I am not sure whether Houduni was ever considered as a single. I feel it could have charted well and would also suggest one Kate Bush’s best music videos.

Get Out of My House from The Dreaming (1982)


The intense and hugely powerful finale of The Dreaming, Get Out of My House screams for a music video! Inspired by Stephen King’s The Shining (rather than the Stanley Kubrick film of the book), this idea of a haunted and possessed house. Someone in it being driven mad. Again, I want to bring in Kate Bush’s words about one of her very best songs:

Kate about ‘Get Out Of My House’

‘The Shining’ is the only book I’ve read that has frightened me. While reading it I swamped around in its snowy imagery and avoided visiting certain floors of the big, cold hotel, empty for the winter. As in ‘Alien’, the central characters are isolated, miles (or light years) away from anyone or anything, but there is something in the place with them. They’re not sure what, but it isn’t very nice.

The setting for this song continues the theme – the house which is really a human being, has been shut up – locked and bolted, to stop any outside forces from entering. The person has been hurt and has decided to keep everybody out. They plant a ‘concierge’ at the front door to stop any determined callers from passing, but the thing has got into the house upstairs. It’s descending in the lift, and now it approaches the door of the room that you’re hiding in. You’re cornered, there’s no way out, so you turn into a bird and fly away, but the thing changes shape, too. You change, it changes; you can’t escape, so you turn around and face it, scare it away.


The song is called ‘Get Out Of My House’, and it’s all about the human as a house. The idea is that as more experiences actually get to you, you start learning how to defend yourself from them. The human can be seen as a house where you start putting up shutters at the windows and locking the doors – not letting in certain things. I think a lot of people are like this – they don’t hear what they don’t want to hear, don’t see what they don’t want to see. It is like a house, where the windows are the eyes and the ears, and you don’t let people in. That’s sad because as they grow older people should open up more. But they do the opposite because, I suppose, theydoget bruised and cluttered. Which brings me back to myself; yes, I have had to decide what I will let in and what I’ll have to exclude.


It would have been magnificent seeing Bush as this possessed woman in a gothic house. Maybe some would draw comparisons to Wuthering Heights and feel Bush was repeating herself or she was trying to reference that song and maybe distance herself. In terms of the visuals and set, just think what would have come about! Flickering lights and a really committed and eccentric performance from Bush. Spirits, shadows and slamming doors. The section of the song where Bush brays like a donkey – which is a reference to Pinocchio – could be especially evocative! There are various vocal sections that suggest particular visuals. This might be one of the greatest ‘lost’ videos/singles. A song whose video would have been a true spectacle! Maybe it is less accessible than other tracks so might not have made a huge chart dent. I feel it is potent and bracing enough it would have sold well in 1982.

The Fog from The Sensual World (1989)


Many people may not know about The Fog. It is an underrated song from The Sensual World. Whereas Kate Bush’s mother has been seen in a music video, The Dreaming’s Suspended in Gaffa, it would have been nice to see her father in a bigger role. Hannah was seen embracing Kate for Suspended in Gaffa. Robert’s voice is heard on The Fog. It would be amazing to have seen him in a video for the song! The track could have worked on Hounds of Love. Maybe on its second side, The Ninth Wave. It has that quality and importance, it is such a shame that it was not a single. I guess more obvious choices like This Woman’s Work and The Sensual World won the day because they are more instantly singles. They have that depth and gravitas. That said, one could well envisage something stunning. It is whispered, dreamy, grand, growing, strange, wonderful and interesting. A song that has such visual possibilities. I want to bring in some words from Bush about The Fog:

Again, it’s quite a complex song, where it’s very watery. It’s meant to be the idea of a big expanse of water, and being in a relationship now and flashing back to being a child being taught how to swim, and using these two situations as the idea of learning to let go. When I was a child, my father used to take me out into the water, and he’d hold me by my hands and then let go and say “OK, now come on, you swim to me.” As he’d say this, he’d be walking backwards so the gap would be getting bigger and bigger, and then I’d go [Splutters].

I thought that was such an interesting situation where you’re scared because you think you’re going to drown, but you know you won’t because your father won’t let you drown, and the same for him, he’s kind of letting go, he’s letting the child be alone in this situation. Everyone’s learning and hopefully growing and the idea that the relationship is to be in this again, back there swimming and being taught to swim, but not by your father but by your partner, and the idea that it’s OK because you are grown up now so you don’t have to be frightened, because all you have to do is put your feet down and the bottom’s there, the water isn’t so deep that you’ll drown. You put your feet down, you can stand up and it’s only waist height. Look! What’s the problem, what are you worried about?


The strings on the track are so stirring and moving. Listen to the song and it seems like this track that could be on a film soundtrack. One that could be on the big screen. It has that ambition. Maybe leaving it to the imagination gives it this power and promise. I do think that a staggering video could have come. As Bush was directing her own videos by this point, maybe she would have helmed it. She was still using other directors, so there were possibilities. A larger budget that for her early albums and those singles. Maybe Bush in Ireland. Walking the coastline or in the water. Something that is windswept, slow motion in places. All wind and weather.

Mrs. Bartolozzi from Aerial (2005)


I can appreciate that Kate Bush, when Aerial arrived in 2005, was probably not too keen on singles. She had to release one. King of the Mountain was the last to feature her in a physical and filmed role. She kept asking director Jimmy Murakami is she looked okay. He had to reassure Bush that she looked fantastic. I feel there was reluctance, twelve years after The Red Shoes, to be on screen. As a mother by then, her life had changed. After King of the Mountain, Kate Bush was still putting out singles, though they were featuring other people/animated. She never appeared on a new T.V. interview from Aerial on. It was a period from then until now where she has mostly conducted interviews at her home or via phone. The odd public appearance here and there. Not the same artist who was filming videos and seemingly everywhere for years. I think fans would have welcomed a second single from Aerial, even if Bush was not in it. Mrs. Bartolozzi is the song I am thinking of. It could have been animated. That idea of domesticity and the fantastical. The clothes spinning and entwining in the machine. This almost sexual tango. The clothes on the line perhaps reminding her of a lover or lost figure.

Is it about a washing machine? I think it’s a song about Mrs. Bartolozzi. She’s this lady in the song who…does a lot of washing (laughs). It’s not me, but I wouldn’t have written the song if I didn’t spend a lot of time doing washing. But, um, it’s fictitious. I suppose, as soon as you have a child, the washing suddenly increases. And uh, what I like too is that a lot of people think it’s funny. I think that’s great, because I think that actually, it’s one of the heaviest songs I’ve ever written! (laughs)

Clothes are…very interesting things, aren’t they? Because they say such an enormous amount about the person that wears them. They have a little bit of that person all over them, little bits of skin cells and…what you wear says a lot about who you are, and who you think you are…

So I think clothes, in themselves are very interesting. And then it was the idea of this woman, who’s kind of sitting there looking at all the washing going around, and she’s got this new washing machine, and the idea of these clothes, sort of tumbling around in the water, and then the water becomes the sea and the clothes…and the sea…and the washing machine and the kitchen… I just thought it was an interesting idea to play with.

What I wanted to get was the sense of this journey, where you’re sitting in front of this washing machine, and then almost as if in a daydream, you’re suddenly standing in the sea.


This is a definite single. So many fans would have been intrigued by a video. Mrs. Bartolozzi would also have been a chart success. It is a wonderful song that could have got a lot of airplay. A video that takes us inside a house. The washing machine and the garden as the rain pours. Maybe pairing images of the home and domestic chores with the landscape and ocean. Above are five songs not released as singles that could have been. Those that could have also had epic music videos. These are my choices. I wonder if anyone has their views and songs. The fact that everyone will have different views shows how cinematic-worthy and filmic her songs are.

FEATURE: Spotlight: Parsnip





PHOTO CREDIT: Izzie Austin




ALTHOUGH this incredible Melbourne band…

 PHOTO CREDIT: Jamie Wdziekonski

have been on the scene for a fair few years now, I think that they are still relatively unknown in the U.K. It can be the case that a great and popular Australian band might take a bit longer to gain traction elsewhere than a band based in the U.K. or U.S. Played by the likes of BBC Radio 6 Music, Parsnip are a band that need to be on your radar. Although I am not a fan of their choice of name, one cannot fault the music. They are a phenomenal band with a very long and bright future. Consisting of Carolyn Hawkins on drums, Stella Rennex on guitar and vocals, Paris Richenson bass guitar and vocals and Rebecca Liston on keyboards, this group of friends are a phenomenal proposition. I am going to get to a recent interview with them. First, there are a couple of features about recent single, The Light. Released back in February, it was a tantalising and brilliant cut from their new album, Behold. That was released on 26th April. CLASH were among those who shared their thoughts on The Light:

Melbourne group Parsnip dart out of the tracks with new single ‘The Light’.

The four-piece caught attention with two helter-skelter seven inch singles, before delivering 2019 debut album ‘When The Tree Bears Fruit’.

Working patiently on a follow-up, Parsnip have signed to UK based DIY collective Upset The Rhythm, who will release new album ‘Behold’ on April 26th.

New single ‘The Light’ shows just why this band are so special: a tightly wound piece of off kilter indie pop, it recalls everyone from those glorious Kinks singles through to seminal Sarah Records band The Field Mice via the messthetics of The Raincoats.

With a fuzzed out garage-punk guitar solo, this is the kind of rip-it-up-and-throw-it-away nonchalance The B-52s made their own.

Parsnip’s Carolyn Hawkins comments…

‘The Light’ is about having the wool removed from your eyes and seeing everything as it really is, blindingly clear, for the first time. I was thinking a lot about the transformative power of anger in grief and healing, and I guess I also just wanted to express how I was feeling. Rage always produces the catchiest songs.

I was inspired by the Rumi quote “The wound is where the light enters you”, as well as Leonard Cohen’s ‘Paper Thin Hotel’, which describes the experience of hearing an ex sleeping with someone else in the next room, and his liberation at realising he no longer feels anything. I also included a little interlude that rips off “Nervous Breakdown” by Black Flag, because that felt relevant too”.

The band have accrued a strong and passionate following here in the U.K. NME are fans of Parsnip. I think that they will get a lot of gig demands here very soon. A band that cannot be confined to Australia. I think that The Light was a song that introduced some new fans to this wonderful group. Again, they should be on your radar:

Parsnip have released ‘The Light’, the first single lifted from their just-announced album, ‘Behold’.

Released Tuesday (February 13), the single is carried by sunny guitar melodies, propulsive percussion and sing-along jangle pop vocals. “‘The Light’ is about having the wool removed from your eyes and seeing everything as it really is, blindingly clear, for the first time,” Parsnip drummer Carolyn Hawkins explained in a press statment.

“I was thinking a lot about the transformative power of anger in grief and healing, and I guess I also just wanted to express how I was feeling. Rage always produces the catchiest songs.”

‘The Light’ is inspired by the Leonard Cohen track ‘Paper Thin Hotel’, which recounts the singer’s “liberation at realising he no longer feels anything,” Hawkins added.

‘The Light’ is the first preview of Parsnip’s upcoming second album, ‘Behold’. Set for release on April 26 via Anti Fade Records and Upset The Rhythm, the 13-track project will mark the Melbourne/Naarm four-piece’s first full-length since their 2019 debut album, ‘When the Tree Bears Fruit’”.

I want to come to this interview with the band. There are not many recent interviews with Parsnip. I think that publications and websites around the world should connect with the band. They have a distinct sound that should be played far and wide. I think that the rest of this year is going to be eventful for Parsnip:

For our readers who aren't familiar, take us through the origins of Parsnip. How did you four all meet and decide to make music together?

Bec: Stella and I played in a band together before Parsnip back in Sydney, so it was excellent timing that the band needed to find a new keyboardist the same time I moved down to Melbourne in 2017!

Carolyn: Paris (who I knew through her band Hierophants) and Stella (who I was living with at the time) came up to me at Jerkfest in 2016 and were talking about how we should make a band. I think we told everyone that night. The next day we all messaged each other saying, "can we actually make that happen for real?? I wasn't joking!" We originally had Sequoia (from Melbourne band The Clits) playing keys, and then Bec joined a few months later.

Paris: Yeah, I was in a rut! I watched The Punk Singer and wanted so badly to be in a band with like-minded people on the same level as me, not just the inexperienced-girl-in-a-band. It was also the first time that I felt like I belonged somewhere playing in my first band Hierophants. I wanted that on another level. The thing was I knew I wanted to play with both Stella and Carolyn but I didn't say anything 'cause I was too shy, but word got to Stella and then Stella approached Caz, then after our friend Sequoia left, Bec arrived at just the right time, who was poached by Stella.

Stella: Yes, what they said :^).

What are your thoughts looking back on the band's journey and how you've grown together?

Bec: It has been incredibly affirming and encouraging playing in a band where we share similar experiences within the music scene, it has been easier to shake off disappointing or disrespectful comments as a unit together. Our lives look so different from eight years ago, I am always so grateful for Parsnip remaining such a positive constant in my life.

Carolyn: I think we are friends first, bandmates second, and in the time we've known each other, we've all individually gone through lots of life changes… eight years is a lifetime ago. In terms of band stuff, I feel like our songwriting has really morphed — it feels more natural to collaborate and throw ideas out there, which I guess is just about becoming more comfortable with each other in a creative sense.

Paris: I'm very glad to have found that sense of belonging I was seeking through Parsnip, and that despite whatever the world throws at us, we are still at it. It is a testament to our enduring friendship. I am glad we are working more collaboratively, and there is still a lot of freedom and acceptance regarding expression. I'm certainly grateful the others have been keen to work on ideas I have brought to the group all this time, and it is fascinating to hear ideas emerging from all members. Also, as musicians, everyone has come a long way in terms of each member's skills.

Stella: Spanning almost the entirety of my 20s, at this point Parsnip is the longest relationship I've been in, and I wouldn't have it any other way. We have grown up together and surfed life's ups and downs beside each other. I love being a prong on this fork and I feel lucky to have these great people by my side, in music and life.

PHOTO CREDIT: Kelli Blackmore

What is it like returning with new music this year after not putting out a release since 2020?

Bec: Exciting! It's been so long it all feels new again!

Carolyn: Yeah, definitely exciting. It's been a long time coming, so it's cool to finally be able to show people what we've been busy working on.

Paris: It is exciting and kind of nerve wracking at the same time. It can be weird when you have an idea sitting in your brain so long and then it's out and exposed to the world. But super glad we are back!

Stella: Yes, I agree. It's exciting and a long time coming. I'm really happy with how the album turned out, I think it's our best collection of songs so far. I look forward to hearing how others interpret and do, or don't (haha), enjoy the songs. Even if everyone else hates the songs I'll still back them and love them as our collaborative creations, maybe we are just (five years) ahead of our time.

What can you say about the making of your upcoming sophomore album Behold. How exactly did it all come together in three sessions over the last three years?

Carolyn: So hard to remember now! Two of the songs were recorded at the same time as the Adding Up 7" way back in early 2020. We generally all need to be in the same room to get stuff done, so lockdown really threw a spanner in the works for making new songs. After two years of lockdowns and a year of playing shows, we had some new material ready to record, and we booked in a day with Billy with the idea of recording another 7". We were chatting in the carpark afterwards and Billy suggested we try for an album instead, so we continued to write songs and did another recording session a few months later with both Billy and Jack.

Paris: I liked this more relaxed approach of recording in multiple sessions with Billy, rather than rushing through twelve or more songs in one session as we had in the past. I also really appreciated having my partner Jack help with overdubs at home.

Stella: It was a rather organic process, we weren't overly rushed and many of the songs were developed collaboratively over a number of years. Other songs came together pretty naturally during the recording process. We are lucky to have Billy and Jack on our side, they are so wonderful to work with; encouraging, enlightening and know how to press the right buttons [laughs].

How did these batch of songs progress from their initial demos? Were there any that turned out entirely different than you had expected while experimenting with ideas?

Carolyn: I can only speak for my own songs — but my demos are always super basic, I just record them on my phone. They take on a life of their own once we start collaborating and workshopping them as a group, which is an exciting thing to see and hear.

Paris: I had some really old Garageband demos, but I also felt I wanted the rest of the members to have more freedom to bring their ideas and skills. So it was fun to see what emerged.

Stella: A few of these song ideas, I guess I'm mostly referring to "The Babble" as that came from an old demo of mine, have been sitting undeveloped for many years. It was a fun process to bring them into the Parsnip cauldron and watch them grow from a sketch of a song idea into a fully developed song”.

Which song from the record means the most to you (and why)?

Bec: A parent doesn't choose favorites! But "Pockets" was written back in 2019 and has been part of our live set since then, so I am looking forward to it  finally being out in the world.

Carolyn: I agree with Bec, I love them all, but I did cry the first time I heard Paris’ ending to Kutastha (on the harmonium), so maybe that.

Paris: "Unearthing," which is a devotional song, not necessarily a love song written for an individual, but feels very meaningful in terms of my spiritual journey and the love and gratitude I feel being on the path.

Stella: Hmm I don't necessarily have a favorite…I'm rather fond of "Clear Blue Sky" as the style is very up my alley, our homage to The Dovers.

Can we expect any nifty music videos around the new album?

Bec: Sure can!

Carolyn: In the works!

How excited are you for the release of this album and to get back playing more Parsnip shows?

Carolyn: We have been playing a little bit! And it's been nice. Trying to figure out how to play some of the new songs live has been a challenge, but it's been fun to share them.

Paris: It feels great to have new material and showcase how the band has evolved. Looking forward to what lies ahead!

Stella: It is rather exciting and I sure do look forward to April 26th — Behold's Birthday”.

‘Behold’ continues with numerous memorable highlights such as ‘Duality’, with its a blend of fragile post-punk and Nuggets-style 60s psychedelia and the slide guitar of ‘L.O.N.E’. ‘Placeholder’ could have easily found itself being released by Sarah Records in the late 1980s while ‘Pocket’ is an instrumental brimming with insistent but swirling organ, punctuated by sax.

The album’s best run of songs begins with ‘The Babble’ which has the air of a 60s summery classic rescued from the attic, its upbeat melody aided by buoyant whistling and some 12-string guitar. It is followed by ‘Turn To Love’ which stays in that era, led by mesmeric keyboard lines and great rough and ready harmonies. ‘Clear Blue Sky’ reverts to psychedelia, but of the clear-sighted, see how many melodic ideas we can explore in a short space of time variety rather than a male version that prioritises lengthy guitar solos.

Led by Paris Richens’ scampering bass, ‘Papier Mache’ recalls Lungleg and has them revealing “My head is gonna split in two, fix it with flour and glue” as a revelation of their DIY, Blue Peter ethos. The closing track, ‘Kutastha’, is the longest, heading towards the five-minute mark with wah-wah guitar and a harmonic drone fadeout which initially felt less appealing than the rest of the album but gradually reveals its charms upon repeated listens. First and foremost, ‘Behold’ is a lo-fi pop album, albeit one spliced with a crazed sense of adventure. This is one Parsnip that I will happily gorge upon”.

If you have not yet discovered Melbourne’s Parsnip, then make sure that you get onto them. Check out their new album and follow them on social media. They are a very special group that should be embraced and shared. I have a feeling we will see the rise and rise of Parsnip. They are going to be together and hitting strong…

FOR years to come.


Follow Parsnip

FEATURE: Prince’s and The Revolution's Purple Rain at Forty: Inside Its Epic and Iconic Title Track




Prince and The Revolution's Purple Rain at Forty


Inside Its Epic and Iconic Title Track


ONE of the best albums of all time…

PHOTO CREDIT: Liu Heung Shing/AP

celebrates its fortieth anniversary on 25th June. Prince’s (that he recorded with The Revolution) sixth studio album, Purple Rain, was to huge critical and commercial acclaim. I am going to write another feature about it closer to the anniversary date. Here, I wanted to look inside its legendary and huge title track. One of the best title tracks ever. It is interesting where Purple Rain was placed on the album. Prince configured at least two unique track listings of Purple Rain prior to setting the final running order – 7th November, 1983 and 23rd March, 1984. In the 1983 line-up, Purple Rain was the first track on the second side. It is an odd track order. Purple Rain could be nowhere but the final track! Given it is nearly nine minutes and is so epic, it could only be the swansong. Nothing really could follow it. I am glad that it does end the album. I will bring in a Wikipedia feature before getting to some features about it:

Purple Rain" reached number two on the US Billboard Hot 100 and stayed there for two weeks, being kept off the top spot by "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" by Wham!. It reached the summit in Belgium and the Netherlands. It is certified gold by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) and is considered to be one of Prince's signature songs. Following Prince's death in 2016, "Purple Rain" re-entered the Billboard Hot 100, where it reached number four. It also re-entered the UK Singles Chart at number six, placing two spaces higher than its original peak. In France, where it originally peaked at number 12, "Purple Rain" reached number one around a week after Prince's death.

"Purple Rain" was ranked number 18 on Rolling Stone's 2021 list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time and is included in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame's 500 Songs that Shaped Rock and Roll. During Prince's performance at the Super Bowl XLI halftime show in 2007, "Purple Rain" was the last song of his set; the event became especially notable when actual rain fell during the performance while the stage and stadium were lit up with purple lights. The Super Bowl XLI halftime show featuring Prince has topped lists of the best Super Bowl halftime shows of all time. Prince performed the song as the opening of a medley of his hits with Beyoncé at the 2004 Grammy Awards. It was also the final song he performed at his last concert, which took place on April 14, 2016”.

The first feature I want to spotlight is from Neo Music. Last year, they explained and explored the story behind one of the finest tracks ever. Definitely one of Prince’s best. Many still feel like the 1984 album is underrated. The third single from the album, Purple Rain arrived on 26th September, 1984 – around three months after the album:


Prince intended to work with Fleetwood Mac singer Stevie Nicks on Purple Rain when he originally wrote it as a country song. According to Nicks, she received a 10-minute instrumental version of the song from Prince with a request to write the lyrics, but she felt overwhelmed by the task. She later said, “I listened to it, and I just got scared. I called him back and said, ‘I can’t do it. I wish I could. It’s too much for me.'”

Prince then asked his backing band, The Revolution, to try the song during a rehearsal. He said, “I want to try something before we go home. It’s mellow.” According to Lisa Coleman, one of the band members, Prince changed the song dramatically after Wendy Melvoin, another band member, started playing guitar chords to it. She said, “He was excited to hear it voiced differently. It took it out of that country feeling. Then we all started playing it a bit harder and taking it more seriously. We played it for six hours straight, and by the end of that day we had it mostly written and arranged.”

Prince recorded the song live at a benefit concert for the Minnesota Dance Theatre at his home base venue, the First Avenue nightclub in Minneapolis, on August 3, 1983. That performance was Melvoin’s live debut with The Revolution. She was just 19 years old. Bobby Z, the drummer of the band, said, “It certainly was one of the best concerts we ever did.”

The concert was recorded by David Rivkin (aka David Z), Bobby Z’s brother, using a mobile recording unit. He said, “With Prince, you never knew. I thought we were recording a concert, but I wasn’t sure if it was going to be a record, too. I knew they were working on the movie as well. You just had to go in prepared to record whatever it was going to be as well as you could.”

Other tracks that were recorded during that concert were I Would Die 4 U and Baby I’m a Star, which also became part of the Purple Rain album and film soundtrack. Prince later performed overdubs while working at Sunset Sound in Los Angeles from August to September 1983. He edited out a solo and an extra verse that diluted the emotional content of the song. He also added strings and backing vocals by Clare Fischer and The Steeles.


Prince’s Purple Rain lyrics are a powerful expression of his personal and artistic journey. It is a power ballad that combines rock, R&B, gospel, and orchestral music. It is the title track and final song on the album Purple Rain, released on June 25, 1984, by Warner Bros. Records. The album was also the soundtrack to the film of the same name, which starred Prince as The Kid, a talented but troubled musician who struggles with his family, band, rival, and love interest.

Prince wrote Purple Rain as a tribute to his father, who attempted suicide. The song also expresses Prince’s desire to reconcile with his former lover and bandmate Apollonia Kotero, who left him for his rival Morris Day in the film. It was recorded live at First Avenue in Minneapolis on August 3, 1983, with an audience of 1,500 people. Prince later overdubbed some vocals and guitar solos in the studio.


The lyrics of Prince Purple Rain are full of symbolism, emotion, and message. Purple Rain represents a new beginning, a cleansing factor, and a spiritual guide. Prince explained that the concept of purple rain relates to the end of the world, being with the one you love, and letting your faith or God guide you through. Bandmate Lisa Coleman shared that it means a new beginning. Purple is the sky at dawn; rain is the cleansing factor.

He also used the colour purple to symbolise doom and faith in his previous album, 1999, which included lyrics like “…could have sworn it was Judgement Day, the sky was all purple…”

The song expresses a sense of loss, sadness, remembrance, and reverence for a relationship that is over. Prince sings, “I never meant to cause you any sorrow / I never meant to cause you any pain / I only wanted one time to see you laughing / I only wanted to see you laughing in the purple rain.” He also sings, “It’s such a shame our friendship had to end.“

Purple Rain has elements of blues, soul, rock and roll, and gospel music. The song also showcases Prince’s vocal range, from his falsetto to his lower register. The song also features one of the most iconic guitar solos of all time, which showcases Prince’s virtuosity and emotion”.

In 2019, Louder Sound also took a look at a genius track. Purple Rain, in their view, reclaimed Rock for Black artists. It was a track that was played widely across radio. It is interesting how, on 3rd August, 1983, Prince and The Revolution broke from filming the Purple Rain film and recording its soundtrack album to play a forty-five-minute benefit gig for their choreographer, Loyce Holton. The band ended by playing Purple Rain:

One of the great successes we experienced was not to just be thought of as a black R&B band,” Revolution keyboardist Lisa Coleman believes. “We had struggled for a couple of years, trying to write one song for a black music station, and one for a rock station. But Purple Rain the song was played on every kind of radio station, from country to Americana to rock ballad. And it’s just so perfect that it came from Prince, who nobody knew what to make of. Are you serious? Who is this guy?”

The question went to Prince’s heart, Coleman believes: “He never wanted to lose his black audience, that was really important to his identity. Because even within the black community, there was tension about how light his skin was, whether or not he was gay. Can we really call him one of us? That mentality was important to him, but he also was trying to grow beyond that. I think it was a struggle for him, all of his life.”

Having been reduced to tears by bigoted Stones fans when he supported them in androgynous garb in 1981, the Purple Rain album sleeve saw him astride a motorbike sporting a Little Richard pompadour, while on the record he was a Hendrix-like virtuoso, in defiant riposte to music which had buried its black roots.

The Revolution first heard Purple Rain at the Minnesota warehouse where they recorded most of the album. “It was on Highway 7, out in the boondocks,” says Coleman. “He was messing around on guitar, calling out the chords. And then Wendy [Melvoin, the band’s teenage rhythm guitarist and backing singer] started playing the chords in her Wendy way, and he loved it! The intro is Wendy, and her voicings on those chords are beautiful and Joni Mitchell-esque. I came up with the string parts. During the course of that day – maybe a day or two? – it just came out of us.”

A Record Plant mobile recording truck was outside First Avenue when they turned up that August. Inside, it was hot as hell. “It was pushing 90 degrees Fahrenheit and dense with cigarette smoke,” Bobby Z explains. “It was a toxic environment.” Coleman remembers the club being “packed with people”. The band were exhausted from the album and film, adding to the heightened atmosphere. They’d also be playing music the crowd hadn’t heard.

After Melvoin’s opening acoustic chords, Bobby Z’s drums – mostly acoustic, and triggering Linn drums later added to in the mix – accompanied Prince’s singing for the first two minutes. “It’s just a back-beat and him from his guts,” Bobby says. “It’s just so raw for him. I remember those two minutes. Because the room is silent except for the pattern you’re playing. He was in the moment, and you’re in it with him, and it was a special place to be. It was a whole different planet.”

“That night it was on fire,” says Coleman, “and nobody’s singing along. It was just so different for Prince, almost a country song. But it got to them by the end, and his guitar solo was so beautiful. I get chills thinking of it. I always kept my eyes on Prince, in case he needed something, but I could see the faces and wide eyes in the front. It was like a kid seeing Santa Claus.”

There’s as much tension as release in this atypical rock epic (nearly nine minutes long on the album, after Prince cut a verse). Coleman’s string arrangement – played on her Obie FX keyboard on the night, with a string quartet added in the studio – has a classical, calming quality, as Prince’s voice and guitar clamber for the heights.

“It is that contrary motion that made it cool,” Coleman considers. “The verses are so intimate and personal, like he’s trying to talk to you. He liked the strings coming in slowly, and their warmth. And then, at the end vamp, where they’re going down and he’s going up, maybe it’s keeping it from flying away completely. It’s repetitive, and it keeps saying, ‘I’m here with you.’ And then his guitar solo is pleading, ‘Please be here.’” “You’ve got this dirge or ballad beat behind it,” Bobby Z reflects.

“You’ve got pleading in the vocals. You’ve got agility and spins and pirouettes in the guitar solo. And then the strings pull your heartstrings. Purple Rain is like a Stairway To Heaven. It’s non-religious, but people feel reverent about it. Even if you walk in on a casino and some crappy band are playing it, it still has something different”.

I am going to end up by going back to 2017 and a feature from The Guardian. They spoke with the track’s keyboard player, Lisa Coleman, and drummer Bobby Z. Rather than this being a track purely recorded in the studio, it was laid down in a packed and sweaty club in Minneapolis. It must have been quite a moment capturing a moment of music history in a relatively anonymous space:

Lisa Coleman, Keyboards

Being in Prince’s band was like getting in a sports car with a racing driver. Even though you felt a bit scared – why is he going so fast? – he could handle it, and it brought so much joy. I first met him in 1979. He was looking for a girl keyboard player and I happened to be one. One of my best friends got a job at Prince’s management agency. She called me about him, and I didn’t know who he was. I made a tape of myself playing a couple of songs and I flew to Minneapolis and he picked me up at the airport. We were both very shy, so it didn’t go well at first – but we ended up hitting it off.

The audition was pretty immediate. It was eight or nine at night when we got to his place. He told me there was a piano down the stairs, and I took that as a hint he wanted to hear me play. He came down a few minutes later and picked up a guitar. I was checking him out just as much as he was checking me out. He had a poster on his wall of Kris Kristofferson and Barbra Streisand in A Star Is Born. I thought that was kind of young. Me being from LA and my father being a musician meant I was around the music business, but it was a different feeling with Prince. He had the vibe of living music – his house smelled like a recording studio.

It took a handful of years for us to work up to being that completely fabulous Purple Rain band, so tight and good. I think we lived up to the flamboyant image because we worked so hard. When Wendy Melvoin joined to play guitar, it made a big difference. I was happy because she was my girlfriend, and Prince was so excited – she was like a new kitten to him, the way that he was precious about her. You could feel a new beginning. I think he chose each of us for very simple reasons, not because we were virtuosos – although we were very good. There was another quality he needed to have around him: a blend of loyalty, a spirit of young hunger and a musical quality he didn’t have. Every one of us had something he didn’t have, even though he had it all.

Purple Rain was one of the songs we were working on before we decided what the film was going to be. At first he wasn’t sure Purple Rain was actually a Prince song. It was kind of a country number and he gave it to Stevie Nicks, but she felt intimidated by it. So one day he decided to fool around with it at rehearsal. Wendy started hitting these big chords and that rejigged his idea of the song. He was excited to hear it voiced differently. It took it out of that country feeling. Then we all started playing it a bit harder and taking it more seriously. We played it for six hours straight and by the end of that day we had it mostly written and arranged.

In 1983, we performed at a benefit show at the First Avenue club in Minneapolis. This is where the song was recorded live, though at the time we didn’t know that was the plan. Prince was really excited and kept pumping us up: “We’re making history tonight.” It all makes sense now: if you’re going to record something, make sure you’re as badass as you can be. Don’t fuck around.

It was Wendy’s first show. To have that be her anointing was a lot to live up to. But he was so supportive of her. He took her under his wing. He helped her relax and not be too nervous. We were unsure what was going to happen, but we hit the stage with such conviction that it didn’t really matter. The crowd were with us. It was hot, it was August, it was jampacked in the club. It was sweaty and smoky and vibey as hell.

Afterwards, I went into the studio in Los Angeles with Prince to work on it [the live recording had string overdubs added, and was edited from 13 minutes to 8 minutes 41 seconds]. I did the string arrangement – we didn’t hire session players, it was me calling my brother: “Can you get a couple of friends and come do some strings?” Prince made the decision to lose the third verse, making it more concise. He was completely right. The third verse didn’t really match the other two – it was a different spirit and it didn’t belong in the song.

IN THIS PHOTO: From left: Wendy Melvoin, Prince and Lisa Coleman accepting an Oscar for Purple Rain/PHOTO CREDIT: Bettmann Archive

Bobby Z, drums

In 1978, I was at Moon Sound Studios in Minneapolis, working with a different band. Prince was in Studio A making his first tape. It was dynamite, gunpowder. I heard it walking across the hallway one morning. I went in and I saw the afro.

I was working for his manager as a delivery driver, and my job became driving Prince. We spent seven months basically alone together. We were bonded as friends, which eventually made getting the job of drummer harder. I was very grateful that he hired me and very grateful that he took me for the whole ride.

There were people in the Revolution who weren’t committed to staying forever, and you can’t build a band like that, but by summer 1983 we had a special chemistry. He was always kind of a solo artist, but the fact that the Revolution were able to give him the colours on a palette made me proud.

Purple Rain was brought in at the end of a rehearsal. We had just gone through the set twice and he said: “I want to try something before we go home. It’s mellow.” For me it was natural: I could give it the big rock beat and be John Bonham. But when it starts, it’s really a country song.

The soundtrack recording began in 1983, when he used a mobile recording truck to capture Purple Rain, I Would Die 4 U, Baby I’m a Star and the workings of a couple of others. Documenting what we did was commonplace, and he used it as a tool to improve. We would watch videos as part of our rehearsals, and it caused a dramatic improvement. When you see yourself look stupid, you fix yourself a lot better. All he had to do was show it to you.

That day at First Avenue, it was 90 degrees – a humid wet August, cigarette smoke everywhere. It was a battle to get through, and it was kind of forging metal in hot conditions. But he got the performances out of people who were just for one minute to his level, and it was a beautiful thing.

We ended up losing the third verse. To edit it the way he did was genius. He was an incredible editor, and this was back in the days when we were splicing tape. Another feather in his hat. Because Prince was such a great musician, he was able to find pieces of music in his head, and then with Scotch tape put them together into something completely different – there were some real gutsy moves back then. He had a vision in his head for everything from fashion to the sound of the snare drum to the catering truck. He knew everything”.

On 25th June, 1984, Prince released one of his biggest albums. Many debate where it comes when ranking the studio albums. Some would place 1982’s 1999 or 1987’s Sign o' the Times higher than Purple Rain. It is amazing to think that, forty years later, Purple Rain is underrated and not as poured over as it should be! Not only is the title track standout. It also boasts songs like When Doves Cry, Let’s Go Crazy and I Would Die for U. I think Purple Rain is Prince’s greatest title track. The extraordinary finale to his sixth studio album, I wanted to spend some time with the biblical Purple Rain. From its modest and gentle beginnings to its epic rise and spine-tingling end, it is one of Prince’s…

ABSOLUTE masterpieces.

FEATURE: It’s Been a Week! Saluting the Magnificent Shaun Keaveny




It’s Been a Week!



Saluting the Magnificent Shaun Keaveny


RATHER than this being…

an early birthday gift/mention – for he was born on 14th June, 1972 -, instead, this is s celebration and salute of one of our finest broadcasters. Everyone knows how much I love Shaun Keaveny. You can follow him on Twitter and Instagram. I have been a fan and devotee since his BBC Radio 6 Music days. I think I tuned into his shows from 2014 or there abouts. He left the station a few years back and, at the time, it was a big shock. Not his decision at all, it was a huge mistake for a station that let go one of their biggest talents. Where would he go from there?! It was a devastating loss for the listeners. Since then, Keaveny has become one of the busiest and most eclectic broadcasters in the country. I want to come to some interviews that were published post-BBC Radio 6 Music. I shall do some admin now. It’s been a little while since I wrote a feature about Shaun Keaveny. Since then, he has done so much! In addition to standing in for Liza Tarbuck on her BBC Radio 2 Saturday slot, he has stepped in to host The Folk Show (Mark Radcliffe is taking some time off and will be back on BBC Radio 2 and 6 Music soon). He has also presented on Greatest Hits Radio, BBC Radio London, appeared numerous time on BBC Radio 4. I shall come to his current podcast, Your Place or Mine with Shaun Keaveny, soon enough. In terms of podcast appearances, there have been a fair few – mostly music-themed, Keaveny has chatted about The Beatles and beyond. His other podcast, The Line-Up with Shaun Keaveny, might be on a fallow year. The latest episode was in July 2023. It is a series where guests chooser their fantasy festival line-up. Simon Pegg is the latest guest. I do hope that it comes back very soon!

One can forgive Keaveny for not having enough time to keep things like that going. Although I do not know the circumstances, many of us hope that this podcast will be back soon. You can traverse and dig deep for podcast episodes on Spotify. A recent one with Russell Howard for his Wonderbox series is well worth a listen. Shaun Keaveny presents on Community Garden Radio. A listener-run station, it is this independent and wonderful station that broadcasts out of Fitzrovia. It started not long after Keaveny departed BBC Radio 6 Music. In addition, we have the wonderful podcast, Shaun Keaveny’s Daily Grind. Also – and where does he find the time and energy?! – there is Your Place or Mine with Shaun Keaveny. Hosted alongside comedian/geographer/historian Iszi Lawrence, it is a show where guests try to convince Keaveny to get off his sofa and visit their favourite location.

Everywhere from New York (Guy Garvey) and The International Space Station (Tim Peake) has been discussed. It is a funny and fascinating series that I hope runs for many more series. I wonder now, nearly three years after he left BBC Radio 6 Music, Shaun Keaveny feels about his career. Would he have thought he would do so much in this relatively short period?! Spanning multiple stations and shows, it has been amazing and right that he has enjoyed this success and opportunities. I hope that Keaveny gets to step in for Liza Tarbuck again soon, as he is great on BBC Radio 2 (I also forgot to mention that he stepped in for Johnnie Walker and The Rock Show). I am going to round off pretty soon. I am interested looking back at some of the interviews that came after the BBC Radio 6 Music departure and the then-new Community Garden Radio.

I think that the next few years will be as busy and exciting for Shaun Keavney. Close to his fifty-second birthday, he might feel the need to slow down a bit and work fewer days. His daily podcast for Radio X means that this might be a bit tricky! In 2023, Big Issue spoke with Shaun Keaveny. From a huge digital radio station to presenting on a smaller, community-led station, it was a transition. Rather than a step down, this pioneering move was actually one that allowed for greater freedom. Not restricted in terms of playlist, what he could say and how the show would run. A revolution that will surely see the growth of this type of radio station:

The Big Issue: How did The Line-Up come about?

Shaun Keaveny: It was conceived of in the deepest, darkest depths of lockdown. It was born of that deep-seated sadness that a lot of us music fans carried around that time.

Obviously, since then, we’ve gone back to the fields in earnest, but we’ve got all kinds of other horrendous challenges around us. So, it’s just a great escape to get in a room with one of my favourite people. We are ostensibly talking about music and their favourite acts… and about 20 per cent of the discussions have been about that. The rest is an outpouring of either complete trivia, or we go incredibly, deeply emotional. Because that’s what music does, isn’t it? It takes us to those emotional places.

It’s like if you have a chat with somebody in the car, more seems to come out sometimes because the pressure’s off. You’re looking out the window, so your mind drifts off, and then you are talking about things you weren’t expecting to talk about.

I think the genius of Roy Plomley coming up with Desert Island Discs was exactly that. You can say: “why did you choose this song?” Which is an incredibly basic interview question. But then the next question can be: “so it reminds you of your mum when she died…?” And then all of a sudden, you’re in much deeper water.

What are the advantages of doing it yourself versus your old job at 6 Music?

I’m a broadcaster. That’s the way I see it. I just love putting headphones on and hearing my voice. I do a thing called Community Garden Radio, which is like a Patreon radio show, every Friday. And that’s about the most free I’ve ever felt speaking into a microphone. We’ve built our own tiny little radio station and we broadcast to our little cabal of superfans. We can do whatever we want. We can play whatever music we want. I can write the most outlandish sketches and deliver them or swear, which is puerile but freeing. It’s like how I imagine Howard Stern must’ve felt in 1989. The freedom before certain strictures came in is very, very intoxicating. I love that.

I always hanker to go back to live radio, out there to the nation. And I’m actually doing it in January. I’m standing in for one of the biggest legends ever in radio, Johnny Walker, doing his rock show radio for four weeks. That’s the ultimate adrenaline thrill for me. One day in the future, I would love to get back to doing that on a daily basis. 

Can you be more political when you’re not on staff at the BBC?

Yes. That’s one of the payoffs that you have to consider when you take a job like that. You can’t go around espousing your niche political view when you’re doing a breakfast show for a big corporation.

One of the great pleasures of the last year or so for me, has been the freedom of being able to speak my mind. I don’t for one minute think that it makes any difference. But it doesn’t matter, as a citizen, I really enjoy doing it. There are so many things that I feel really passionate about. And I feel like sometimes I want to say that.

Having said that, discourse is virtually non-existent. It is a binfire of the vanities: everybody thinking that what they say is more important everybody else. I’m hoping that we are slowly moving to a better place with all that, but at the moment it’s like we’re at the bottom of the barrel, aren’t we? We couldn’t really get much worse than it is at the moment. But then we’ve been saying that for the last five years.

You’re often compared to my one of my great heroes, Terry Wogan. Do you think he would be doing podcasts if he was still with us?

It’s such a kind thing to be put in the same paragraph as Terry. He took me under his wing when I started on the breakfast show at 6. He used to regularly come down and feed us carbohydrates. He was the ultimate human hug and the world just needs so much more of that.

I guess he probably would have ended up doing a podcast on BBC Sounds and it would have been bloody brilliant. But he was a curious mix, Terry. He was he was a hard-working guy. But he was a smart-working guy. He just used to look at everything as, what’s the path of least resistance to get this job done really well? All the stories are true about how he got so good at being on the radio that he would just turn up with about nine minutes to go. His producer would just hand him a colossal pile of emails, he’d sit there with a big cup of coffee, start going through and away you go – that’s your show. That’s where you want to get to in life. Then you go home see your wife, see your kids, learn to play golf.

You’ve said before that you were confused about why the BBC let you go from your 6 Music show. Has it become clearer with time?

Everything becomes clearer in time. It causes you a certain amount of grief when a big change happens to you. And then you give it a year, and you go, “Oh yeah, I should have seen that coming a mile off. It’s fine. Look at where we are now.” So I’m utterly sanguine about it. No hard feelings. The BBC gave me something unbelievable. They gave me a 14-year stretch in one of the hottest slots that you can imagine in the world of radio. There are no better places to work. So, how can you look back on that with any bitterness? I simply don’t. I feel it was a gift, and it’s still giving to me, so I’m pretty bloody lucky”.

There is one more Big Issue interview I want to bring in. They spoke to Shaun Keaveny again in October of last year. Whilst the idea of a daily podcast might have seemed achievable, putting it into action must have been a bit daunting and scary. Months on from its launch and it is this hugely successful daily relief. Something that has already accrued a lot of listeners:

The Big Issue: I’m sorry but the first thing I have to ask is… a daily podcast – are you mad?

Shaun Keaveny: Oh, my God. I knew somebody was going to point this out. I’ve just started absolutely canning it myself. To be perfectly honest, the only way that this is going to work, is that I’m gifting the first part of every day to the gods of content. So everything that happens almost from when I wearily blinked my eyes open to about two o’clock in the afternoon: it’s all fair game. I’ve got to try and harvest as much stuff as I can in that time.

I just listened to your pilot episode, in which you realised it would take two weeks to do each edition of Shaun Keaveny’s Daily Grind…

That was a moment, I had a real dark night of the soul. I’ve been very temperate for quite a long time but I made a terrible mistake of going out for a few drinks the Friday before last. I got the beer fear on the Saturday morning. I was in a freefall panic, bolt upright at 6.50am. I just sort of sat at the laptop trying to bang out contingency plans or fake my own death. But you know, between myself and my genius producer Ben and the goodwill of the whatever audience we’ve got, I’m confident that we are going to create something at least mildly diverting.

You started by rummaging through some literal rubbish.

Ages ago, when I was at 6 [Music], I was talking to my good friend and producers there, trying to come up with ideas for the afternoon show. We had all kinds of daft ideas, none of which we brought to fruition. I have written down on a piece of paper – and I don’t think I was joking, either – Dry Stone Walling with Shaun Keaveny. Because, number one, I like being in nature; number two, I love dry stone walls. The other idea, slightly more seriously, was I think people chat better when they’re already doing something. When you’re doing something mundane, you feel a bit less under the microscope.

But what the litter-picking was all really about – I bought these litter picking devices two years ago on Amazon, I hadn’t used them. I thought, wait a minute, this is a golden opportunity here to use these. Who doesn’t like walking up and down the canal?

And you’re making the canal a bit nicer for everybody else.

I mean, we got a full bin bag in 40 minutes. It is only a tiny contribution to the planet’s woes, but it made me feel a little bit better.

Talking about feeling a little bit better, you have promised to delve into the papers, which strikes me as not a brilliant way to feel better.

The news cycle now is so unbelievably sad and terrifying, with so much unimaginable human suffering going on all around, I personally find it very difficult to get through that.

The only thing that I have got in my armoury is to try and use my one slight talent, which is to give people something else to think about for a little bit. It’s not to say this stuff isn’t happening, or we should ignore it. It’s just a little oasis of silliness for a little while for us to catch our breath.

And so, it’s gonna be hard but we’re going to be picking out the real ‘and finally’ parts of the news that we can have a little bit of fun with. Those are the ones that we’re going to be using… with hilarious consequences, or at least mildly diverting consequences.

What is making you angry at the moment?

It would be disingenuous of me to pretend that I didn’t have an axe to grind – because I do. Where I come from, just about everybody that I know and love are of a very similar socio-political persuasion. We believe in social justice. We believe in helping people, rather than ignoring people who are in need.

We’ve been presided over for such a long time by people who seem to have normalised – they’ve almost made an artform out of blaming other people for shit. There’s a callousness and a cruelty to discourse in modern politics that makes me want to cry. It’s a difficult time for humans to be alive and to be trying to make sense of the world, because there’s so much info and a lot of it’s not particularly good for your mental health.

That’s one of the reasons why I’m trying to be a little bit more meditative. What can I do in the world that might make me feel a little bit better and a bit more connected to the human race?

In a time of callousness, there’s something rebellious in connecting with people.

I think that’s right. And I think that’s what Big Issue does. You don’t have to be Noam Chomsky to understand that what the big money, the big corporations, are interested in is atomising us and making us a little bit more frightened of each other, so they can make capital out of that fear and competition. What people like The Big Issue do so beautifully, is say: no, that’s not what we’re about. We’re about bringing people together.

You know, I’m being very, very highfalutin about a stupid daily podcast that might kill me. But if there’s any kind of ethos behind it, it is that.

We talked about politics there. A lot of people are saying we’re about to see the back of this government we’ve had for a long time. Would it be better if we didn’t have them and maybe had the other lot in for a while?

I honestly do think all you can really do is look at the facts. Look at the record, look at the things that have been enacted, the beliefs that have been inculcated over the last 13 years and draw your own conclusions. It’s easy for governments to say, we’ve had this financial crash and we’ve had Covid. Yeah, there have been unbelievable challenges.

But some of the some of the moral choices that have been made over the past few years, in our name, have sat very uncomfortably for me. And I just think, to be as apolitical about it as possible, just to look at it almost as a matter of physics… sometimes it’s just better to have a change and let somebody else have a go and hope there might be a change.

Maybe we’re not done with kindness yet. Maybe that’s not an outdated concept. Maybe it’s something that we actually really need. I’d love to see that implanted back into society a little bit.

What are you most looking forward to about Shaun Keaveny’s Daily Grind?

I’m really interested to explore what it’s like to connect our audience. It’s one of the slightly less obvious attributes of podcasts. A lot of the time they don’t use audience, it can very often be a one-way process. Whereas we’re really trying to get the audience involved. So I hope that works. But also just being out of the studio, whether it’s recording a chat with some huge star in a pub for our tax deductible pop quiz… I’m imagining Bob Dylan in the local beer and burger, you know?”.

In October 2023, writing for GQ, Jessie Atkinson spoke with one of her broadcasting heroes, Shaun Keaveny. Speaking about The Daily Grind, it was another new chapter and big move for a legend of radio. Someone who has in some ways moved from being a broadcast great to this podcast king, it will be wonderful seeing where he goes from here:

And now the presenter is returning to daily broadcasting, albeit in a podcast format. Created from a dedicated studio with Global Radio in the mornings and dropping every afternoon, Daily Grind will be, as Shaun himself describes, a “distilled essential oil of Keaveny”. That is to say that there will be no music, but there will be interviews, listener missives and plenty of the cosy, deadpan humour that made Keaveny one the BBC’s most popular — and cosiest — broadcasters. As he sits “heart in his mouth” at the dawn of his return, we asked Shaun how he’s feeling about it all.

How are you?

I’m currently in the womb of the Daily Grind studio and I’m waiting for the first one to go out. I’m bloody nervous actually.

Daily Grind, like your former BBC Radio 6 show, is all about celebrating the mundane moments in life. What do you think the value in that is?

It goes without saying that the news cycle gets more upsetting everyday, and we don’t want to pretend stuff like that’s not happening, but we do want to look at smaller aspects of life and try and bring some pleasure out of them. It’s this lower stakes business that we’re interested in the most..

What are the pedestrian minutiae of your mornings?

I’ve got a load of kids to get out of the house, so I’ve got to get the dependents out of the way first before I can concentrate on anything else. Our youngest, she has a little owl alarm that lights up, so the first thing I always hear is her flutey little four year-old voice saying: “My owl’s awake, daddy.” The central crank of my getting out of the house and making it a good day is making stovetop coffee. And then I’m going to come to the studio…

What’s it like?

It’s a proper place. My only stipulation was the light had to be quite low. Not off but really toasty and moody like an elderly gentleman’s front room.

No big lights!

People think I’m mad at home; I go around flicking all the big lights off. I understand you need them in an operating theatre — you can’t have smoky lamplight when you’re having a heart bypass — but the rest of the time when you’re just sitting around having a glass of wine you’ve got to turn them off.

Do you have any middle-aged shout outs?

My life is just one long middle-aged shout out. The most obvious recent example is that almost overnight, my eyesight went shitter. The next step for me, I think, is to make the writing bigger on my iPhone. Then I’ll be in the pantheon of late middle-age.

How are you preparing for daily recording again?

I’m not good at giving up things that are bad for me. I’m not Slash in 1993 or anything, but I do like to nip out for a couple of pints here and there. Burn the candle at both ends. Stay up watching music documentaries when I should be in bed. All of that wild and crazy stuff. But in recent times, I’ve been trying to save up my energy a bit because I can instinctually tell that the next few weeks and months are going to be an onslaught.

What will you be drinking while recording?

I’ve got to be careful that I mitigate and limit the amount of caffeine that I drink because otherwise it could be very destructive to my career. But the problem is that I’ve got no willpower at all and the other problem is that there’s a decent coffee machine next door with the Clooney-style pods.

What music have you been listening to lately?

On Community Garden Radio I choose an hour’s worth of music. We just played a fantastic young artist called Lola Young. Glass Beams are really good, and the new Stones album is bloody good, too. People like Young Fathers blew me away at Glastonbury. CMAT: she’s absolutely fantastic as well”.

Rather than this being purely a birthday-timed feature about Shaun Keaveny, it is another chance to show just how incredible his career is. One of the hardest-working people in broadcasting, he spans podcasts on BBC radio to Community Garden Radio. Wonderful podcasts and opportunities covering on various programmes and stations. It is so well-earned and incredible seeing Shaun Keaveny go from strength to strength. Although sometimes exhausting, it is a new career rise and renaissance. All of his fans and listeners hope…

LONG may it continue!

FEATURE: My Name Is, But Not Me… The Importance of Kate Bush’s First Three Albums




My Name Is, But Not Me…

IN THIS PHOTO: Kate Bush in 1979/PHOTO CREDIT: Brian Aris


The Importance of Kate Bush’s First Three Albums


I am going to bring in…

IN THIS PHOTO: Kate Bush in 1979/PHOTO CREDIT: Gered Mankowitz

an interesting podcast that recently went out. It sort of ties in a bit with a recent feature Tom Doyle published in MOJO. He release the fascinating and must-buy biography, Running Up That Hill: 50 Vision of Kate Bush. I would suggest people buy that copy of MOJO. It talks about Kate Bush’s early career. The first few albums. We get some insight into The Kick Inside and Lionheart from 1978; revelations about 1980’s Never for Ever, in addition to facts about 1979’s The Tour of Life. Also go and get his book. He is someone who knows a lot about Kate Bush. He has interviewed her more than once. Most memorably in 2005 around the release of Aerial. It was interesting reading the MOJO feature, as it takes us away from Hounds of Love. Something that gets more focus, it is interesting focusing on that period between 1978 and 1980. A transformative one for Kate Bush. The feature includes, near the end, a quote from Kate Bush from 1980. Wrestling with fame and celebrity, she knew that her name carried weight and there was fame around her but, as the title suggest – “My name is, but not me”. She said that she was just being me. She said that in September 1980 when Never for Ever was released. Saying that as people literally queued down the street in London’s Oxford Street to get a copy signed. Bush said how it was frustrating that things that were transient in her mind for so long were suddenly becoming solid. The thing that she released into the world and could not change. When in the mind, everything can be edited or made better or different. When people hear it, they make judgement and it sort of defines who she is.

It was interesting. Not that Kate Bush has disowned those first three albums. A lot of artists do that. They hit a peak – usually more than three albums in – and then dismiss those early works. I don’t think any huge artist in history has hit their best within the first three albums. Maybe Radiohead and a few others are exceptions. It normally takes a bit longer. For Kate Bush, she released her debut album when she was nineteen. By the age of twenty-two, she has released threes studio albums, toured in the U.K. and Europe, promoted her work around the world and had this accelerated growing up in the public eye. It is easy to see why she was struggling with fame, being grounded and what her work symbolised. Whether it was true to her. I love going back pre-The Kick Inside. Reading the MOJO feature, we learn that the KT Bush Band did small gigs at the Rose of Lee pub. I did not know that Bob Mercer of EMI caught one of the performance and, in April 1977, put the band in De Wolfe Studio in Soho and did some recording. Nothing from that session made it onto record. One song, Dear Dead Days, is one of those great lost gems. Those musicians did not play on The Kick Inside. Sessions for that album began in July 1977. The KT Bush Band played around Fulham, Chelsea, Putney. They did one-nighters in East Sussex and Essex. I think that all the background and backdrop goes into the first two albums. How there are these fascinating photoshoots. Gered Mankowitz shot Bush between 1978 and 1979. These iconic photos. She had, as Mankowitz explained to MOJO, these strong collaborative ideas and presented a sensual image. She was always energetic and burned up any space given. Such fun and productive shoots. There were informal shoots like one at her family home at East Wickham Farm in May 1978. Bush sat by the door on at the piano. One, where she picked up a gun from the mantlepiece – not sure why – and was stood on a bearskin rug. In 1980, Andy Philips photographed Bush outside the EMI offices in Manchester Square. No hair or make-up at all: just Kate Bush spontaneous and natural. All of this texture and personality feeds into the two 1978 albums and Never for Ever.

I have dropped in a couple of interviews from the time to see how Bush approached questions and what she was being asked. I feel like she is a bit down or less warm to The Kick Inside, Lionheart and Never for Ever. Maybe a slightly tough journalistic circuit and increased demands. Not enjoying too much working with producer Andrew Powell. Thinking she was not being listened to. Her music not being presented as it should be. It is clear that, from the debut album, Bush was so astute and was drinking everything in. In the control room, she was so interested and you knew that even then she wanted to produce her own albums. Perhaps that is why she has a slightly downbeat view towards that time. I am fascinated by all of it. One of the more interesting segments of the Tom Doyle MOJO piece is how, in 1978, before the release of Lionheart, Bush invited Brian Bath (who was in the KT Bush Band and played on Lionheart but more fully on Never for Ever) to her flat where she was living in Brockley. They worked on guitar parts and structuring the songs. Bush convinced EMI and Andrew Powell to use her band for Lionheart. Musicians including Brian Bath and Del Palmer travelled with her to France to record. They recorded two backing tracks – for Kashka from Baghdad and Wow – before there was a rethink. Bush wanted her band because she could communicate better with them and, as a result, get something purer and more fitting to her style. I feel the fact the band from The Kick Inside came out to the Super Bear Studios near Nice and took over soured the mood. Bush knowing, at that moment, that she did not want the same producer for her third album.

Never for Ever is a lot more of what Bush wanted in an album. She produced with Jon Kelly. It is a magnificent album that reached number one in the U.K. It is very timely the feature in MOJO. When many people are drawn towards Hounds of Love (her fifth studio album, it was released in 1985) and that is the starting point for so many, there is this new evaluation and spotlight of her first three albums. So much detail and insight. A good companion to the MOJO spread is the new podcast from Music Maps – the Rock n Roll Book Club. They use a particular place as a jumping-off point of conversation. We were sent to East Wickham Farm as Tom Doyle chatted about her early albums and The Tour of Life. I picked up some stuff from that episode I was not aware of. Although not explicitly named at the time, instead of the Hammersmith Odeon – where she ended the run -, there were plans to use a beautiful venue that was hanger-like. The only one that logically fitted the description is Alexandra Palace in London. Bush felt sick when she released how small she would be compared to the vastness of that space! There were plans at one point to incorporate robots into the set. Already there was magic, mime, theatre, dance and poetry. Tom Doyle also said how many people get wrong the circumstances in which lighting assistant engineer Bill Duffield died after the warm-up date at Poole Art Centre. The truth is, as it was a new venue and it was quite cutting-edge, they had this flooring that was retractable. It seemed that a panel was left open so, when he was looking around the venue – which was not properly and adequately lit -, he did not see the gap there. Falling fifteen foot onto concrete, Duffield was taken to hospital and died days later. Maybe there are memories like that which impact how Kate Bush sees her first few albums.

It is hard to say. Perhaps she was so young and still trying to find her own voice. Not yet producing alone, it was a period of evolving and growing. I do feel that there is so much to enjoy and discuss regarding that period between 1978 and 1980. It was so busy and eventful. Three fantastic and different albums came from that period. I suppose it would have been quite strange going from, a few years earlier, at school and in a comfortable family home to being this artist that everyone knew. Traveling around the world and her life being turned upside down. At the same time, Kate Bush had a vision of her own music and perhaps felt that she was not being heard or given enough control of her material. Go and order a copy of MOJO and explore what Tom Doyle writes about the period and this birth of a unique and compelling artist. I would also advise people to listen to the albums. The Kick Inside, Lionheart and Never for Ever are wonderful and so different to anything around at the time. Even though she did go onto produce and release more commercial successful albums – and ones she was happier with -, you cannot underestimate and discount her first three albums. They are important statements. That tussle between her name being known and worldwide. Kate Bush wanting to remain private and grounded. She was not this starry celebrity. So many conflicts and tussles. You can see why she may look at 1977 through to 1980 as a bit murky, tiring and not her finest years. If some saw her as this phenomenon or strange artist, Bush simply said she was being herself. Who she had always been. She wanted to take more control, spread her wings and focus on the music. After the success of Never for Ever, she was definitely…

GRANTED that wish.

FEATURE: Beatlemania Reaches Australia: The Legendary Band’s Incredible 1964 Tour




Beatlemania Reaches Australia

IN THIS PHOTO: The Beatles with drummer Jimmie Nicol in Adelaide, Australia on 12th June, 1964/PHOTO CREDIT: The Vincent Vigil Collection


The Legendary Band’s Incredible 1964 Tour


1964 was…

IN THIS PHOTO: Crowds mob the car carrying the Beatles from Adelaide airport to the city centre/PHOTO CREDIT: Keystone/Getty Images

a huge year for The Beatles. It was the one when they truly exploded. Having only released their debut album the year before (Please Please Me), they were thrust into the limelight fully so soon! It must have been head-spinning! Like nothing the music world had ever seen or has seen since. We all know about Beatlemania reaching America in February 1964. One would not imagine that Australia would latch onto The Beatles so quickly. Even so, when the band – John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Jimmie Nicol (Jimmie Nicol was a temporary member of The Beatles during their 1964 tour of Europe, Hong Kong and Australia) and George Harrison – reached the land down under in June 1964, they were met with hysteria and thousands of fans. As written here: “In June 1964, the world tour began. They went to Scandinavian, Holland, Hong Kong, Australia and New Zealand. Ringo missed part of the tour because he was in hospital with tonsillitis, but returned to play the gig in Melbourne, Australia, June 13, 1964”. It is clear that their music had truly reached the nation. Resonated and connected in a way possible no other artist had done in the country. I want to go into more detail about the dates they performed in Australia. First, in 2022, The Guardian wrote about The Beatles arriving in Adelaide for the Australian tour:

When the Beatles arrived in Australia in 1964 for their first and only tour of the country, huge crowds greeted them everywhere they went. But one of the biggest turnouts was in Adelaide, where an estimated 350,000 people flocked to the city to catch a glimpse of them.

Adelaide wasn’t originally on the tour schedule, but local radio presenter Bob Francis petitioned to have it added, and 12,000 tickets were sold out in just over five hours for four shows, two each on 12 and 13 June.

The Beatles were the biggest band in the world and their songs were dominating the Australian charts with hits such as Can’t Buy Me Love (No 1 for six weeks in May and June 1964) and All My Loving, also previously a No 1.

It was one of the most intense outpourings of Beatlemania around the world, typified by the fans’ high-pitched screaming – although Ringo Starr was stuck in London with tonsillitis and was briefly replaced on drums by Jimmie Nicol until rejoining the band in Melbourne.

Thousands of people lined the Anzac highway from the airport to the town hall reception and then on to their hotel, all hoping to catch a glimpse of the band as they went past in convertibles.

Conservative Adelaide had never seen anything like it. In front of the town hall people swarmed around the cars, with the police having to lock arms to hold them back.

The Beatles went on to play Festival Hall in Melbourne and Sydney Stadium before flying to New Zealand to finish off the tour”.

The fact the band travelled all that way must have been strange in its own way. The boys from Liverpool in a country that was new to them. The Beatles' flight touched down at Sydney Airport just before 7:45am on Thursday, 11th June, 1964. The night after, they would perform in Adelaide. It was dizzying and a whirlwind for the band. Beatles Bible discusses that first date of the tour:

An estimated 200,000 people lined the 10-mile route between Adelaide Airport and the city centre in the hope of seeing The Beatles’ motorcade. More than 30,000 surrounded the Town Hall, where they met the city’s mayor, James Campbell Irwin, along with council members and their families.

Nearly 250,000 people lined the Anzac Highway in Adelaide from the charming airport to the city centre. I told the writer Al Aronowitz all about it for the Saturday Evening Post a few weeks later. ‘It was like the Messiah come to Australia,’ I said, understating as best I could. ‘Cripples threw away their sticks and blind men leapt for joy,’ The only thing left for The Boys after this tour, I told him, would be a ‘healing tour’ of the world. It was like that. There were so many people of all ages and types reeling and a-rocking with joy that it felt as good as good can be. And if it felt good to the fans, it felt even better to us. I was called into The Beatles’ open car for the trip from the airport, and the journey was long and joyful and somehow humbling. You shoulda been there, John said on postcards later, and maybe some of you were. In the open car, George, now wide awake and full of delight, pointed in disbelief at the ribbons of people stretching as far behind and ahead as the eye could see. I had some difficulty in believing I was really here, a material witness to this unprecedented public love affair. How the hell, I wondered, do I come to be in Australia in a Victory Parade with the Most Famous People on Earth? Was this what I had always wanted?

Yes. Oh, yes. Definitely.

Derek Taylor

Fifty Years Adrift

We sat up on the back of our cars and all the people were out of their homes and hospitals, and then we went into the square. We got onto the Lord Mayor’s mantelpiece and waved at the whole crowd. It looked like something out of Dodge City, dirt roads and a Rock Ridge façade, or that’s what it seemed like to me. It was like ‘The Sheriff’s coming, ding, ding, ding.’ I’ve got photos, which I took from sitting up on the back of our car in the J. F. Kennedy position in the cavalcade.

George Harrison

Fifty Years Adrift, Derek Taylor

The Beatles were given toy koala bears. John Lennon told the reception, “Wherever we go, anywhere in the world, this reception which Adelaide has given us will stick in our memories.”

The group was shadowed by local DJ Bob Francis from 5AD, who interviewed them in a range of locations including the Town Hall balcony. Francis also booked the suite next to theirs at the Hotel South Australia, from where he gave listeners hourly updates.

Three hundred thousand people welcomed us to Adelaide. It was like a heroes’ welcome. George waved too. That was the kind of place where we would go to the town hall and they would all be there in the centre of the city. If it had happened suddenly, overnight, it might have gone to our heads; but we had come up bit by bit, so it didn’t (not too much). We were just very pleased that everyone had turned out.

We were still close enough to our Liverpool roots to know how it would feel, and what it would mean, if we had showed up in the middle of town to see a group; so we could feel it in their spirit. I think we quite enjoyed it all. It can get a bit wearing, but it certainly wasn’t then.

We came in from the airport – it was the same in Liverpool for the première of a A Hard Day’s Night, with the whole city centre full of people – and the crowds were lining the route and we were giving them the thumbs up. And then we went to the Adelaide town hall with the Lord Mayor there, and gave the thumbs up again. In Liverpool it was OK, because everyone understands the thumbs up – but in Australia it’s a dirty sign.

Paul McCartney


Meanwhile, Ringo Starr, who had missed the early part of the tour due to illness, flew to Australia via San Francisco, Honolulu and Fiji, accompanied by Brian Epstein. Starr left his passport in London, delaying the first flight of the journey, but was eventually allowed to board the aeroplane without it.

The passport was eventually found and sent to London Airport, from where it was sent to San Francisco and reunited with its owner during the drummer’s stopover on 13 June.

Over 50,000 applications had been made for tickets to see The Beatles in Adelaide’s Centennial Hall, which had just 3,000 seats. The group played two sets on this day, and two more on the following day.

The compère was Alan Field, and the support acts were Sounds Incorporated, Johnny Devlin, Johnny Chester and The Phantoms.

The Beatles performed the same 10 songs at all their Adelaide shows: ‘I Saw Her Standing There’, ‘I Want To Hold Your Hand’, ‘All My Loving’, ‘She Loves You’, ‘Till There Was You’, ‘Roll Over Beethoven’, ‘Can’t Buy Me Love’, ‘This Boy’, ‘Twist And Shout’, and ‘Long Tall Sally’.

I always remember the one gig in particular, I think it was in Melbourne [sic], doing the count-in to ‘She Loves You’, which was One, Two, dum be dum, ‘She Loves You’, with the down beat coming on ‘Loves’. I looked at Jimmie [Nicol] and said, ‘OK?’ and he said, ‘Yeah.’ Right, then… ‘One, Two’ and he froze and sort of had a quick brain-fade. Panicky, he lashed out and went ‘crash’ – and somehow the song got going.

George Harrison

Fifty Years Adrift, Derek Taylor

Brian Epstein sold the rights for one of the 12 June shows to be recorded for radio broadcast. It was titled Beatles Show and was transmitted on 15 June, with sponsorship from Surf detergent.

The Adelaide concerts were recorded for possible release as an album. I recall being driven to a studio to hear and approve the recording: to my uncritical ears, the tapes sounded all right and I gave them the provisional approval I’d been authorized to give. It was a weighty responsibility for someone so recently converted to popular music, and I was far too quickly and easily pleased. Whatever The Beatles sang was perfect to my ears. The Boys themselves later described the tapes as ‘crap’ (or one of its many synonyms) and they were never officially released, though no doubt they have turned up since as valued bootleg.

Derek Taylor

Fifty Years Adrift!”.

Even if the 1964 tour of Australia is notable for lacking Ringo Starr for the start of it, I wanted to mark sixty years of an important moment. The band has already cracked America and were beloved in their native U.K. It seemed perhaps inconceivable that they would be taken to heart so quickly in other nations. Especially in far-flung nations like Australia. You can read about The Beatles’ dates in Sydney. Noting how it was a connection to international culture and music for young listeners in 1964, it was also a moment of rebellion for Sydneysiders. This article from The Sydney Morning Herald in 2020 explained how The Beatles were a love language that bonded families. One that has truly stood the test of time. I would urge people to read the whole thing. However, I wanted to drop in the opening portions of the feature:

By the time Paul McCartney sued his fellow Beatles, and their parent company Apple Corps, in London’s High Court of Justice on December 31, 1970 to dissolve the band, their relationship had taken on the emotional pallor of a family meal that’s gone south.

The insecurities, incandescent rage and jealousy that had crackled for years between the four men are well known: George Harrison and Ringo Starr felt stifled and unappreciated by McCartney and John Lennon, who allowed the first two only two or three songs of their own (sometimes less) on each album.

Lennon and McCartney, who had bonded over the early death of their mothers when each was a teenager, clashed over musical tastes: McCartney’s “granny” songs, Lennon’s primal screams. (McCartney dubbed The White Album “The Tension Album”.)

And let's not forget the big-ticket items: the stress of touring, so-called interfering girlfriends, drug addictions and violence. (Lennon once broke into McCartney’s house, after McCartney missed a recording session for Abbey Road, and damaged a painting.)

Far less known, though, is that in the 50 years since their official breakup – and the 40 since Lennon’s murder on December 8, 1980 – the four lads from Liverpool have been the glue that has bonded many Australian families, for better and occasionally for worse.

“It was always on,” says Nicolas McKenzie of The Beatles’ music in his childhood Sydney home. “Always.”

And it was often the band’s music to which he’d turn in order to help his father - the late, renowned journalist Mark Colvin - cope with his debilitating pain.

“So Dad was always the model father, he was so generous, he was so loving … but he would have these moments where he’d be like ‘I’m watching TV’ and you knew he was in absolute agony,” says McKenzie, 37, a musician and music journalist.

Colvin contracted a rare auto-immune condition while on assignment in Rwanda which led to two hip replacements and ongoing dialysis. “I would just read between the lines … and would go [listen to music]. I’d be like ‘I’m not going to bother him'.”

Colvin taught McKenzie how to identify which Beatles songs were written by which musician – Colvin was partial to the Lennon/McCartney song A Day In The Life – and told his son about his connection to Lennon’s darkness.

“He knew that Lennon was super damaged, but also knew just how brilliant he was and how everyone kind of loved him, and there was a little bit of that element of fear, he was dangerous, and I think that he actually thought that Lennon was very similar to his father,” says McKenzie.

Mark Colvin's father John was a senior figure in MI6, Britain’s foreign intelligence service - “[he was] super sweet to us … he was super intelligent, but he could just kind of vanish".

In between vanishing acts, John Colvin had taken the young Mark to see The Beatles perform in London, where Mark grew up.

The Beatles toured Australia in 1964, enjoying their largest-ever fan gathering in Adelaide when around 300,000 people, nearly a third of the city’s population at the time, lined the 20-kilometre route between the town’s airport and the city centre to greet them. However the band abandoned live performance two years later.

Partly this was because wherever they went they could barely see anything outside of their hotel rooms; when they ventured out, they were stampeded. (“50 TEENAGERS HURT IN WILD CITY CRUSH” read the headline in The Age on June 15, 1964, about the 20,000 people who’d gathered outside the Southern Cross Hotel in Melbourne, some perched in trees.)

The Beatles 1964 Australia tour as remembered by those that were there. Video by Tom Compagnoni.

On the other side of the band’s hotel room walls, there was often a loneliness quite at odds with the teenage abandon Beatlemania had helped unleash.

“Bob, it’s John here, would you come have a drink with me?” Lennon said to Sydney disc jockey Bob Rogers one morning, who accompanied them on the 1964 tour for radio station 2SM.

“I went around to the room, he was there in bed with a bottle of red wine,” says Rogers, now 94. “So I had to sit in the bed with him, and drink the red wine, at seven o’clock in the morning.”

A year later, Lennon’s song Help! would be released. Years later Lennon would pick out the song as one of his favourites because it was “real”: “It was me singing ‘Help’, and I meant it.”

For Maree Trafford, thinking about the night she saw The Beatles at Sydney Stadium in Rushcutters Bay reminds her of that rare, shimmering moment in time when she was able to enjoy the comfort of a beloved cousin, not long before they were separated.

“I bawled all the way through, and Narelle screamed her lungs out and had a sore throat for a week,” says Trafford of her younger cousin, who was her “little sister, my best friend, everything, all in one”.

On 12th June, 1964, The Beatles performed their first date in Australia. It was a hugely important tour in a nation that was experiencing the first real taste of a Western musical juggernaut. I guess it was the same for the U.S. - even if Elvis Presley got their just before The Beatles. For Australia, it was a massive cultural moment! It is sad Ringo Starr did not get to experience all of it. In the year of Beatlemania around the world, their stop in Australia was pivotal. Throughout the tour, crowds sometimes topped six figures. The Beatles touching down in Australia in June 1964 was…

A huge moment for the country.

FEATURE: Call the Shots: Why the Pop World Needs the Return of Girls Aloud




Call the Shots

IN THIS PHOTO: Girls Aloud’s Nadine Coyle, Cheryl Cole, Kimberley Walsh and Nicola Roberts/PHOTO CREDIT: Fascination Management


Why the Pop World Needs the Return of Girls Aloud


I normally hate it when …


a journalist uses the word ‘return’ when talking about an artist releasing a single or album. Their first new material in a matter or weeks or months is not a ‘return’ – it is, in fact, them doing their job! It does seem very dramatic. The pressure artists have to constantly put out music leads to this rather strange use of the word ‘return’. That said, in the case of Girls Aloud, that might be appropriate. The fact is that their last album was released in 2008.Out of Control was a commercial success. A  great album from the quintet. In 2021, Sarah Harding died. It was a massive blow, not only for Girls Aloud but the entire music industry. Part of this incredible and hugely important group, it is understandable that there was doubts about them coming back and touring. I am going to come to a recent live review. There are hopes that there might be new material. I guess it is a conflict putting out new material without Sarah Harding. Even so, Cheryl Cole, Nadine Coyle, Nicola Roberts and Kimberley Walsh are on the road and are back together. There is another article from The Guardian that I want to get to. A reason why we need Girls Aloud back in a fuller capacity. However, prior to that, they were at a recent tour date in Dublin and shared their opinion:

Eleven years have passed since Girls Aloud performed together as a five-piece for the final time, but adoration has endured in the interim – perhaps even intensified in the glow of 00s nostalgia. The group not only hauled themselves out of TV talent show Popstars: The Rivals, but then had 20 back-to-back UK Top 10 hits, four of them chart-toppers. As well as the strength of their voices, and their bubbly and even occasionally lairy personalities, their acclaim came from collaborations with Xenomania, the production team who took 60s girl group tropes and kitsch, and warped them through 21st-century sonics.

One of the quintet, the effervescent Sarah Harding, died of complications from breast cancer in September 2021, at the age of 39. Devastated by the death of their bandmate and friend, plans to mark Girls Aloud’s 20th anniversary were paused.

But hard-won celebration rather than sober mourning is the central mood of 30-date arena tour The Girls Aloud Show. The jubilant audience, a sea of twinkling sequined outfits and parents dancing with their Girls Aloud-inculcated children, eagerly anticipate the four-piece who are fashionably late. The curtain falls, revealing Nadine Coyle, Cheryl Tweedy, Kimberly Walsh and Nicola Roberts on tall podiums, as the latter takes the lead with Untouchable, taken from their fifth and final album, Out of Control (from 2008).

An unexpected opener – the only one of their singles not to go Top 10 in the UK – it quickly makes sense as visuals of Sarah Harding appear on enormous screens watching over the arena. In light of the group’s grief, several songs, including this one (“I need you here again to show me how”) feel all the more relevant to their storyIts roaring reception intensifies when the beat of The Show drops and the foursome are lowered to the stage, launching into a lively routine. It’s a strong first act – with the exception of some first-night vocal jitters from each member – featuring thrilling performances of Something New, Love Machine, Can’t Speak French and Biology.

Those early nerves soon dissipate, with Roberts’ solos proving to be the strongest and Coyle’s the most show-bizzy. Walsh and Tweedy also do well in their moments in the spotlight, but the group remain at their best when they come together to belt out irresistibly harmonised choruses. Along with playful banter from Tweedy (warning fans in the pit they might need to catch her if she falls off stage) and heartfelt appreciation from Walsh to the Irish crowd, the first show sets off firmly on the right foot.

Harding continues to be present via the screens that act as large-scale digital scrapbooks of their music videos. With Whole Lotta History, Roberts tells the crowd how they had “no idea how poignant this song would become in our journey,” when they recorded it back in 2005. In the song’s final moments, a montage of Harding plays with the four members facing her, embracing before exiting for the first of four costume changes. The tribute ends with the message: “The darkest nights produce the brightest stars”.

I do think that there is a void in music right now. Pop music is not in trouble, though there is this moment of transition. Huge artists like Taylor Swift and Dua Lipa are selling massive units and producing brilliant music. In terms of the new crop coming through, there is this mixture of TikTok artists and something quite modern. Very few stand out as competitors and future icons. I do love a lot of rising Pop artists. There is a feeling that something is missing. It might be that girl group connection. Spice Girls have toured since their split, yet you feel they will not return to the studio. That is a real shame. Same with Sugarbabes. You’d love to hear a new album from them, as they are one of Britain’s greatest groups. There is not a lot in the way of new girl groups that can compete with the legends. The chemistry between the Girls Aloud members and their incredible catalogue means that there will be a desire for them to return. The Guardian wrote last year about how Girls Aloud’s return was a beneficial thing for Pop:

Along with the Shangri-Las and the Runaways, Girls Aloud are one of the greatest girl bands of all time. As someone born in 1989, it was probably the Spice Girls that I should have been obsessed with. Sure, I had the collectible photo album now doing a brisk trade on eBay. I could do the signature leg-kick of fellow scouser and ardent LFC supporter Mel C. But the Spice Girls never spoke to me.

That Girls Aloud did, a group born from a music talent show I did not watch, at a time when I was a moody mid-teen more accustomed to listening to Interpol’s Specialist for the 15th time in a row, is testament to a seductive combination of brilliant music and charismatic personality.

The band were never meant to be the breakout stars of Popstars: The Rivals, ITV and Simon Cowell’s twist on their previous show, Popstars (whose underdogs would also go on to enjoy surprise success in the form of Liberty X). The format reboot was simple: the show’s boyband and girl band would go head-to-head for the 2002 Christmas number one slot.

It initially looked as though the excruciatingly named One True Voice would win. But that seemed less likely when their insipid cover of a not-amazing-to-start-with late Bee Gees album track was chosen as the boys’ contender, while Girls Aloud came bursting out the gate with the surf riffs and drum’n’bass pulsating energy of Sound of the Underground (with a gritty video shot in a cavernous abandoned warehouse to boot). The latter song hit No 1, and would stay there for four weeks. Girls Arrived.

Much of the band’s phenomenal success and longevity – 21 Top 10 singles, four of them No 1s – was, undoubtedly, down to the genius production outfit Xenomania. Responsible for Sound of the Underground (apparently inspired by late-90s dance hit Addicted to Bass and nursery rhyme The Wheels on the Bus), Xenomania, founded by producer Brian Higgins, would go on to become permanent collaborators.

In Higgins’ hit factory (actually a Grade II manor house in rural Kent), he, the group and chief songwriter Miranda Cooper would squirrel away, recording songs as glorious and experimental as Biology (which kicks off with a sample of the Animals, eschews the usual linear verse-chorus structure, and changes direction three times); Love Machine (recorded in 18 parts, melding rockabilly and 80s synth sensibilities); and the frankly batshit Sexy! No No No (electro-punk with a Nazareth sample).

But it’s lesser-known album cuts that hold a special place in my heart. The barmy Miss You Bow Wow on their final album, Out of Control, or its stablemate Love Is The Key, which goes from creepy hymn intro to line-dancing country swagger to a harmonica solo played by Johnny Marr. Or Graffiti My Soul, which sounds like Run DMC and Aerosmith’s Walk This Way performed by Willie Nelson in the Hacienda, then remixed by the Prodigy.

Even the so-called flops, such as Long Hot Summer, which still reached No 7, were a cut above most chart fare, and the songs which weren’t as avant garde (the Spector-inflected The Promise, written in seven minutes; the ballad Life Got Cold) were nevertheless outstanding examples of their respective genres.

But the “girls” themselves were crucial. Though sometimes hesitant in the face of Xenomania’s more outre instincts (Nicola Roberts worried about Sound of the Underground because “we didn’t have drum and bass up north at the time”) they have multiple songwriting credits, including on four of the best tracks from Out of Control. As evidenced by their jump-through-hoops talent show origins, each could actually sing, possessing distinctive vocal styles that complemented Xenomania’s jigsaw-like process”.

It is not only about girl groups. There is some of that. They are practically non-existent now. I don’t think it is because there is not a call or space for them. It is maybe a lack of decent enough writers or sounds that catch public attention. Even if the members of Girls Aloud are in their late-thirties/forties, that is not to say that they would need to change their sound. The sort of ageism and misogyny that you get when women of that age release music. Perhaps not capturing the buzz that they had at their peak, they could still create some really wonderful albums. It might be that conflict of recording without Sarah Harding. The fact that their current tour is getting such positive reviews and ecstasy shows that there is this love and demand. This absence of anything like Girls Aloud is very telling. They are a legendary group that still has a lot in them. A clear reason they are touring together. Not only honouring Harding, there is love and affection between the members. I may have missed any announcement. I don’t think any firm plans have been made regarding a new album. The fact is that girl groups can reform and enjoy a really successful second stage of life. I don’t feel that Pop music is reserved for artists in their teens and twenties. The live performances Girls Aloud are embarking on proves they are still at their peak. Pop music does need them to come back. They have potential anthems left. Songs that can rival Sound of the Underground and The Promise. There is this aching and desire. Great to have them on stage and performing hits to the fans. What comes after that?! Maybe there are reservations and reasons. Perhaps there is music and plans in the back of their minds. If Girls Aloud released a new album and came fully back into music, they would be welcomed…

WITH opened arms.

FEATURE: Groovelines: Santana (ft. Rob Thomas) – Smooth






Santana (ft. Rob Thomas) – Smooth


THERE is a lot written…

IN THIS PHOTO: Carlos Santana and Rob Thomas/PHOTO CREDIT: Frank Micelotta/Getty Images

about one of the biggest songs of the 1990s. In fact, a song that has gone on to become one of the most acclaimed ever. That said, there is a divisive element to it. Some people who have heard it a lot – when it originally came out in 1999 and since – feel that the earworm has lost any charm. Others outright dislike it. I would recommend that people who are not aware of Smooth by Carlos Santana and Rob Thomas check it out. The first single from Santana’s eighteenth studio album, Supernatural, this was a return to form and prominence of a legendary musician. Smooth was a song that become a colossus and, in the process, gave Santana a new lease of life. Cynics might say the collaborations through the album was an attempt for Carlos Santana to remain relevant by hooking up with more relevant and contemporary artists. I think it was a necessary exploration and diversity from a legendary artist. Someone who did not need to prove himself. Even so, Smooth was a remarkable introduction to Supernatural. A chart hit around the world – including getting to number one in the U.S. -, I am going to get to a couple of features about a huge song. A commercial blockbuster. Before getting to them, I want to bring in a bit of the Wikipedia article for Smooth (who incorrectly list the release date as 15th June, 1999):

Smooth" is a song performed by American rock band Santana and Rob Thomas of Matchbox Twenty, who sings the lead vocals. It was released on June 15, 1999, as the lead single from Santana's 1999 studio album, Supernatural. It was written by Itaal Shur and Thomas, who re-wrote Shur's original melody and lyrics, and produced by Matt Serletic.

The song was an international success, reaching number one on the US Billboard Hot 100 for 12 consecutive weeks. It was the final number-one hit of the 1990s and the first number-one hit of the 2000s, and the only song to appear on two decade-end Billboard charts. "Smooth" was ranked as the second-most-successful song ever on Billboard's Hot 100 60th Anniversary listing. In 2000, the song won a Grammy Award for Record of the Year, Song of the Year, and Best Pop Collaboration with Vocals. "Smooth" also peaked at number one in Canada and charted within the top 10 in Australia, Austria, Ireland, and the United Kingdom”.

There is an oral history feature from Rolling Stone that was published in June 2019. That was to mark the twentieth anniversary of Smooth. As it turns twenty-five on 29th June, I wanted to go deep with the song. One that came out in my final months of high school. There was some great Pop released in 1999. Some terrific Dance music. Smooth sort of overtook everything. In a year when Britney Spears was coming through, you could not get away from the hegemony and simply unstoppable momentum of Smooth. I guess, because I heard it as a teenager and have grown accustomed to it, the song sounds natural and familiar. People who might have discovered it a few years ago might feel it is outdated. I think Smooth is a catchy and great track that has this swing and catchiness. A joy that does not ask for anything but the listener’s smile. In 2022, The Number Ones featured Smooth. Although they object to a certain commercial nature and a slight uncool nature of Rob Thomas of Matchbox 20 and Carlos Santana joining forces, they could not avoid and deny its appeal and importance:

The last #1 hit of the 20th century wasn’t just an unlikely smash. It was a blockbuster that defied all known laws of cultural consumption. Santana’s “Smooth” could’ve easily been a hackneyed, desperate grab for relevance from an artist who hadn’t had a radio hit in many years and who hadn’t been in the top 10 in decades. Instead, the song took advantage of a few different cultural headwinds and snowballed into its new role as a nearly Thriller-level cultural phenomenon. Nobody could replicate what Carlos Santana and his collaborators did with “Smooth” — not even Carlos Santana himself. The song was a one of one, a freak stars-aligning burst of consensus in an increasingly fracturing pop landscape.

In retrospect, “Smooth,” accidentally or not, rode a few different waves. The song came on the heels of the Latin pop explosion, the manufactured and hyped-up blast of excitement that still made full-on mainstream stars out of figures like Ricky Martin, Jennifer Lopez, and Enrique Iglesias. The song also took advantage of the burst in growly post-grunge soft rock that had put “Smooth” singer and co-writer Rob Thomas’ band Matchbox 20 on top. And “Smooth” could also be considered the final chart eruption from the baby boomer generation that had ruled the charts for decades. It seems entirely fair to say that Carlos Santana was the last boomer icon to top the Hot 100. (Someone like Madonna, who will appear in this column once more, is technically a baby boomer. But Madonna is an icon who happens to be a boomer, whereas Carlos Santana is a boomer icon.)

Those factors all played a role in the story, but I don’t think any of them led to “Smooth” becoming the pop bulldozer that it was. Instead, I attribute the song’s success to something else: It was just too fucking catchy to fail. “Smooth” stacks hooks on top of hooks, and those hooks are the diamond-sharp type that sink into your brain, that can never be extracted. “Smooth” isn’t just stuck in my head right now. It’s stuck in yours, too. If you’re old enough, “Smooth” has been playing on loop in your head for more than 20 years. Right now, this very second, “Smooth” is squirming its way through some part of your cerebellum, and it will remain there until the day you die. It’s eternal. It’s just like the ocean under the moon.

Nobody could’ve predicted that “Smooth” would hit the way that it did, but a whole lot of people had to work hard to put the song in position to succeed. “Smooth” wasn’t a random occurrence that took everyone by storm. Instead, it’s the best-case scenario for record-label meddling, the kind of thing that every A&R rep envisions when they give notes about how an album really needs a single. The people who made “Smooth” all deliberately set out to craft a hit, and they all succeeded to a degree that they couldn’t possibly have imagined.

One of those people was Carlos Santana. In 1999, Santana’s legend status was secure. He’d made hits. He’d sold millions of records. A year earlier, he’d joined the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame, and he’d convinced one of his heroes, the enigmatic ex-Fleetwood Mac axe-wizard recluse Peter Green, to play with him at the induction ceremony. But that wasn’t enough for Santana. He wanted to get back into the game. He wanted hits.

When he made “Smooth,” Carlos Santana wasn’t a contemporary hitmaker, but he was a familiar name. The man wasn’t starting from zero. He’d already done that. Carlos Augusto Santana Alves was born in the Mexican city of Autlán, and he eventually moved with his family, first to Tijuana and then to San Francisco. Santana’s father was a mariachi musician, and Santana and his brothers all learned guitar when they were young. Carlos Santana loved blues guitarists like BB King and John Lee Hooker, and he played in Tijuana clubs when he was still a little kid. In San Francisco, Santana got into jazz and folk and psychedelia. After high school, he worked as a dishwasher and saved up enough money to buy a Gibson SG. In 1966, when he was 19, he started the Santana Blues Band.

The people at Arista soon found that there were a great many artists who wanted to work with Carlos Santana. They lined up collaborations with Lauryn Hill, Wyclef Jean, Everlast, Dave Matthews, and even Santana’s guitar-hero peer Eric Clapton. Even with that lineup, plenty of the people at Arista weren’t convinced; Clive Davis said that the album was nicknamed “Davis’ Folly.” At a certain point, someone from the label told Davis that the label needed to stop spending money on this thing, to put the album out already. Davis refused. The album didn’t have a single yet.

One of the songwriters who pitched a track to Santana was Itaal Shur, the co-founder of the acid jazz group Groove Collective. Shur had one hit under his belt; he’d co-written the neo-soul star Maxwell’s 1996 single “Ascension (Don’t Ever Wonder),” which peaked at #36. Shur tried to write something that would have the same kind of groove as Santana classics like “Black Magic Woman,” and he came up with “Room 17,” a track about a couple getting together for an illicit tryst in a hotel. Shur recorded a demo for the track, arranging everything himself, and he was convinced that it was a hit. Pete Ganbarg loved the music, but he didn’t think the lyrics would work for Carlos Santana at all. Santana was a family man, and he wouldn’t want to get into anything sexual like that. So Ganbarg said that he could use the song’s groove but that another songwriter would have to come up with the lyrics and the vocal melody. A publishing exec suggested Rob Thomas.

Rob Thomas was (and is) 25 years younger than Carlos Santana. Thomas was born in Germany, where his father was stationed in the Army, six months after Santana released Santana III. (When Rob Thomas was born, the #1 song in America was Al Green’s “Let’s Stay Together.”) Thomas had a rough, chaotic upbringing in South Carolina and Florida. He dropped out of high school, spent a few months in jail for car theft, and went homeless for a while. Eventually, Thomas became the singer for an Orlando club band called Tabitha’s Secret. When that group broke up, Thomas and two other ex-members started a new band called Matchbox 20.

Matchbox 20 signed with Lava Records and released their debut album Yourself Or Someone Like You in 1996. At first, the record went nowhere, and the band almost lost their contract. But a radio station in Alabama started playing their song “Push,” so Lava made it a single. On the strength of “Push” and the similarly yarly “3AM,” Matchbox 20 took off nationwide, and Yourself Or Someone Like You eventually went platinum 12 times over. (Thanks to the goofy-ass chart rules of the ’90s, “Push” and “3AM” never made the Hot 100. But Matchbox 20 will eventually appear in this column, so we’ll get deeper into their story then.)

When Matchbox 20 got done with the years that they spent touring behind their debut album, Rob Thomas moved in with his girlfriend in New York. One of Pete Ganbarg’s publisher friends told him that Rob Thomas was a brilliant songwriter but that he was “doing nothing except smoking pot and playing PlayStation.” (That sounds amazing to me. My guy was living the dream.) Thomas spent an afternoon working on the song, and he eventually hit on the idea that he should write about his girlfriend, the half-Spanish and half-Puerto Rican model Marisol Maldonado. In that Rolling Stone oral history, Thomas said that he was kicking around a few ideas and that he “realized somewhere in the middle of it that I had this wealth of information because I had this smokin’ hot Latin girlfriend already.”

Thomas took a crack at the song, and then he honed it further with Itaal Shur, who lived a couple of blocks away from him. “Smooth” turned into an ode to a “Spanish Harlem Mona Lisa,” even though Maldonado is from Queens. On the song, Thomas promises to “change my life to better suit your mood, ’cause you’re so smooth.” He liked the idea that he could be singing to a woman or that he could be describing the way that Carlos Santana plays. Thomas recorded the demo, thinking that another singer would be on the record. (Thomas had envisioned George Michael, who would’ve crushed it.) Carlos Santana didn’t like the “Smooth” demo at first because he thought it sounded too close to “Guajira,” a song that Santana had recorded in 1971. But when Clive Davis wrote to Santana and told him that “Smooth” was a hit, Santana agreed to record it.

Eventually, everyone decided that Rob Thomas should sing on “Smooth,” and they went through all the music-business headaches necessary to clear Thomas’ appearance. Since Matchbox 20 recorded for a competing label, these were considerable, but they got it done. Thomas finally met Carlos Santana for the first time when he joined Santana and Matchbox 20 producer Matt Serletic to record “Smooth.” In Leila Cobo’s book Decoding “Despacito”, Thomas remembers the first thing Santana ever said to him: “Hey, you must be married to a Latin woman; that’s the kind of thing a white guy married to a Latin woman would say.” I find that to be fucking hilarious. In that same book, Santana himself says that he did indeed tell Rob Thomas that: “He had a different type of sassiness about him.” That’s hilarious, too, not least because it’s true.

In general, I think of Rob Thomas as one of the most generic rock singers of an era that was absolutely infested with generic rock singers. But on “Smooth,” Thomas does manage to conjure a certain level of sassiness. (He says he was just imitating George Michael, the guy he’d imagined singing the song in the first place, which tracks.) There’s something vaguely uncomfortable about this chesty-bellow guy trying to get all soulful with it, but Thomas mostly succeeds. There’s a nice interplay between Thomas’ voice and Santana’s guitar solos. They know to stay out of each other’s way, to complement one another. Santana’s leads are big and clean and melodic, and they add drama to what Thomas does. For his part, Thomas does a nice job going from the sexy-crackle verses to the vein-throb chorus.

The whole thing is just catchy. It was always catchy, from the first time anyone heard it. The groove has a bright sparkle to it, all these horns and pianos and congas winding their way though the track. Thomas growls out stuff that will be stuck in our collective heads for all of eternity. You know all the lines already. “Man, it’s a hot one.” “My muñequita.” “Give me your heart, make it real, or else forget about it.” Those “Smooth” lines — the “it’s a hot one” bit in particular — become memes every few months because they’re just stuck in our shared brain-space”.

I am going to end with a feature from Esquire. Published on 29th, 2019, it was published to mark twenty years of a twentieth century classic. There is another feature I would advise people to check out. So much context and insight into a track that was a massive smash at the end of the decade. Smooth was a song that so many took to heart right away. I still thing it remains relevant and fresh twenty-five years later:

It is easy—perhaps too easy—to dislike “Smooth,” the Grammy Award-winning 1999 hit by Carlos Santana featuring Rob Thomas of Matchbox Twenty off the multi-platinum album Supernatural. The song's combination of tepidity and synthetic spice is like a dry English muffin misted with Tapatio. Its introductory drum fill, iconic to some, is gaudy and triggering to others. Even Santana himself wasn’t a fan when he first heard it.

Two years earlier, the 50-year-old guitarist was staring down a mid-career crisis. Despite years of steady output and critical acclaim, he felt out of touch with younger audiences and regretful that his teenage children no longer heard him on commercial radio. So, acting on the advice of his wife (and his longtime spirit guide, which he calls Metatron), Santana arranged to meet with the record producer Clive Davis at a lavish bungalow in the Beverly Hills Hotel. The two agreed that staging a proper comeback would require an arsenal of contemporary hits; and Davis, who signed artists such as Bruce Springsteen and Pink Floyd, believed he knew just how to get them.

“Give me half the album and trust that I will find material that is integral to your artistry,” Davis told Santana. “The other half of the album will be whatever you want it to be.”

The result was Supernatural, which featured a buffet of ‘90s hitmakers, including Wyclef Jean, Lauryn Hill, and Dave Matthews. “Smooth” was the very last single Davis and his team delivered to Santana, who at first thought it sounded too rough, “like a painting that needed to be completed,” he said. It also reminded him of “Guajira,” a slinking, piano-driven track with a similar intro, from his 1971 album Santana III. He wasn’t sure about the fit, or the vibe, or even Rob Thomas. It wasn’t the sort of song his band was in the habit of playing.

PHOTO CREDIT: Getty Images

In retrospect, that was precisely the point. From the instant it hit U.S. airwaves in June 1999, the track seemed destined to jackhammer its way into America’s consciousness. Thanks to its key personnel—an aging virtuoso and a rising pop rock star—the demographic potential was almost comically broad. And although haters deny it, the song’s musicianship is slick and impeccable.

It also didn’t hurt that 1999’s pop music environment was uniquely primed for a hit of this magnitude. Latin pop crossovers were ascendant, with Ricky Martin’s “Livin’ La Vida Loca,” which debuted that March, as recent proof of concept. Meanwhile, U.S. album sales were soaring and Napster, the file-sharing service that would eventually firebomb much of the music industry’s critical infrastructure, was only a few weeks old.

Twenty years after its release, "Smooth" enjoys the gilded status of America’s second-most popular song of all time, right behind Chubby Checker’s “The Twist” and right above Bobby Darin’s “Mack the Knife,” according to Billboard. Its potency derives largely from the fact that it is impossible to not react to—whether with excitement, exasperation, derision, or muddled, semi-ironic affection. It was meme bait before memes even existed: the rare cultural product whose very existence morphed into a sort of provocation.

PHOTO CREDIT: Getty Images

“This song belongs with something that people need every day in their lives: air, water and sex,” Santana says. “You can have food—granola, or whatever. But basically, air for your lungs, water for your body, and s-e-x for your psyche.”

Supernatural’s basic blueprint was cribbed from Deuces Wild, a 1997 album that paired B.B. King with a collection of established artists, including Bonnie Raitt, Van Morrison, and D’Angelo. Although that effort didn’t impress reviewers (Rolling Stone concluded that its “juke joint authenticity” was smothered by a “Ritz Carlton budget”), Supernatural’s creators thought they might improve on the idea.

Just as Ganbarg was nearing a panic, he encountered the first of several lucky breaks that occurred during the creation of “Smooth”: Evan Lamberg, an industry friend, called out of the blue to ask if he still needed songs. Lamberg introduced Ganbarg to a young musician named Itaal Shur, who was developing a salsa track called “Room 17” about an illicit hotel rendezvous. Ganbarg loved the basic components, but he found Shur’s lyrics bizarre and kind of tactless.

“It was about a groupie meeting Santana after the concert in a hotel room,” Ganbarg recalls. “Which, if you know anything about Carlos Santana, is 180 degrees opposite of who he is.” (Shur, for his part, maintains the song was simply about two long-estranged lovers cheating on their significant others.) After some negotiations, Shur agreed to polish the track with Rob Thomas, who had just wrapped a tour with Matchbox Twenty and, in Ganbarg’s recollection, “was living in an apartment downtown in Manhattan with his girlfriend, and he was smoking pot and he was playing Playstation.” In other words: enjoying the trappings of a blossoming semi-stardom.

That Shur and Thomas worked so well together—and so quickly—turned out to be another happy accident. The two went from complete strangers to heads-down collaborators virtually overnight. Thomas changed the key of “Room 17” and added a chorus. He re-worked the lyrics to de-emphasize adultery and focus instead on a lusty yet G-rated commitment to his fiancée, the model Marisol Maldonado (eventually described as his “Spanish Harlem Mona Lisa”). It all felt easy, casual.

“It was pretty much songwriting 101,” Thomas says. “At the time, I didn’t think there was any significant moment happening there. We were just kind of in [Shur’s] apartment studio chilling out.”

PHOTO CREDIT: Kevin Mazur/Getty Images

Meanwhile, each tweak felt to Ganbarg like a form of pain relief, a chiropractic adjustment. He allowed himself to believe that maybe, possibly, “Smooth” could turn into the hit he so desperately needed—a song that could move both asses and records. When he played it for his boss Clive Davis, a notoriously tough critic, Davis agreed: They were onto something.

Just one problem: Santana wasn’t interested. He required reassurances from Davis, who had first signed him in the 1960s, whose opinion he deeply respected, and who he had been chanting about, in compulsive sets of 27, during meditation sessions.

“So I have to go in sheepishly to Clive Davis’s office with my tail between my legs and say, ‘Clive, I need your help,’” Ganbarg recalls. “‘You’ve got to tell Carlos that this song is a hit, or else he won't record it.’” Davis dictated a note to Santana, which Ganbarg hurried off to fax. A few days later, Santana relented. He would record the song—as long as Rob Thomas did it with him, live.

“It was pretty much songwriting 101. At the time, I didn’t think there was any significant moment happening there.”

“I believed him a little bit, but I didn’t believe completely,” Santana says of Thomas. “Something happens when Brother Rob Thomas sings at the same time with the Santana band and myself in the same room. All of a sudden, two and two become seven instead of two and two becomes four.”

If there’s one thing that’s remarkable about the recording of “Smooth,” it’s how plainly unremarkable it all felt in the moment. Yes, Santana himself now describes the experience as a “tsunami of positivity,” devoid of egos and full of “EN. ER. GEE;” and yes, he gifted Rob Thomas an elaborate tapestry as soon as they walked into the studio; and yes, he asserts that the forces of gravity and time may have dissipated momentarily. But for many of the musicians involved, it felt routine—an-easier-than average session in service of a simple tune. They recorded live, ran through the track a few times, liked what they heard. Then they went home.

“I listen to it, and it's like, ‘Oh! it's like a song!’” says bassist Benny Rietveld. “We were used to just recording jams.”

PHOTO CREDIT: Kevin Mazur/Getty Images

“The only thing that I remember is just trying to get it to feel right,” adds drummer Rodney Holmes. “Just doing your job: You show up at the studio, you've learned the music. So now, it’s ‘Let’s execute.’ And that was it.”

Simple in theory. Yet it’s worth pausing for a moment to point out that the musicians on “Smooth” are not exactly a gaggle of toothless vagabonds, busking for quarters. They are elite, hall-of-fame-level players with eye-popping resumés and decades of experience. This is perhaps an obvious point, but it’s also one of the most important—and overlooked—aspects of the song’s success.

“We play like there’s no tomorrow,” Santana says. “We play like if you’re gonna get a heart attack by getting to that note, then gosh darn it, get the heart attack. But get the note.”

Everyone agreed the song sounded like a hit. But executives at Arista were still worried about the mechanics of selling America on something new from Santana. So they made a shrewd choice: When distributing the single, they left off the guitarist’s name, marking the CDs simply as “Smooth” and “Mystery Artist.”

Soon, the song’s magnitude, its infectious omnipresence, began to dawn on the creators themselves. For some, the realization came through blunt repetition: hearing it in the grocery store, then in a nearby pharmacy shortly thereafter. Others flipped between radio stations that were playing it simultaneously, or heard it blasting from a beat-up Pontiac in Hawaii, or were simply told by their wives: This could actually be something.

Rob Thomas’ own “aha” moment was goofy and cinematic. “It was one of those weird things that never happens anymore,” he says. “I was just walking down West Broadway and I stopped at a crosswalk, and this car full of hot girls—a convertible—pulled up at the red light and they were blaring ‘Smooth.’ It took me a second to realize what I was listening to. So my first thought was, when I see a bunch of hot girls in a car listening to it, there’s something happening here.” Two days later, in Los Angeles, he was walking through a hotel lobby. “This big fucking guy, just fully tatted, this crazy dude, comes running over to me and he’s like, ‘That fucking Carlos track is on fire, man! Good job!’ I was just like, ‘Oh shit! All right. That’s something.’”

The song was released as a single on June 29, 1999. It was certified gold by September 13 and platinum by November 9. It was the first number one song of Santana’s career, and it stayed at the top of Billboard’s Hot 100 for 12 consecutive weeks (and in the top 10 for 30 weeks). Then it topped the charts in 10 other countries. At the following year’s Grammy Awards, it won Record of the Year, Song of the Year, and Best Pop Collaboration with Vocals. Santana won Album of the Year for Supernatural, Best Pop Collaboration with Vocals, Best Pop Performance by a Duo or Group With Vocals (for “Maria Maria”), and Best Pop Instrumental Performance (for “El Farol”). Nine Grammies in total.

The awards provided a deluge of delayed recognition for Santana, a living legend who over his decades-long career had only won once, in 1988, in the Best Rock Instrumental Performance (Orchestra, Group or Soloist) category. In one photo from the evening, Thomas, Santana, and Clive Davis cradle their statues, each wearing a befuddled smile. Santana, in particular, looks ecstatic. The awards teeter cartoonishly in each man’s arms, as though the Recording Academy had backed up a dump truck and deposited them.

In the expansive canon of American popular music, there are various species of earworms. Some are harmless; some are venomous. Some wriggle in and out in mere minutes. The most powerful kind, though, are those that stick around despite a hapless listener’s best efforts at self-preservation. You really have to hand it to these fuckers: They enter the brain and immediately make themselves at home. They hang pictures, arrange furniture, sign a long-term lease. It goes without saying that they never, ever move out.

Like the cannonball gimmick, “Smooth,” as a cultural product, scrambles our receptors. Its omnipresence has created a nearly infinite spectrum of strong affinities and hostilities, some of which are difficult to parse. It remains fertile for parody—whether with memes that inquire whether today is, in fact, “a hot one,” or with T-shirts that proclaim: “I’d rather be listening to the Grammy Award-winning 1999 hit Smooth by Santana feat. Rob Thomas of Matchbox 20 off the multi-platinum album Supernatural.” At its worst, it is a tongue-in-cheek weapon to be deployed at captive audiences (dinner parties, car passengers); at its best, a colossal hit, crafted with equal parts joy, virtuosity, and cold calculation. In the middle, where most of us reside, it is the largest and most inclusive in-joke of all time. In all cases, the best approach is to simply surrender.

“Here’s the key to miracles and blessings,” Santana says. “Do you have the willingness to allow the spirit to come in? And do you have the discipline to get out of the way?”

So yes, it is possible to hate “Smooth” for the cynical mechanics of its creation, for its permanent residence in our heads and homegoods stores, for the line about a “Spanish Harlem Mona Lisa.” Yet because the song’s success is self-inflicted through decades of our own weddings and parties and makeout sessions, any hatred is also, by definition, a form of self-hatred.

None of this, by the way, is lost on its authors, who like you and I cannot seem to escape it. They continue to hear it at Whole Foods, on their own device’s shuffle function, on commercial radio, and when they are traveling in other countries.

“Even today, in all honesty, I’m OK if I never hear that song,” Thomas says. “When I say that, I love playing it and I love performing it. And I would play it every night, and I have a great joy every time that I do it. But I’m OK if I don’t hear it again”.

On 29th June, it will be twenty-five years since Smooth was released. A song that spent three months atop the U.S. chart, you still hear it a lot today. I know its creators and writers might feel tired of hearing it, they know how important the song is. A single that introduced Santana’s Supernatural and very much put him back in the spotlight, I really like the song. I first heard it at high school and was instantly bonded to it. Regardless of any cynicism and accusations the song is cool or cloying, it is a belter that is guaranteed to…

GET you moving.

FEATURE: Kate Bush: The Deep Cuts: Strange Phenomena




Kate Bush: The Deep Cuts

IN THIS PHOTO: Kate Bush in 1978/PHOTO CREDIT: Gered Mankowitz


Strange Phenomena


I have included a few songs…

from The Kick Inside for Kate Bush: The Deep Cuts. It is an album that is known for a couple of songs. Its U.K. singles. Like so many Kate Bush albums, people gravitate towards the singles and maybe do not investigate those deeper cuts. A song I have discussed many times in other contexts is Strange Phenomena. One of my favourite songs from The Kick Inside, it is a remarkable mature, unconventional and fascinating song from a teenage artist. Discussing, among other things, coincidences and menstruation, we get one of Bush’s most hypnotic vocal performances on her debut album. One of these songs that many non-Kate Bush fans are unaware of, I think it should be played more and better known. Another great example of the peerless songwriting talent of Kate Bush. For someone so young, she was writing about such unusual and interesting subjects. So different to anything that was released in 1978. More in common with classic literature and poetry, it must have been strange for some to hear an album like The Kick Inside. Before getting to a feature about Strange Phenomena, the Kate Bush Encyclopedia have an article that collects quotes where Bush discussed one of the standout tracks from her debut album:

Kate about ‘Strange Phenomena’

[‘Strange Phenomena’ is] all about the coincidences that happen to all of us all of the time. Like maybe you’re listening to the radio and a certain thing will come up, you go outside and it will happen again. It’s just how similar things seem to attract together, like the saying “birds of a feather flock together” and how these things do happen to us all the time. Just strange coincidences that we’re only occasionally aware of. And maybe you’ll think how strange that is, but it happens all the time. (Self Portrait, 1978)

“Strange Phenomena” is about how coincidences cluster together. We can all recall instances when we have been thinking about a particular person and then have met a mutual friend who – totally unprompted – will begin talking about that person. That’s a very basic way of explaining what I mean, but these “clusters of coincidence” occur all the time. We are surrounded by strange phenomena, but very few people are aware of it. Most take it as being part of everyday life. (Music Talk, 1978)”.

There is so much to discuss and dissect regarding Strange Phenomena. It has an interesting placement on The Kick Inside. After Moving and The Saxophone Song, then comes this gem. It is then followed by the sharper and more Reggae-tinged Kite. The first four songs really set the mood of the album. If the final four or five songs are more about love, loss and the self, then the first four or five are a little less ‘conventional’. I do especially love Strange Phenomena. It was released as a single in Brazil on 1st June, 1979. As it is forty-five very soon, it is another reason to go deep. Before rounding up, I want to bring in an article from Dreams of Orgonon. Some very insightful details and observations about one of Kate Bush’s most underrated songs:

Strange Phenomena” famously begins with an arpeggiating (A/F) ode to menstruation, “the phase of the moon when people tune in.” In her typical fashion, Kate Bush refers to menstruation as “the punctual blues,” suggesting both a musical quality and a natural rhythm to this particular bodily function (she also refers to it as something “every girl” knows about, but in her defense trans issues were not a topic of national conversation in 1978). Throughout The Kick Inside, Bush has made a case that all functions of the body are a thing of beauty, whether those be love-making or flying. With the opening of “Strange Phenomena,” Bush has extended her invitation of bodily functions into the fold beyond the pleasurable or fanciful and to parts of life women and other menstruating individuals aren’t encouraged to discuss in everyday life. Even more intriguing is how Bush frames menstruation as an almost musical act. In addition to her quasi-musical coinage of “the punctual blues,” she calls a period the phase “where people tune in.” To be sure, menstruating a subject people discuss in private, bringing discomfort to cisgender women and often triggering severe bouts of dysphoria in transgender men. It’s an aspect of life that unites lots of people in their unease by widespread patterns and, more importantly, rhythms of nature. Bush dignifies menstruating by making it a musical process. If there’s a central idea to The Kick Inside, it’s that everything is music.

This exercise of defining musicality as a unifying force isn’t confined to physical planes in “Strange Phenomena.” Bush described the song as being “about the coincidences that happen to all of us all of the time. We can all recall instances when we have been thinking about a particular person and then have met a friend who — totally unprompted — will begin talking about that person.” She more or less paraphrases this in the song, referring to “a day of coincidence with the radio.” Texts are a source of coincidence as well, such as when “you pick up a paper/you read a name/you go out/it turns up again and again.” There’s a sense Bush is being haunted by text, that the spoken word will accompany her wherever she goes. This is where Bush differs most radically from, say, Burroughs or Foucault, in that this constant presence of language and strangeness is a comfort to her, something to tip her hat to.

There’s a philosophical dimension to this as well: Bush once referred to Synchronicity while discussing “Strange Phenomena” in an interview. In short, Synchronicity is psychoanalyst Karl Jung’s concept of the interconnectivity of coincidences. Coincidences bearing similarity but no common cause are termed “meaningful.” This is a pretty easy way to argue for paranormality, and Jung did so (this is not the last time a psychoanalyst will influence Kate Bush. If you’ve read this blog’s title, you already know how). Bush picks up on this, heartily saluting the spectres and weirdness of everyday life.

“Strange Phenomena” is textured with little mysteries and details. Without the Internet at one’s disposal, listeners would go years not understanding some of the song’s allusions. There’s the obscure line “G arrives/funny, had a feeling he was on his way,” which seems inexplicable in context (apparently G was a person Bush knew, while my initial guesses were that G was the Almighty Herself, John Berger’s character G, or David Gilmour himself, most plausibly) yet brings a social instinct to the song, suggesting that people can be just as mysterious as events. The presence of people is mystical to Bush — the living can be ghosts as well. In many ways, “Strange Phenomena” is about clustering: when people gather and events happen close together, magic occurs. “We raise our hats to the hand a-moulding us,” sings Bush, nodding to spiritual forces beyond human understanding.

Sheer abstraction isn’t the only sort of mysticism that surfaces in “Strange Phenomena,” as Kate Bush will often decorate her lyrics with obscure cultural references. The chorus’ emphatic declaration of “soul birds of a feather flock together” is a sweet mystical touch. The most delightfully off-kilter part of the song is the end of the chorus, which has Bush repeatedly singing “om mani padme hum.” This is a Sanskrit mantra, hardly the sort of language you’d hear in a 1978 pop song. Apparently it means “the jewel in the lotus,” but Bush was unaware of this. When pressed on the meaning of the phrase, she admitted up front she had no idea what it meant (although she later published its definition when a fan sent it in). There’s a certain Caucasian ignorance to this, yet the charm of including Sanskrit on a popular album is nonetheless high.

Such is The Kick Inside as a whole. What it lacks in presentation, it more than amply makes up for it in ambition. If you have a song like “Strange Phenomena” on your album, you’re in good shape. If you have that, “Wuthering Heights,” “The Man with the Child in His Eyes,” and “The Kick Inside,” you’re more than set for a career of strong music. The Kick Inside is one of the strongest debut albums of its era, and I’m looking forward to seeing where we go from here.

Recorded 1977 at London AIR Studios. Performed on the Tour of Life in 1979. Personnel: Kate Bush — vocals, piano. Stuart Elliott — drums. David Paton — bass. Ian Bairnson — guitars. Duncan Mackay — synthesizers. Morris Pert — percussion. Andrew Powell — electric piano, production”.

This is a song that I would love to have seen Kate Bush perform live in 1979. Maybe a hard song to appropriately or powerfully stage, it does seem like the Tour of Life version and mounting was pretty impressive. I hardly see this song played on the radio. It is a shame, as it is one of her minor masterpieces. On an album with so many sophisticated, bold, unconventional and unique songs, this is among the best. I would love to see more written about this song. Like other songs from The Kick Inside, it gives us an insight into Kate Bush in her earliest stages. This blossoming and hugely promising songwriter whose work would evolve and develop very quick. I really admire her debut album because it is so unlike anything the industry would have expected. As you can hear from the remarkable Strange Phenomena, Kate Bush could make any subject sound…

SIMPLY magical and essential.

FEATURE: The Digital Mixtape: The Chillout Playlist




The Digital Mixtape

PHOTO CREDIT: Armin Rimoldi/Pexels


The Chillout Playlist


I like to put together playlists…

PHOTO CREDIT: Todd Trapani/Pexels

now and then on a particular theme. This Digital Mixtape is all about chillout songs. Whether you see it as a genre or a looser word for music that has laidback vibes, I think we can all do with something a bit more soothing. Chillout does not necessarily have to mean completely relaxed. A song that makes you feel better or can calm you. It can have some energy to it. I hope that the songs below help to put you in a lighter mood. In future Digital Mixtape features, I am going to compile some more eclectic and energised songs. I felt there was place and purpose combining some chilled out cuts. Those that should get the nerves calmed and the body relaxed. If you do require songs to cool and soothe as well as raise a smile, then I hope that the mixtape does the job. Put it on and…

PHOTO CREDIT: Fabian Wiktor/Pexels

DRIFT away.

FEATURE: He’s So Aware of All My Situations: Kate Bush’s June 1975




He’s So Aware of All My Situations

IN THIS PHOTO: Kate Bush in March 1978/PHOTO CREDIT: Jill Furmanovsky


Kate Bush’s June 1975


I have looked inside…

this important month in terms of Kate Bush’s career though, as it was forty-nine years ago, I am coming back to it. It was an interesting point in her career. Bush was a couple of years away from recording her debut album, The Kick Inside. I am not only going to focus on June 1975. It will be the centrepiece. I want to look at the couple of years before and after. In June 1975, Bush was a month shy of her seventeenth birthday. At a time when most people of her age would leave school and would either be pursuing further education or going into work. I have been spending a lot of time discussing Kate Bush’s early career. I will move on to her later work in future features. I think it is fascinating look at 1973 onwards. So young at the time, she would get a professional nod and interest from EMI in 1974. The deal was completed in 1976. She would record The Kick Inside in 1977. It was a few years of real acceleration and growth. The reason why I want to focus particularly on June 1975 is that is when Kate Bush stepped into a professional studio to record her first tracks. Two of the three she would record appeared on The Kick Inside. The Man with the Child in His Eyes and The Saxophone Song were from the voice of someone who was sixteen. Bush sounds so mature and composed. It must have been a nerve-wracking experience! At this time, she was being mentored by David Gilmour. The Pink Floyd legend had seen her potential and paid for the professional recordings. Acting as an executive producer, he was very instrumental in getting Kate Bush signed and in front of EMI. Gilmour knew that Bush’s family might have preferred her to continue education and not go into music so soon.

EMI knew this too. They were not asking Bush to record an album straight away. In fact, they encouraged her to take some time to grow and develop her music before releasing the album. This early signature and meeting. I am not sure how many major labels would do that in today’s climate! Bush would go onto tour small pubs and clubs in and around London (mainly) with the KT Bush Band just before being called into the studio. Early live exposure that would provide some useful experience. In terms of recording, prior to 1975, there were demos recorded by Bush at her family home. Sitting in East Wickham Farm and putting down these modest but beautiful songs, it was a big leap in June 1975. She had not done anything as huge as that before! Regardless, what we hear on The Kick Inside is what was recording in June 1975. So amazingly professional and mesmeric. This wonderful website takes us through 1973 and 1974:


Kate records at Gilmour's home studio. The backing band is comprised of Gilmour himself on guitar, and Peter Perrier and Pat Martin of Unicorn on drums and bass, respectively. The songs recorded at this stage include Passing Through Air (later to surface on the b-side of the 1980 single Army Dreamers) and a song now known as Maybe.

[Again, a bit more detail would have been welcome here. There is no mention of how many songs were recorded during these recording sessions. Incidentally, an excerpt of this version of the so-called Maybe, which presumably first appeared on Kate's original demos, was played by Kate during a radio programme called Personal Call. It should not be confused with the presumably more professional version of the recording which was made the following year (see below) but which has never been heard by fans.]

The new demos are again circulated to record companies with no result.


With no progress in her musical ambitions, Kate seriously considers a career in psychiatry.

Kate takes her "O Level" examination and obtains ten "Pass" grades, with best results in English, music and Latin.


Gilmour decides that the only way to interest the record companies in Kate's talent is to make a short three-song demo to full professional standards. He puts up the money.

It is interesting that Bush recorded at Gilmour’s home studio. That must have been quite intense. Though, with a trusted friend encouraging her, it perhaps prepared for going into AIR Studios. That is where she recorded the rest of The Kick Inside. June and July 1975 provided some real contrast. A headiness and first professional recording in June. Some reality and education in July 1975.

June 1975

Kate goes into Air Studios in London’s West End, with Gilmour as producer, Andrew Powell as arranger, Geoff Emerick as engineer. The three songs recorded are Saxophone Song (also known at this stage as Berlin), The Man With the Child in His Eyes, and a song which fans refer to as Maybe.

July 1975

Kate takes her “mock A Level” examinations.

While Pink Floyd are at Abbey Road Studios recording Wish You Were Here, Gilmour plays the three-track demo to Bob Mercer, then General Manager of EMI’s pop division. Mercer is impressed and negotiations are opened.

The deal takes some time to conclude. It is much discussed at meetings between Kate, her family, Gilmour and EMI.

I love the fact that in July 1975 Bush was taking exams and, at the same time, there was this movement around her professional career and record deal. It must have been a strange tussle! Having recorded a few songs in the studio the month before, Bush would have wanted to do more and spend time writing. I guess she had to do exams and have a fallback. It would have been strange and exciting at the same time.

I am going to bring in what happened in 1976 before focusing back on June 1975. There is a bit of confusion as to what exactly happened that year. What we do know is that Bush would not continue in education. She was set to follow a career as a musician:


Kate gets a small inheritance, and decides to leave school to concentrate on preparing herself for a career in music. She buys an old honky-tonk piano for 200 Pounds and begins screeching into existence her unmistakable voice.

[This statement implies that the twenty-two demo-recordings which are now circulating among fans date from no earlier than 1976. I do not know what the basis is for Peter's assumption, however.]

The EMI deal begins to take shape. A publishing contract is settled first”.

June 1975 is a pivotal moment in Kate Bush’s career. In a future feature, I will discuss the relationship between Kate Bush and David Gilmour. How they found one another and continued to be in each other’s lives.

Prior to closing up, it is worth looking closely at the two songs recorded at AIR in June 1975 that made their way onto The Kick Inside. The Saxophone Song is one of the more underrated songs from her debut album. Dreams of Orgonon looked inside a song that was recorded by a then-teenage Kate Bush. A remarkable sonic experience:

I’ve tried to avoid being proleptic with this blog, so as to evaluate songs as they may have sounded to a listener upon their initial creation. Sometimes that’s impossible. Later developments will demand we recontextualize a song. The public first heard “Saxophone Song” after “Wuthering Heights” caught everyone’s attention. Behind the scenes, “Saxophone Song” is the earlier track—recorded almost three years prior to the release of The Kick Inside. The take recorded in the 1975 session is the one that shows up on the album. It’s not quite one-of-a-kind—only this and “The Man With the Child in His Eyes” made it from the ‘75 session to the album, and their anomalousness is noticeable when they’re separated from the LP’s other crisper tracks. “Saxophone Song” seems like a simple Cathy demo at first glimpse—it’s loaded with the same obscure attempts at poetic phrases abundant in the early songs (“a sturdy lady in tremor/the stars that climb from her bowels”). The singer is once again excited by a mysterious stranger in a magical place, in this case a warm tavern in Berlin (which, incidentally, was the song’s original title). That Elton Johnesque fascination with showbiz as foreign spectacle isn’t gone. For a professional (and “canonical”) song, it’s not too far removed from Cathy’s juvenilia.

Yet “Saxophone Song” is unmistakably a Kick Inside track, one that arguably signals the transition from the central character of our blog from being Cathy to becoming Kate Bush. That’s not just because it’s on the album—it clearly fits with the general style which permeates the record. In part, this has something to do with Andrew Powell, the producer/arranger/keyboard player who oversees this track and rest of Kate’s first two albums (the song also features the first appearance of guitarist Alan Parker,  previously of the band Blue Mink and a Kate Bush mainstay).

More broadly, the song’s themes gesture to both the past and future. Long-term concerns of Kate’s music such as spectatorship, place, and the tangible effects of music surface in “Saxophone Song”—the singer is captivated by this cool stranger in Berlin playing a saxophone. Yet it’s not simply a matter of watching a performer—the artist is interested in the relationship between audience and performer as a partnership, one in which the spectator participates as much as the player, as evidenced by the song’s framing of the listener’s experience (“there’s something very real in how I feel, honey”). The person playing the saxophone is fantastically talented, but they’re a vessel. What matters here is the magic their music awakes in the listener, and just as importantly, the source of the magic”.

I also want to stick with the same blog and their feature about The Man with the Child in His Eyes. One of the most beautiful and extraordinary songs Kate Bush ever laid down, many have interpreted the track as relating to David Gilmour. How important he was. Even though the truth is that the song relates to men in general who have a child-like quality, one cannot ignore potential links to Gilmour:

So what we’re given with “Child” is that ever-so-rare thing in pop music: a young person’s vision of the world, undiluted by executive interference. In it Kate sings about a strange, wonderful man, older than herself but with an adolescent spirit that’s not unlike hers. The song is somewhat impenetrable, like any artistic work by a young person beginning to navigate the world, and it’s accessible and applicable and gorgeous. It’s rare for artists to pull this off successfully so early on, which may account for the limited amount of in-depth analysis on “Child”—Ron Moy finds little to say on the song in his book Kate Bush and Hounds of Love, and Deborah M. Withers’ classic Bushology text Adventures in Kate Bush and Theory skips the song altogether (frankly the best reading of the song hails from this Tumblr post). The most useful critical take comes from Graeme Thomson’s seminal biography Under the Ivy:

“[Kate] is surely unique among female songwriters in that her canon contains not a single song that puts down, castigates, or generally gives men the brush off. She has never been feminist in the bluntest sense — she wants to preserve and embrace the differences between the sexes and understand the male of the species. Many songs display a desire to experience fully what it is to be a man; she invests them with power,  beauty, and a kind of mystical attraction which is incredibly generous.”

Thomson is straightforwardly doing his “male writer gotta male writer” thing (one has to eye-roll at his audible sigh of relief when he talks about how nice Kate is to men), but there’s a key point in there. Kate’s music is very generous to men, perhaps overly so (perhaps best demonstrated by “Babooshka,” in which the main character’s husband gets off scot-free for an attempt at infidelity). In interviews, Kate has made it clear that the song talks about just that internal spark. “It’s something I feel about men generally… that a lot of men have got a child inside them, you know. I think they’re more or less grown-up kids,” she explained in a 1979 appearance on the BBC One children’s programme “Swap Shop,” to an amused Noel Edmonds (yes, *that* Noel Edmonds) and vocal studio crew. Kate grasps the fine line between being childlike and childish (the latter being perhaps a more common quality). What she’s talking about is a childlike sense of adventure, a desire and willingness to play games and believe in fantastic things. “Nobody knows about my man/they think he’s lost on some horizon.” Only she gets him; this is a part of the man’s internalism he only shares with her. Nobody gets this. He’s at an age where his fantasizing is considered adolescent enough to be an eccentricity.

And the singer is at that transition point where the storyteller becomes as much of a point of interest as the story. In part, “The Man with the Child in His Eyes” is about someone learning what it’s like to have a person to themselves for the first time. They’re experiencing that magical feeling of being with someone who understands and who makes sense to them. It’s not clear what their relationship is—there’s an adolescent ambiguity to the song. “Maybe he doesn’t love me/I just took a trip on my love for him,” sings an almost-certainly-stoned 16-year-old in her award-winning lyric. But despite her lack of sure-footedness, there’s no danger here, no exploitative or sexual dimension to this relationship—it’s a mature but innocent dynamic, and a genuine, human, unmanufactured one”.

Forty-nine years ago, in June 1975, a young Kate Bush recorded three songs at AIR Studios. Two would appear on her debut album. At a moment when she was still at school and there was some doubts whether she would have a long-term career, these big steps were made. It would have been fascinating being in the studio and seeing Kate Bush recording. After that moment, it is was clear that…

NOTHING would be the same again.

FEATURE: Spotlight: J Noa






J Noa


AN artist I am…

a little late to, the sensational and powerful J Noa (Nohelys Jiménez) is a teenage Rap prodigy that has been dubbed the ‘daughter of Rap’ The Dominican artist has incredible flows and is one of the sharpest and most original lyricists on the block. Last year, she released the seven-track E.P., Autodidacta. I shall come to some interviews from this year. First, from last year, J Noa spoke to Rolling Stone around the release of the stunning Autodidacta:

J Noa comes from San Cristobal of Santo Domingo, a common playground for foreign creatives but a tough neighborhood for its residents, similar to the neighborhood of Capotillo. Growing up in San Cristobal inspired J Noa to start making music when she was just eight years old, as she told the famous radio host Brea Frank.

J Noa developed into a powerful performer and storyteller after achieving visibility through her impressive freestyle “Frente a Frente,” featured on the legendary DJ Scuff’s YouTube series. Feeling that the subject matter in rap culture at the moment is somewhat repetitive, J Noa had a particular goal for Autodidacta: “I feel like I came to revive rap,” she tells Rolling Stone. “To me, most rappers should be intentional about what they write, about what they recite. Otherwise, why would rap serve them, or why would they be considered rappers if they don’t live the reality of what they’re rapping about?”

A self-described fan of the genre and all that it offers, she’s eager to demonstrate the complexity of Dominican culture, identity, and challenging lived experience on this project. At the same time, she wants to show the nuances and dignity of her home.

Her lyricism highlights the tragedy of adolescents forced to “grow up too fast” and the vicious cycles that cause the same problems to repeat over again. Noting the difficulties that she witnessed firsthand alongside her young peers, J Noa pulls from an array of real-life topics, from teen pregnancy to gang violence to even drug addiction. On her Autodidacta’s emotional track “Betty,” she turns her lens on parents who are still maturing alongside their kids.

“Some parents are still adapting to technology and they themselves are growing up while they raise their children,” she says. “In ‘Betty,’ I speak to how adapting or not doesn’t necessarily make the difference in domestically violent situations in the households, and some need to realign their priorities”

In other songs on the EP, she boldly calls out the government’s inability to allocate funds for what Dominicans on the island need. “Que Fue” looks at the frustration over leadership’s negligence and lack of resources, like gas and electricity, that has become a growing problem across the Caribbean. The issue has been highlighted in the past, by Luis Ovalles in his classic Eighties merengue classic “Se Fue La Luz,” by Poeta Callejero in “16 de Mayo,” Guaynaa in his “Maria” freestyle, and Bad Bunny in “El Apagon.”

Her delivery is worth noting: J Noa raps at impressive speeds in a distinctively Dominican way. Through her lyricism and unique style, she wanted to combat the backwards idea of Dominican Spanish being “bad Spanish.” Instead, she shows its beauty and complexity.

Achieving such respect and critical acclaim as a young artist isn’t easy, especially in a culture whose art is constantly reduced to stereotypes. Genres like Dominican dembow are constantly diminished, and their depth is often ignored. Dominicans often face the racist burden of “proving themselves” to outsiders, despite all of their crucial contributions to music at large. And yet ironically enough, the country is constantly exploited for its cultural richness.

J NOA IS making it her mission to enter new spaces with her unique sound while holding onto every bit of the essence that makes her who she is. By pouring her all into the music, she shines a light on both the strength and vulnerability of the world she comes from while showing a brilliant sense of pride in herself.

“My self-esteem is never low,” she says. “If people say, ‘What a pretty girl who’s dark skinned.’ To them, I say I’ve always been too much to handle. When it comes to my skin color, my pride is as high as an 180 mile tall skyscraper. In other words, nobody is ever bringing me down.”

Currently, J Noa is finishing high school at an alternative school to ensure she can keep up with the creative demands of Sony, her label, who signed her in January 2023. On Autodidacta, she boldly decided not to include any features, adequately using every minute of each track to say what she had to and putting more weight on her courageous outspokenness.

The project also comes with bold visuals that show that J Noa has her eye on every detail of her project. She worked alongside her collaborators Lennyn Salinas and Daniel Bethencourt and made it a point to create videos that went beyond the obvious. “We created straight movies because that was what was needed to reinforce what you were hearing lyrically,” she says.

Autodidacta is a display of Dominican excellence. J Noa’s clear direction is a testament to her discipline and the care she puts into her work. “Autodidacta speaks to my intelligence and my strength as a young, Black female rapper. It’s something that I’ve always wanted to show, as well as the notion that in rap, it’s about obtaining the public’s confidence and their respect, too.” She’s working toward a better future, and instead of standing by and watching, she’s contributing to a reality she can be proud of”.

I will move on to We All Grow Latina and their chat with an artist that should be on everyone’s radar. Although she is known in the U.K., I don’t think the music of J Noa is played as much as it should be. A recent interview with NME could well see that change. Her music warrants a lot of airplay and love. She is s future legend that we are seeing blossom and bloom:

Born Nohelys Jiménez, this Dominicana’s raps don’t stray too far from the realities of growing up in the neighborhood 5 de Abril in San Cristobal. Admittedly, her raps are pretty mature for what you can expect to hear from a 17-year-old, but J Noa raps about what she knows and has witnessed firsthand in the Dominican Republic. Her delivery mirrors that maturity and boldness.

“The boldness and maturity that I express in my songs and the delivery of my raps come from how I’ve grown up and what I have learned along the way.”

“The boldness and maturity that I express in my songs and the delivery of my raps come from how I’ve grown up and what I have learned along the way,” says J Noa.

As she speaks, she spares all humblebrag and any self-doubts; she’s very matter-of-fact about her intelligence and wit. It’s what has shaped her to be who she is today.

“Since I was little, I’ve been very smart. I’m the kind of person that will see something, and I will have an idea born out of it. I didn’t have a regular childhood like other kids who were playing in the park, so I grew up having to learn a lot about life.”

Fighting the Stereotypes Contra El Barrio, One Lyric at a Time

She has seen quite a lot growing up in San Cristobal and had to grow up fast. Her freestyles and raps are a vivid look into the socioeconomic state of her neighborhood and her country. Her listeners are the visitors, and she is your tour guide. As depicted in the music video for her latest single, ‘Betty, she shows us how in the barrios of the DR, one’s life can immediately change due to bad decisions, bad company, limited resources, and limited opportunities.

“If you look at the music video, the people that I’m taking in the golf cart with me are upper class. I’m showing them what it’s like to live inside the barrio, so my objective is to open consciousness,” says J Noa. “I’ve actually brought upper-class people to my neighborhood, and they were able to put themselves in the shoes of my community. They left and made sure to give back to the neighborhood. I know my neighborhood isn’t the most beautiful thing in the world, but it also isn’t the most terrible place either. I want to show the beauty of it as well, but the problem is that if I only talk about the good, then no one will pay attention. I need to shed light on the bad, so I can help improve it. Because if it’s all good, then no one is going to think that anything needs to be fixed.”

J Noa isn’t just trying to put her neighborhood on the map to the outside world – she’s also speaking directly to her community. In ‘Betty,’ she describes the cautionary tale of a 17-year-old girl swayed by bad company, teen pregnancy, and drugs. She wraps up the song saying, “lo que le paso a Betty te puede pasar a ti, solo espero que tus decisiones no sean igual.” (“What happened to Betty can happen to you too, I just hope that your decisions aren’t the same.”)

“It’s not just to show the upper-class how it’s like to live in the hood,” says J Noa, “but also open the minds of young girls who follow me and might be in the same situation as Betty. I understand with one positive message and piece of advice that I can give, I can inspire them as someone who is also their age, is working in music, and is also in school. I hope to show them that they can do it too.”

As I speak to J Noa, 17-year-old me is resonating with her message in trying to defy the stereotypes and statistics set for kids from the hood. Having been raised in Compton myself, I let her know that I, too, understood the damaging narrative attached to girls from the hood like me. However, she tells me that it wasn’t just the external world that expected her to fail as someone from el barrio; it was close family friends too.

J Noa Is Writing Her Own Lyrics and Her Own Narrative

“There was one time in our house I overheard them telling my mom that she needed to be careful with me growing up because my eyes were ‘muy vivos,'” she shares. Of course, anyone else would think that a description of having eyes that looked vivid would be a compliment, but this person was implying that J was too smart for her own good, and it was going to end her up in trouble.

“They told her ‘ella es demasiado inteligente, tú tienes que tener cuidado con ella,'” she shared with me. “They told my mom unpleasant things about me. They even told her she needed to be careful with my sexuality. It’s a pressure I’ve felt since a little girl.”

But she’s used that pressure to change the narrative others decided to write about her without her permission.

“When you have that type of pressure, you just want to grow up, shut those people up, and prove to them how wrong they were in making those assumptions about you.”

“When you have that type of pressure, you just want to grow up, shut those people up, and prove to them how wrong they were in making those assumptions about you.”

And she’s done just that. At just 17, she has signed with Sony Music Entertainment, has been covered on Billboard Latin, CNN en Español, Remezcla, People en Español, Univision, and Telemundo (to name a few), and has racked up over a million views on her YouTube channel. And as the self-proclaimed La Hija Del Rap, she is living up to her idols Melymel (La Mama del Rap) and Lápiz Conciente (El Papa del Rap) with a fire flow that keeps all those that cross her path bewildered by her prowess.

A Love Letter to Rap, Black Women, and Herself

However, in such a male-dominated field, I’m curious about how she’s been able to navigate her path as a rapper despite her gender and age.

“This industry is practically a boy’s club, but my age works in my favor. Since I’m young, people are like ‘wow, she’s 17, and she’s rapping with those rhymes and that maturity,'” she shares. “It’s like people forget that rap is for men when they hear me. Still, people make comments online saying that my rap style is just for men and that if I keep up with this style I’m going to change my personality and become a tomboy. What does that have to do with who I am?”

And that is one thing I learned about J Noa in this conversation: she doesn’t care an ounce about what you think or say about her. She is unfiltered and unapologetic in the way she carries herself and in her delivery because she does this for herself, for the girls that look up to her, and for the genre that raised her.

“I dedicate my rap style to Black women. I am a woman that loves my color, and I will defend my color. I was born with rap, and I will die with rap. And the legacy I want to leave is that I was always rap”.

Prior to ending up with the NME interview, there is a quick-fire interview I want to bring in. Earlier in the month, VIPER sat down with J Noa. An award-nominated talent, I know that we are going to see her grow and grow. One of the modern-day Rap talents that can sit alongside the icons and legends one day soon:

Dominican rap prodigy, J Noa earned her first Latin Grammy nomination for Best Rap/Hip Hop Song. Get to know her better with this VIPER Presents interview…

What five words define your sound?

Authentic, versatile, story, real life, flow.

Tell me something unique about your creative process.

My ideas flow wherever they please. No matter where I am, if I have a new idea, I write it down. I stop whatever I’m doing because, to me these are opportunities I have to take advantage of.

Which song of yours would you like people to hear first?

‘Autodidacta’ because it’s a song where I openly express myself, my talent and who I am as a person. ‘Fronteo’ is about what I clearly have, which is my talent.

What inspired you to make that song?

I just wanted to create a relevant idea that stands out among the multitude of songs I have, one that represents me as a rapper in its fullest expression. And obviously, to surprise people with my skill in double tempo.

What’s the most vulnerable you’ve allowed yourself to be when writing/making music?

I really wouldn’t know what to say because I restrain myself a lot from vulnerability. I don’t like feeling weak, so I think it’s a topic that’s a bit taboo for me.

What’s the best/worst experience you’ve had on stage?

In all my time on stage, I haven’t had any bad experiences because I make sure to prepare very well before stepping onto a stage. Even with the audience, I haven’t encountered any situations that make me uncomfortable.

What is your favourite song to perform?

‘Autodidacta’ because I live in that moment like nothing else in the world. I think if it were a person, it would be my crush.

Which artist/song/album made you want to make music?

The guys in the neighbourhood doing freestyle in front of my house sparked my desire to become someone in life and progress to help my family. However, I wasn’t inspired by a specific artist because I didn’t even have knowledge of this genre.

What’s the meaning behind your name?

My real name is Nohelys Jiménez, so “Noa” comes from Nohelys and the “J” from my last name, which is Jimenez.

If you weren’t making music, what would you be doing instead?

In university studying psychology, or who knows, maybe I would have been involved in another project related to art, because since I was very young, I’ve been very inclined towards art, especially live show.

What’s success to you?

Feeling good about what I’m doing, making my family happy and being well mentally.

What moment in your life/career forced you to change direction?

I believe that moment hasn’t arrived yet. I’ve been doing the same thing since I started, and I haven’t taken another path or direction. Hopefully, things will continue this way.

Where can people keep in touch with you?

On my Instagram channel, or you can also message me directly on Instagram DM”.

It is timely focusing on J Noa. Her debut album, Matanse Por La Corona, is released on 23rd May. I would advise people to seek it out. Such a phenomenal Rap artist, this teenage prodigy is going to go places! NME spotlighted an artist with a strong and compelling voice. Someone whose incisive storytelling puts her out in front:

J Noa was only 15 years old when Sony Music first reached out to her; she signed with the major label soon after. In the years since, trips to the US for recording and promo events have become the norm, but she’s been determined not to let the hype get to her, and insists that her creative process has remained the same throughout.

She recalls entering large recording studios for the first time and having to adapt to the new environment, from observing how different producers worked to learning how other artists worked on vocal melodies without having lyrics in place. But it’s worth noting that by this point, she had already been rapping for years.

Jiménez first started spitting bars at the age of eight, freestyling with local boys in the streets of her neighbourhood in San Cristóbal. Her hometown is located 30km west of Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic, and her local area — which she recently showed fans around in the video documentary ‘Mi Barrio’ — has greatly impacted her capacity for storytelling, the poverty and struggle she saw firsthand giving her a greater sense of perspective from an early age. As she raps on ‘Betty’, the heart-rending tale of a young, vulnerable teenage girl from the hood who unexpectedly winds up pregnant, “a ustedes le sorprende para mí es normal” (“You are surprised, for me it’s normal”).

“I witnessed all of that in the flesh,” she tells NME. “I was just telling the story, so there wasn’t really pressure. But once it was out, I felt that feeling; I started seeing comments and seeing people realise what ‘Betty’ was about, and when I detect pressure I feel that I have to lead by example. If I’m going to tell these kinds of stories and bring light to these problems, I can be part of the problem. If I’m making a rap about being an educated person and here in the interview I portray myself as being an uneducated person, that’s not being consistent, so I need to be true and lead by example.”

PHOTO CREDIT: Fiona Garden

This reflects Jiménez’s belief that rappers are “the journalists of the hood”. It’s a viewpoint she backs up consistently in her music, which explores a wide range of pertinent issues relating to social inequality, politics, relationships, and mental health, all of which she feels a responsibility to document. Her recent single ‘Era de Cristal’ is a good example. Its video displays Jiménez confined in a box bedroom, tossing, turning and visibly struggling to keep it together, these visuals reflecting lyrical content that centres around anxiety and insomnia, with lyrics like “mirando como cae la noche el cielo, una lágrima que adorna mi cara y rueda y mi cuello” (“watching the night fall into the sky, a tear adorns my face and rolls down my neck”).

“Rap is history,” she continues. “History needs to be told, and where I come from, the hood, there was a lack of a voice. There were stories, but no one to tell those stories. I’m part of the hood that now has a voice, and I want to use that voice to tell those stories. With my genre, with my skills, I’m capable of bringing light to these narratives.”

This attitude is a central facet of her forthcoming debut album (due out May 23), ‘Matanse Por La Corona’ (‘kill for the crown’). Produced largely by Honduran-born, LA-based producer Trooko – “he’s a master,” says Jiménez – the album leans heavily on recrafted jazz and soul melodies, from the neat double bass riff that opens ‘Cenicienta’ to the coarse Chubby Checker vocal sample that’s chopped-up and scattered across the tough hip-hop track ‘Arrogante’. Mirroring the figurative violence of its title, ‘Matanse Por La Corona’ sees her spit rapidly against an intense, jumpy beat centred on tight, triumphant bursts of horns that evoke the open credits of a 1960s detective drama (they’re sampled from Canadian composer Dennis Farnon’s 1974 track ‘Snowmobile’). What was the intention behind that evocative album title?

“The point is to acknowledge that I’m not working towards this objective [of ‘killing for the crown’]. It’s not something that matters to me, having that recognition or fame,” she says. “I’m doing this because it’s what I like, I’m working on my own agenda, with my own goals of growing as an artist. I’m telling everyone that they can kill for the crown, but that’s not my agenda, I will be here doing my own thing!”

Perhaps it’s this singularity, this lack of regard for petty beef, commercial success or the trappings of fame, that makes J Noa such a likely candidate to rise to the top. Posing for her NME shoot against a deep red backdrop, her hair braided and fashioned into a majestic floral shape above her head, she exudes the energy of a star. She seems comfortable, staring down the camera, and shuffling with ease to the light reggaeton beats that blast from a speaker by the side of the studio.

The following day, she jumps onstage at renowned Camden venue Electric Ballroom to support Venezuelan funk/soul four-piece Rawayana, and stomps around with the same assured self-confidence. For an 18-year-old, Jiménez has a formidable stage presence and command of the room; she strides around with purpose, and the mostly Spanish-speaking crowd respond fervently to bold lyrics like “Piden guerra, pero vienen sin bala no hay quien resista / A una barra que te deja en coma el tiempo que tú exista” (“They ask for war, but they come without bullets, there is no one to resist / To a bar that leaves you in a coma for as long as you live”). You get the feeling she was built for this.

“Rap is a lifestyle,” she says. “I’m pure hip-hop. There are many ways to do hip-hop, but for me it’s about focusing on the lyrics while also being a bit aggressive. It comes from my personality; I’m bold, I’m aggressive, and I want to represent that I am a strong Black woman. What I do, it comes out of my heart”.

With her debut album out on 23rd May, and a growing fanbase in the U.K., the Dominican Rap artist will take over the world. She is ambitious, keen and hugely impressive. Someone who is a teenager but has this amazing maturity and focus. It will be fascinating seeing where her career heads in years to come! Make sure you follow her. We are seeing the rise of…

A future icon.


Follow J Noa

FEATURE: Queens to the Front: How Women Are Leading the Way in the Industry




Queens to the Front

N THIS PHOTO: Billie Eilish/PHOTO CREDIT: Petros Studio


How Women Are Leading the Way in the Industry


I guess we are years away…

PHOTO CREDIT: Wellington Cunha/Pexels

from truly being able to say that parity has reached the music industry. In terms of pay and power, I think it is going to be a very long time before women are on the same level as men. I have written before how the music industry would benefit from being a matriarchy. Rather than it being a case of women ruling sternly and in the same way as the patriarchy, a much more considerate and progressive leadership would hugely benefit all through the industry. I do think that we need to have discussions about how women need to be at the forefront when it comes to the industry. How we need to ensure that future generations coming into music are not subjected to the same inequality and barriers women are subjected to now. Rather than this being anything against men in the music, it is very clear that women are really pushing things forward. Some might disagree but, in terms of the music being put out, women are still very much on top. I am always going to be biased in favour of women. That is not a subjective thing. It is very clear that the most brilliant and original albums over the past few years have been from women. The biggest and most spectacular tours of the past couple of years have been from female artists. Many of the best-reviewed gigs have been. So many of the tipped artists for this year are women. It is clear that the queens are dominating. It is the story across most genres. It is too much to list all the amazing albums made by women the past few years. It is not only across genres that women are ruling. In terms of age demographics and countries, there does seem to be this phenomenal consistency. Two new albums, one from Billie Eilish and the other from Beth Gibbons, demonstrate the sheer brilliance and variety that there is out there.

There is a bigger point that I want to lead onto. How there has been improvements and development yet, still, I don’t think women are valued as much as they should be. The majority of power in the hands of men. Things need to change. The incredible passion and brilliance that they bring to all corners of the music industry warrants a lot more. I want to start with reviews for brilliant new work from two very different female artists. The Guardian reviewed Billie Eilish’s Hit Me Hard and Soft:

The album tellingly reserves its brightest hues for Lunch, a track that presses a distorted drum machine, ska-inflected guitar and a sudden explosion of noisy, EDM-inspired bass into the service of a lascivious thumbs-up for lesbian sex. Eilish, who built her image on a very recognisable kind of teenage surliness – in photographs taken during her rise to superstardom, she tended to fix the camera with a look of uncomprehending contempt – sounds as if she’s grinning as she sings it.

There are beautiful melodies here, and some very distinctive lyrical touches – on Birds of a Feather, she pledges her love until “I rot away, dead and buried … in the casket that you carried”. But you do start wondering if Hit Me Hard and Soft might not be a little too opaque for its own good. Wildflower slips in one ear and out the other pleasantly enough, an underwhelming state of affairs given how arresting Eilish’s music has proved in the past.

But, as if on cue, the album suddenly shifts focus midway through. The temperature drops, the atmosphere turns more discomfiting, the songs become longer and more wilfully episodic. Subject to jarring shifts in mood and tempo, they frequently end up somewhere completely different from their starting point. The soft rock of L’Amour de Ma Vie is usurped by a clipped beat and burbling synth bass that recalls Joe Jackson’s 1982 hit Steppin’ Out, but not before Eilish’s vocal is warped to the point where she sounds as though she’s retelling the story of a doomed love affair in a mocking baby voice. The Diner melds creepy vocals to an echo-drenched reggae-esque lope, then suddenly slows down, re-emerging as an eerie show tune as the lyrical saga of unrequited love turns murderous. The thick synthesiser chords of Bittersuite swell until they overwhelm the song entirely in a dark, instrumental coda. Blue seems to concern a relationship with another wounded celebrity – “too afraid to step outside, paranoid and petrified of what you’ve heard” – alternating between empathy and the sense that the celebrity is simply too damaged to deal with: the rhythm track sounds similarly indecisive, spluttering in and out of life to haunting effect.

Odd lines and images from earlier lyrics keep reappearing in the second half of the album, as if the later songs here are commenting on, or updating, the previously depicted events. The effect is both enigmatic – when a line from Skinny about feeling “like a bird in a cage” reappears in the completely different setting of Blue, it isn’t clear whether it’s reiterating or undercutting the point – and compelling: what initially seems straightforward becomes deeper and murkier.

An album that keeps wrongfooting the listener, Hit Me Hard and Soft is clearly intended as something to gradually unpick: a bold move in a pop world where audiences are usually depicted as suffering from an attention deficit that requires instant gratification. Hit Me Hard and Soft isn’t in the business of providing that. In its place, it offers evidence that, among the ranks of mega-selling pop stars, Billie Eilish remains a fascinating law unto herself”.

One of our best artists, Beth Gibbons, has just released a stunning solo album. In an industry that is still ageist, we have seen an album from a young U.S. Pop artist and an older and established queen producing equally wonderful work. This is what The Guardian said about Lives Outgrown:

No one is ever going to accuse Beth Gibbons of over-exerting herself in the rapacious pursuit of fame: her solo debut arrives 22 years after her collaboration with Rustin Man, Out of Season, 16 years after the last Portishead album, Third, and 11 after it was first announced.

In fairness, Lives Outgrown has a unique sound you suspect was only arrived at after lengthy experimentation. The Rustin Man album echoes through the acoustic guitar and folky melody of Tell Me Who You Are Today, and on Reaching Out; so do the hypnotic rhythms that underpinned Third’s We Carry On and The Rip. But Lives Outgrown ultimately draws you into a soundworld entirely its own. Strings play mournfully low and squeal discordantly; the snare-free drumming resolves into a Bo Diddley beat on Beyond the Sun, and elsewhere rumbles ominously, like the last sound you’d hear before being ritually sacrificed.

Gibbons’ careworn voice threads through it: intimate, in-your-face and utterly distinctive as ever, singing about ageing and loss. “Come through my heart when you can”, she pleads on Whispering Love, apparently to the ghost of a late friend or relation. The album’s autumnal gloom is affecting and enveloping, although occasionally dappled with warmth and light, as when Lost Changes’ lovely chorus arrives, or a solo violin spirals skywards on For Sale, or a children’s choir appears during Floating on a Moment, albeit singing “we’re all going to nowhere”. A dispatch from the darker moments of middle age, Lives Outgrown is occasionally challenging, frequently beautiful and invariably gripping”.

PHOTO CREDIT: Sound On/Pexels

We are heading into festival season. I may sound like a broken record when it comes to highlighting the slow movement forward made by the industry compared to what women are producing. How truly vital and important they are. I spotlighted only two new albums. The truth is that every month we are receiving such stunning work! From great emerging artists coming through to some icons of the scene. I wanted to salute that on its own. How each year is dominated by women. It makes me think about the continuing gaps and issues that need to react to the merit from female artists. I know that we are seeing steps forward though, with each bit of good news, there seems to be two steps back. When we hear of women discriminated against and sexually assaulted. Prejudice and ageism still very much present. Festival bills and radio playlists still not balanced and where they should be. Women having to work harder to get the same opportunities as men. It is always angering knowing that such phenomenal artists and women are not being given their dues. It is worse than that. If we look at the side of the scales where women are releasing the best music, putting on the most captivating gigs and are these amazing advocates and representatives, they are still seen as somehow commercially inferior. Having to endure so much abuse and this real lack of respect. Male advocacy and allyship is not where it needs to be either. Few of their peers tackling what is happening and helping to call for change. I have said the same thing time and time again. I am always stunned – but not surprised – when hearing a magnificent album or discovering this unforgettable artist. These inspiring women. Beyond albums and gigs, label owners, venue bosses, journalists and D.J.s together with their sisters are changing the industry. Making it so much stronger. Will we see the day in our lifetimes when women are equal and the industry moves away from the male dominance and patriarchy to a better landscape. Not that the music industry is as toxic and unshifting as other areas of society. It is one where women are clearly worthy of a lot more than they get. Made to feel safe, respected and heard. You have to ask…

WHEN will that happen?!

FEATURE: So Here I Come: Neneh Cherry’s Raw Like Sushi at Thirty-Five




So Here I Come


Neneh Cherry’s Raw Like Sushi at Thirty-Five


ONE of the greatest and most important…

PHOTO CREDIT: Steve Eichner/WireImage/Getty Images

albums of the 1980s was released right at the end of the decade. Neneh Cherry’s astonishing debut album, Raw Like Sushi, was released on 5th June, 1989. Released through Virgin, it is an iconic album from one of music’s true greats. A queen of the industry. Boasting huge songs like Buffalo Stance and Manchild, this is an album that will stand the test of time. It already has. I think it will endure for decades more. As it turns thirty-five soon, I wanted to spend some time with it. I will end with a review from Rolling Stone that was published in 1989. Reaching number two in the U.K., I remember the album when I was a child. I was a bit too young to remember when it first came out. I definitely got to know Raw Like Sushi better in the 1990s. I want to start out with a few features that examine this stunning album. I will start out with this feature from 2023. For those who are new to Neneh Cherry or might not know about her debut album, you get a real understanding of Raw Like Sushi and its significance:

A rich musical heritage

Neneh Cherry is part of a lineage of music royalty. The daughter of Sierra Leonean drummer Ahmadu Jarr, and step-daughter of jazz legend Don Cherry, her siblings include Eagle-Eye Cherry and Titiyo, both of whom followed Neneh into the charts. She married her regular collaborator Booga Bear, aka Cameron McVey, and her musical offspring include recent pop sensation Mabel.

This rich musical heritage shows through in Cherry’s work, from her initial records with post-punk groups The Slits and Rip Rig + Panic, through sessions with a bewildering array of artists as diverse as Cher, Eric Clapton, Bob Dylan, Peter Gabriel, The The, Steve Beresford, R.E.M.’s Michael Stipe, Chrissie Hynde, Pulp, Portishead’s Geoff Barrow, Gang Starr, The Notorious BIG, Timo Maas, and Loco Dice. There have been collaborations with Bernard Butler (on her hit “Woman”) and Senegalese singer Youssou N’Dour (on their famous duet “7 Seconds”), her Dreem Teem-produced garage hit “Buddy X 99,” and recordings with Scandinavian jazzers The Thing, electronica maverick Four Tet, and Swedish pop legend Robyn.

A career springboard

Cherry’s career springboard, Raw Like Sushi, however, contains some of her best-loved music. She put together the Madonna-esque sass of the go-go influenced rap opener and smash lead single “Buffalo Stance” with Bomb The Bass’ Tim Simenon and Mark Saunders. It’s based on – and successfully commercialized – her appearance with her future husband McVey, the singer Jamie J Morgan and Bristol’s The Wild Bunch on Morgan/McVey’s choppy 1987 B-side “Looking Good Diving With The Wild Bunch.” Single remixes for “Buffalo Stance” included one from American dance legend Arthur Baker, who pushed the Madonna comparison to the max, as well as one from DJ Mushroom of The Wild Bunch (which was then morphing into Massive Attack). Massive Attack clearly learned a lot from Cherry about how to get their ideas across to a wider audience.

Nellee Hooper from Soul II Soul helped his Wild Bunch colleague 3D on the massive, strings-led “Manchild,” 3D writing, and Hooper arranging. Focusing on male immaturities gave an indication of the music to come from 3D, almost a decade ahead of his inward-looking work on Massive Attack’s classic 1998 album Mezzanine, while Cherry channeled New York’s iconic Roxanne Shanté on the rap. “Manchild” is one example of the prescient third-wave feminism that percolates throughout Raw Like Sushi, from the anti-prostitution lines of “Buffalo Stance” onwards. This time the remixes came from Massive Attack themselves (thickening up the bass and sounding like Portishead several years early, with rave stabs limply slurring in musical metaphors), as well as from their collaborators Smith & Mighty.

The uptempo, poppy, multilingual coming-of-age single “Kisses On The Wind” features lively scratching from Mushroom, with remixes coming from Latin dance figureheads David Morales and The Latin Rascals. Low-slung single “Inna City Mamma” follows. Its title is a perfect moniker for Cherry, but the track opens out to reveal the “shattered dreams” of city life, with the city personified as a pimp. “The Next Generation” was produced by Mushroom, and it shows: block-rocking breakbeats, jazzy samples, and scratches underscoring Cherry’s call for the 90s generation to embrace multiculturalism and to raise their children correctly.

Predicting the future

The second half of the album keeps up the diversity. The skittery, feisty love triangle of single “Heart” introduced Cherry’s brother Eagle-Eye to the world (while some editions of the album also feature the rawer demo version of the song). The synth-poppy “Phoney Ladies” pleads for female unity, while the lustful “Outré Risqué Locomotive” is a James Brown-sampling swingbeat piece. School-days tale “So Here I Come” features production from hip-hop stalwart Bryan “Chuck” New, plus turntable work from Mushroom, and some versions of the album finish with “My Bitch,” a two-hander with rapper Gilly G in which he inevitably comes off worse.

Raw Like Sushi predicted work by Cherry collaborators such as Bomb The Bass, Soul II Soul, Massive Attack, Smith & Mighty, Portishead, Groove Armada, and Gorillaz, but, for some reason, isn’t often spoken of in the same breath. It’s time the album was fully re-appreciated, taking its place beside those acts’ most vaunted collections as a progressive modern classic”.

DJ ran a brilliant feature last year. They discussed how Neneh Cherry was a freethinking and extraordinary talent who was also part of this forward-thinking and boundary-pushing music collective. Raw Like Sushi arrived at the end of the 1980s and would help open doors for the Bristol scene of the 1990s. Incredible acts like Massive Attack, Tricly and even Portishead would no doubt have gained energy and inspiration from Neneh Cherry:

Buffalo Stance,’ which was released in November 1988, has the rare distinction of sounding both perfectly of its time and incredibly unique. The lyrics are a tale of defiance, the ‘Buffalo Stance’ being a pose to protect against "gigolos and moneymen", delivered in a tone of sheer rebellious cheek, while the music is an idiosyncratic mixture of vinyl scratches, a lilting saxophone sample, rave-inspired keyboard lines, and beats that sit somewhere in between hip-hop, house, and freestyle. 

Cherry’s next single would be further proof of both her vast songwriting talent and her ability to nurture promising young talent. ‘Manchild’, which was released in May 1989, was the first song Cherry ever sat down to write, using the autochord function on a Casio keyboard to create a chilling tale of male immaturity, underachievement, and busted dreams. Nellee Hooper, then a fledgling producer for Soul II Soul, provided a beat, Massive Attack’s Robert Del Naja contributed to the rap, and Cameron McVey helped to shape the song into its ultimate form. (Massive Attack themselves would also contribute a remix to the single release, as would Bristol breakbeat pioneers Smith & Mighty.).

Once again, the song sounded truly distinctive. Sure, there were elements of Soul II Soul, hip-hop, and contemporary R&B to ‘Manchild’, but Cherry’s songwriting was strikingly original, using seven chords in the song’s verse, where most pop songwriters rarely go beyond three (Don Cherry apparently was impressed). The string arrangement, meanwhile, nodded to where Massive Attack would soon go on their own debut album, ‘Blue Lines’. The song’s subject matter and tone were fascinating, too: how many tracks in 1989 dared to make such a devastating critique of male ego? And how many could do it with the beguiling mixture of tenderness and despair that Neneh Cherry evoked, the song’s few moments of major-chord hope quickly subsumed by murky waves of sadness?

‘Raw Like Sushi’, Cherry’s debut album, was released in June 1989 with ‘Manchild’ high in the UK charts. Again, Cherry had assembled a crack team: production came from McVey, Jonny Dollar (who would later work extensively with Massive Attack), and Mark Saunders, a key collaborator on Tricky’s ‘Maxinquaye’. Nellee Hooper provided arrangements; Tim Simenon brought beats; and Mushroom, from Massive Attack, contributed scratches and programming, making the record a virtual who’s who of 1980s UK street soul.

If you want to know where the Bristol scene that would go on to rule the ’90s started, ‘Raw Like Sushi’ is key, with the record helping to nurture some of the maverick talents that would later make Bristol one of the world’s most vibrant music cities, some two years before Massive Attack dropped ‘Blue Lines.’ But all this would mean little if the music on ‘Raw Like Sushi’ wasn’t so brilliantly innovative. While the record’s production situates it at the tail-end of the ’80s — absolutely no bad thing, for fans of ’80s R&B, hip-hop, and early house — its free-thinking, globe-trotting attitude makes ‘Raw Like Sushi’ feel like a very modern record.

‘Raw Like Sushi’ is full of many different things: fantastic pop hooks, flavourful vocals, fresh attitude, and exploratory spirit. But the key lies in its liberty. You can’t imagine anyone setting out to make a record like ‘Raw Like Sushi', much less being told to do so; it’s too freewheeling and loose, an expression of musical love that feels in line with the radical cultural mix of Bristol at the time. This was a city where local sound system The Wild Bunch — who counted Massive Attack and Nellee Hooper among its members — were known for mixing punk, R&B, and reggae, while Rip Rig & Panic added jazz skronk to post-punk guitars”.

Cherry and her various collaborators were inspired by American (and Jamaican) musicians. But they didn’t want to recreate the sounds they were hearing. They wanted to re-model them, to make hip-hop, R&B, soul, and house in their own punky image. “Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis were really scoring gold and their songs were everywhere back then,” Cherry told Billboard. “They were the kind of producers we were wishing that we could maybe work with one day. But then it was like, in a way, we were also deconstructing that style and making it our own and turning it into something more punk in a way. That’s the beauty of the kind of DIY aspect of rap or jazz or punk. It’s about engineering your own universe and telling your own story.”

And what a story ‘Raw Like Sushi’ would tell: An inspiring, liberating tale of the strength of community and collective music inspiration, driven by a bohemian free thinker, one that would blaze a trail for British music for years to come, a Bristol finishing school for punks, freaks, and beautiful soul weirdos that became a global musical force”.

Before coming to a review for Raw Like Sushi, the BBC interview Neneh Cherry in 2020. The interview was to celebrate and mark a thirtieth anniversary release of Raw Like Sushi. Cherry also gave a track-by-track discussion where she gave thoughts and insights. I have selected a few notable numbers. I would urge anyone who has not heard the album to check it out. In 1989, critics noted how Raw Like Sushi has commercial edges and accessibilities. Yet it came from a singular and unique artist who was doing things in Pop music nobody else was:

Her second daughter, Tyson, was born eight weeks later, at the same time as Cherry was putting the finishing touches to her debut album, Raw Like Sushi.

Released in June 1989, the record was a vital, energetic blend of street rap and sweet soul, with Cherry addressing topics like urban deprivation, emotional blackmail and the challenges of parenthood.

"Think of this newcomer as the Joni Mitchell of hip-hop," enthused the Chicago Sun-Times in its review.

"That's a bit much, isn't it?" laughs the singer, as she talks to the BBC in 2020.

"I guess I always wanted to write songs that mean something - but at the same time, I wouldn't say I write directly political lyrics. They always end up being about being human."

Those words, combined with Raw Like Sushi's pulsating pop melodies, definitely struck a chord. Raw Like Sushi sold more than 100,000 copies in its first week, went platinum four months later, and Cherry was nominated for best new artist at both the Brits and the Grammy Awards.

To celebrate the album turning 30 (30-and-a-half, to be precise) it's being re-released with two discs of bonus tracks and remixes, and Cherry agreed to share the story of those songs, track-by-track.

"It's going to be an interesting journey because I don't really listen to the album," she remarks. "And when I do, I'm like, 'My God, you sound like a little kid!'"

Buffalo Stance

A Buffalo Stance is "an attitude you have to have in order to get by", Cherry told the New York Times in 1989. "It's not about fashion but about survival in inner cities and elsewhere."

The song started life as the B-side to Jamie Morgan's Looking Good Diving, external, with a rap Cherry composed as she visited her local supermarket.

"I stepped up on the kerb and, as my foot came down, I was like, 'Who's that gigolo on the street?'" says the singer. "And pretty much between going into the store and coming out, I had half of the rap.

"I remember doing the second half, 'The girls with the curls and the padded bras,' back in my house, and we more or less did the song in an afternoon."

Although Morgan's single flopped, Cherry's B-side caught the ear of Bomb The Bass's Tim Simenon, who asked to remix it for her album, adding samples from Miami's Chicken Yellow (for the sax riff) and Malcolm McLaren's Buffalo Gals (for the hip-hop scratches).

"It was amazing going into the studio with Tim," says Cherry. "He had such a clear idea of what he wanted to do. He was like, 'I don't want any harmonies, I just want the vibe.'

"And thank God he had the vision because I never would have gone back and considered re-doing [Looking Good Diving]. To us, it was like done, ready, whoop, doop, forgotten about."


Cherry's second single was an accusatory but compassionate ballad about a man who has some growing up to do. The haunting lyrics and sumptuous strings, recorded at Abbey Road, signified there was more to the singer than the upbeat party vibes of Buffalo Stance.

"I was on the bus after going to see Matt Johnson from The The," says Cherry (the pair had recorded a duet called Slow Train To Dawn). "And I started singing 'Is it the pain of the drinking or the Sunday sinking feeling?'

"I just had that phrase in my head. Then I went home and found the chords and just totally went off piste."

Cherry attributes the song's unusual chord progression to a Casio keyboard she borrowed from her partner Cameron McVey (credited on the album as Booga Bear).

"It had this little auto-chord accompaniment system," she explains. "Cameron, who's a great musician and a great songwriter, didn't really know how to play, so he was always pulling out and finding strange chord sequences on that [keyboard] when we wrote together.

"And when I sent that song to my stepdad, Don Cherry, who was a jazz musician, he said, 'Damn, there's seven chords in the verse. That's not bad!'"

Inna City Mamma

Inna City Mamma opens with a sample from Stevie Wonder's Living For The City - "New York, just like I pictured it" - which was a direct inspiration for the album's fourth and final single.

"There's a bit in that song where it just goes from telling the story of this young girl, her legs are sturdy, she's growing up in the countryside, to someone getting off a bus and arriving in the city," recalls Cherry. "Then they get thrown in jail and you hear the gate being shut, and a voice goes, 'You've got 10 years'.

"I listened to that track a lot when I was growing up. So it inspired another version of that New York City story, through my own eyes."

It's not a flattering portrait. "I trusted you and you crushed me to a pulp," sings Cherry as the song draws to a close.

"What I was trying to do was portray New York as a lover," she says. "It's an interesting city because after you've been there for a while, you become part of the city and it becomes part of you. Not many places affect you like that. So Inna City Mamma was my way of trying to have a conversation with the actual place."

So Here I Come

A blistering coda, So Here I Come sees Cherry deliver her manifesto, "If you're gonna do it, you got to do it right", before she signs off for good.

But the song also paints a vivid picture of her upbringing, including the crushing disappointment of her first day at school.

"I'll never forget it," she says. "I was so proud of the fact I could read and I wanted to show my teacher, but she just basically ignored me.

"I suppose in her mind she didn't want to treat me different to anyone else in the class but it was heartbreaking.

"I didn't last at school for very long. I'm so thankful my parents had the guts to say, 'This situation isn't right, let's work it out.'

"To have that understanding and that faith is brilliant. And that's why I'm still here”.

I am going to end up with a review from Rolling Stone. Their review from August 1989 makes some interesting observations. I can only imagine what it was like hearing this album when it came out. Even though 1989 is one of the best years ever for music and boasts more than a few classics – from the likes of Madonna, Pixies, De La Soul and Beastie Boys -, there is nothing like Raw Like Sushi:

Talk about a sign of the times: Earlier in the decade, Neneh Cherry was a peripheral member of the postpunk warriors the Slits, then played anarchic funk with Ríp Rig and Panic. Now, on her solo debut, Cherry reappears as a hip-hop adventurer. Raw Like Sushi is an artsy interpretation of current dance styles that recognizes the music as today's most inventive and self-expressive form while attacking the social attitudes that commonly accompany it. The twenty-four-year-old Cherry has made an album that, intoxicated with rhythms and rhymes, is funny, timely, inventive and thrilling.

"Buffalo Stance," the year's best and boldest hit single, indicates her motives. Opening with a scratch, it proceeds as a vibrant collage of tambourines, synths and raps. But Cherry is no stock B girl; she uses these hip-hop tricks to address the selfish machismo of rap posses and to dispute the gold-chain priorities of boy rappers, as she declares, "No money man could win my love."

Cherry is attracted to hip-hop as an expression of black pride and culture, but, like De La Soul, she seems to regret the music's attendant stupidities – materialist villains reappear in "Phoney Ladies" and "Heart," and in "The Next Generation" she baits crotch grabbers whose greatest pride derives from "the size of your dick."

Cherry's tongue wags but never drags. The album's potency mainly comes from her lyrics, which scramble sharp phrases throughout even a well-worn sexual pun like the orgasm travelogue "So Here I Come."

But don't mistake the kinky submissiveness of "Outre Risque Locomotive" for dance-dolly compliance. She insists on having orgasms and respect. In "Manchild," a spooky, minor-key ballad worthy of Dionne Warwick, Cherry raps in a reference to Otis Redding's "Respect." Cherry manages to pair her maternal concerns ("Inna City Mamma" and "The Next Generation" attack abusive parents and negligent government policies in defense of children) with ultratough raps.

Produced by a shifting team of young musicians, the most established of whom is Tim Simenon of Bomb the Bass, Raw Like Sushi never runs out of tricky beats. Whether incorporating Latin freestyle ("Kisses on the Wind") or go-go percussion ("Inna City Mamma"), the production ensemble eschews the easier option of sampling for its own catchy thump and consistently matches Cherry's bravado with episodic surprises. During the last several years, many musicians have built retirement funds by imitating the musical and sexual paths of Prince and Madonna. Neneh Cherry may be the first newcomer inspired by them who also poses a threat to their preeminence. (RS 558)”.

On 5th June, Raw Like Sushi turns thirty-five. One of the greatest debut albums ever, Neneh Cherry announced herself as one of the most astonishing and original artists of her generation. I loved it when I first heard it and still do not. It is a remarkable album that everyone needs to hear! Ahead of its thirty-fifth anniversary, spend some time and listen to it. The astonishing Raw Like Sushi sounds and feels…

LIKE nothing else.

FEATURE: A Divine Light: Why a Tenth Anniversary Cinema or Streaming Release of Before the Dawn Would Be Embraced




A Divine Light

PHOTO CREDIT; Trevor Leighton

Why a Tenth Anniversary Cinema or Streaming Release of Before the Dawn Would Be Embraced


IT may seem obvious…

asking why fans around the world would embrace a screening of Before the Dawn. This time ten years ago, Bush had already released he return to the stage. She would embark on twenty-two nights at the Eventim Apollo in Hammersmith. It was a critically acclaimed and sell-out run. That is perhaps no surprise. Given the preparation and planning, Bush’s concepts and ideas were always going to captivate and stand out as original and unforgettable. Maybe her nerves and the sense that this was such a big deal could have jeopardised the quality. It would have been understandable. In May 2014, Bush was a matter of weeks away from getting back onto the stage. Her first large-scale performance since The Tour of Life ended in 1979. On 26th August, 2014, Before the Dawn opened. In the same venue that Bush ended The Tour of Life – on 14th May, 1979 -, it was an emotional and important space. I was not lucky enough to get a ticket. The dates sold out so quickly. Almost 80,000 people saw Kate Bush on the stage. After Bush announced Before the Dawn on 21st March, 2014, there was no real sense of what it would entail and how it would look. One of the most notable aspect is how she united Hounds of Love’s The Ninth Wave and Aerial’s A Sky of Honey. These are two different but powerful conceptual suites that were beautifully worked into the show. An unbelievable and hugely well-received residency, seats were cleared out of the venues to accommodate cameras. Recording took place over several nights. There was an initial idea to release the footage. It made it to Abbey Road and was being edited. That is as far as it got.

PHOTO CREDIT: Ken McKay/Rex Features

People have said how the footage was at Abbey Road and was being edited. Kate Bush released a live album for Before the Dawn through her Fish People label in 2016. She was interviewed by BBC Radio 6 Music’s Matt Everitt and said that there was a DVD of the show but it was not being released. The reason Bush said she wasn’t putting it out is because the experience wouldn’t be the same as being there. She discussed an Elton John live album, 17-11-70, and being moved by it. The fact that she heard the album and not the visuals. A more moving experience. The fact that she got so much from imagining what was happening. That vital listening experience. Bush also said how she hated it when DVDs were sold or available alongside a C.D. - and the C.D. would end up tossed away. She hated that. Someone who loved the album and wanted people to experience that. Those were her feelings in 2016. The footage is still available and, one presumes, could be upgraded to 4K or HD and streamed. It could be turned into a film. Given the fact there are no plans for her to release an album or any new music, fans are very keen for something new to come from her. I love the recent release of the documentary, The Beatles: Let It Be. It was originally released in 1970. Directed by Michael Lindsay-Hogg, it now looks even better and sharper. Always considered to be a very dark and depressing documentary, after we have seen The Beatles: Get Back, new light and context has come in. We can now see the band and that time from a fresh perspective. The positivity and celebration that has greeted The Beatles: Let It Be has been amazing! It has been an event seeing this documentary.

The Tour of Life has not been released as a documentary or concert film. Bush’s 1993 short film, The Line, the Cross and the Curve, was released widely in 1994 but has not been re-screened or re-released widely since then. We have various documentaries made through the years. Nothing that has been brought to the big screen. Nothing like The Beatles’ documentaries. The tenth anniversary of Before the Dawn is a major thing! It allows fans to think back to that magical time. I do feel like a documentary could be released. Maybe an introduction with some news/archive feature or a face to face with some famous or well-known fans who were there. Perhaps locating Albert McIntosh – Kate Bush’s son, he performed on stage with his mother – and having words from him. I feel that there has always been this urge for that footage to be released. A tenth anniversary showing of footage collected would be amazing. So much time has passed since the dates. Since the live album came out. We have experienced one or the other. Taken all of that in. In no way would a documentary detract from this. It would provide fans who were not able to see Before the Dawn a chance to have that dream realised. I keep calling it a ‘documentary’. It would be a concert film. There could be breaks or asides between the various acts. Some visual or various effects between certain songs. The emotion that many have got from The Beatles’ Let It Be has got me thinking. The circumstances regarding The Beatles and Kate Bush are different, I know. What is similar is how this amazing footage would impact fans of all generations.

Maybe it is too late to put together something quickly enough so that it could be on a streaming site or small cinemas by late-August. My hope is that Kate Bush is thinking about something. She knows how significant Before the Dawn was! How significant it still is. I don’t know if there will be any anniversary magazine articles, books or podcasts/documentaries from others. Hopefully something can come. One can understand the reasons why Kate Bush did not want to release the filmed footage in 2014 or 2016. Maybe it was too soon. I don’t think her reticence has anything to do with the quality of the footage. I may have had doubts regarding the quality before. It can be improved and remastered. Perhaps the angles and restrictions of camera does not give one the same movement, immersive quality and sense of cinema, you would get from being at the gigs. Handheld and smaller camera too would have created extra movement and flow. Perhaps the cameras are too far away and you only get a far-off view of a show that is best viewed up-close. I don’t know. The fact that the footage supposedly made its way to edit and was considered for release is telling. It makes me think timing rather than quality was the reason for it being shelved. Bush has said why she was not keen to put it out. I never heard much determination and finality in her words. Always a sense that the decision is open to some negotiation. I can respect her prioritising the sound and live album over something filmed. She also wanted to honour the thousands who attended Before the Dawn and paid to be there. Releasing a film might have seemed like she was cheating them and giving free access to people.

On 26th August, it will be ten years since Bush stepped on stage in Hammersmith. The reviews were overwhelmingly positive! I am going to bring in a review from The Guardian. They gave Before the Dawn a five-star review. It is clear that everyone who was at one of the shows was left stunned and affected:

There have been a lot of improbable returns to the stage by mythic artists over the last few years, from Led Zeppelin to Leonard Cohen, but at least the crowd who bought tickets to see them knew roughly what songs to expect. Tonight, almost uniquely in rock history, the vast majority of the audience has virtually no idea what's going to happen before it does.

The solitary information that has leaked out from rehearsals is that Bush will perform The Ninth Wave, her 1985 song cycle about a woman drowning at sea – which indeed she does, replete with staging of a complexity that hasn't been seen during a rock gig since Pink Floyd's heyday – and that she isn't terribly keen on people filming the show on their phones.

The rest is pure speculation, of varying degrees of madness. A rumour suggests that puppets will be involved, hence the aforementioned mannequin, manipulated by a man in black and regularly hugged by Bush during her performance of another song cycle, A Sky of Honey, from 2005's Aerial.

The satirical website the Daily Mash claimed that, at the gig's conclusion, Bush would "lead the audience out of the venue, along the fairy-tale Hammersmith Flyover and finally to a mountain where they would be sealed inside, listening to Hounds of Love for all eternity".

In fairness, this was no more demented than the thoughts of the august broadsheet rock hack, apparently filing his report direct from the 1870s, who predicted that Bush would not take part in any choreographed routines because dancing in public is "unbecoming for a woman of a certain age".

As it turns out, the august broadsheet rock hack could not have been more wrong: for huge sections of the performance, Bush's movements look heavily choreographed: she moves with a lithe grace, clearly still drawing on the mime training she underwent as a teenager forty years on. Her voice too is in remarkable condition: she's note-perfect throughout.

PHOTO CREDIT: Ken McKay/Rex Features

Backed by a band of musicians capable of navigating the endless twists and turns of her songwriting – from funk to folk to pastoral prog rock - the performances of Running Up That Hill and King of the Mountain sound almost identical to their recorded versions - but letting rip during a version of Top of the City, she sounds flatly incredible.

You suspect that even if she hadn't, the audience would have lapped it up. Audibly delighted to be in the same room as her, they spend the first part of the show clapping everything she does: no gesture is too insignificant to warrant a round of applause. It would be cloying, but for the fact that Bush genuinely gives them something to cheer about.

For someone who's spent the vast majority of her career shunning the stage, she's a hugely engaging live performer, confident enough to shun the hits that made her famous in the first place: she plays nothing from her first four albums.

The staging might look excessive on paper, but onstage it works to astonishing effect, bolstering rather than overwhelming the emotional impact of the songs. The Ninth Wave is disturbing, funny and so immersive that the crowd temporarily forget to applaud everything Bush does. As each scene bleeds into another, they seem genuinely rapt: at the show's interval, people look a little stunned. A Sky of Honey is less obviously dramatic – nothing much happens over the course of its nine tracks – but the live performance underlines how beautiful the actual music is.

Already widely acclaimed as the most influential and respected British female artist of the past 40 years, shrouded in the kind of endlessly intriguing mystique that is almost impossible to conjure in an internet age, Bush theoretically had a lot to lose by returning to the stage. Clearly, given how tightly she has controlled her own career since the early 80s, she would only have bothered because she felt she had something spectacular to offer. She was right: Before The Dawn is another remarkable achievement”.

I hope that we get to see Before the Dawn come to the screen. A cinematic limited run would be ideal, though something on Disney+ would also be awesome. Getting to see this iconic artist on stage. Something few thought would ever happen! Things have changed since 2016. Bush has revisited past material and been closely involved with Stranger Things and Running Up That Hill (A Deal with God) being used. Knowing legions of new and young fans are discovering her work. She realises people want something new. There seems few genuine or compelling reasons why the footage captured from Before the Dawn cannot be released to the public. On its tenth anniversary, it would be a rare thing from Kate Bush: a new release. Technically, it is not new to 80,000 people or so, though it is for the vast majority of her fans. Hearing news of the footage out in a concert film with some new and archived footage together. That would blow minds! One can never rule it out. Seeing this once-in-a-lifetime show come to the screen would be embraced for sure. What better time to make that happen. A decade after Kate Bush…

STEPPED onto the stage in Hammersmith.

FEATURE: Beyond BBC Radio 6 Music’s Change the Tune… Raising Awareness of Trolling and Abuse Against Artists




Beyond BBC Radio 6 Music’s Change the Tune…

IN THIS PHOTO: Rebecca Lucy Taylor (Self Esteem)/PHOTO CREDIT: Philipp Mueller via Red Bull


Raising Awareness of Trolling and Abuse Against Artists


I want to build on something that I wrote…


about fairly recently. Now more than in recent years, there is a lot of hatred and abuse online. Alongside the sort of division and trolling that can afflict people on an average day, there is also the intensity and acceleration of a very toxic and troubling wave of abuse connected to the genocide happening in Gaza. It is a very disturbing space to be in for a lot of reasons. Looking on social media and seeing videos of death and destruction. Some of the comments that seem to support or ignore the violence taking place. Others that are abused for supporting Palestine. Away from that, there is also political division in the U.K. and U.S. Online abuse is something that can affect and impact us all. There is something particularly hazardous when it comes to artists being on social media. The degree and type of abuse they can face. From tomorrow (12th), BBC Radio 6 Music’s Change the Tune begins. There is this serries of programmes and initiative that is designed to highlight abuse that artists face online. I shall expand more on why now it is especially important that artists are protected. That the online space is a safe and accepting one. It is not something that only affects major artists. There is so many different wats that online abusers and trolls can reach an artist with their intolerance and hatred. From sexual abuse and misogyny that women face to threats and explicit messages, this can have a hugely detrimental affect on their wellbeing. I know of any artists who have faced so much online abuse. They also face abuse and assault at gigs and away from the digital world. At the moment, there is not a lot in place regarding barriers from trolling online. You can block someone who sends abuse or trolls, though there is not really a filter on sites like Twitter and Instagram to prevent it coming through.

I do think that artists are especially exposed to online abuse. From simple unkindness and judgement to the worst and most shocking forms of abuse, I get the feeling that things have intensified and declined over the past few months. It is a very challenging and horrifying time right now. It is awful for so many people. For artists, who are trying to launch their careers and get their work heard, they often have to face harassment and abuse. Whether it sexual aggression or racial threats, we need to make sure that there is a safe and loving community online. It is good that BBC Radio 6 Music are spearheading such an initiative. A very timely and important endeavour. Here are more details:

As part of the BBC’s Mental Wellbeing season, BBC Radio 6 Music will launch Change The Tune - an on-air, digital and social media initiative to raise awareness of the impact that online abuse has on the lives of artists.

We will hear from musicians and presenters, who will share their online experiences, as well as from mental health professionals about the effects that personal attacks online can have on individuals and their lives.

In response, 6 Music will launch a clear code of conduct and a new means of reporting comments of concern on its own social media platforms.

The initiative will feature:

  • A Journeys In Sound special on 6 Music (Monday 13 May, 11pm-12am), presented by 6 Music broadcaster and psychotherapist Nemone and featuring Rebecca Lucy Taylor (Self Esteem), Lauren Mayberry of CHVRCHES, Nitin Sawhney CBE and SHERELLE.

  • Lauren Mayberry: I Change Shapes – a 1 x 15 minute documentary for BBC iPlayer (live from 6am on Monday 13 May).

  • A social media initiative across 6 Music’s platforms (from 10am on Monday 13 May) which will see the station share: a clear code of conduct for its online community; a new means of reporting comments of concern; and films from 6 Music’s AFRODEUTSCHE, Craig Charles, Deb Grant, Jamz Supernova and SHERELLE, as well as Gossip and Hak Baker about their own online experiences.

Working in partnership with 6 Music for Change The Tune is Music Minds Matter – sister charity of Help Musicians, which supports the mental health of everyone working in music in the UK.

Lauren Mayberry says: "The internet has been such an intrinsic part of my career, positively and negatively. Social media was really baked into the way that CHVRCHES first got discovered but there were consistent side effects to that which I don't think I would ever have anticipated. We know a lot more now in terms of the impact that can have on people but I'm not sure how we change that behaviour, or the conversation around it."

In support of Change The Tune, 6 Music presenter Guy Garvey says: “Our social media is for celebrating artists. It celebrates the people listening as well. By tuning into 6 Music, you're already part of this community. I'd say the rule should be, support good ideas, and if you don't like something, keep it to yourself.”

Nemone says: “It’s been really thought-provoking speaking to artists about their lived experience with social media and to hear first-hand about the impact that online comments of a personal nature have. It brought home to me how important it is for us all to reflect on how we show up online and the kind of community we want to shape.”

Samantha Moy, Head of BBC Radio 6 Music says: “6 Music has always aimed to be a positive and uplifting place for artists and fans alike, where we celebrate the widest range of music possible, both on-air and across platforms. With Change The Tune, we want to give musicians the space to share their online experiences, the good and the bad. At the same time, we will put measures in place that we hope will make our corner of the internet a kinder, encouraging and more supportive place for musicians’ work. I’d like to thank all the artists, presenters and our colleagues across the music industry who have contributed so openly to Change The Tune, as well as to Music Minds Matter for their support.”

Laurie Oliva, Director of Services and Research, Help Musicians and sister charity Music Minds Matter says: “Musicians pour their souls into their performances and records in a uniquely personal way, which means sharing their music is an inherently vulnerable endeavour. At Music Minds Matter, we understand the mental health pressure that can come with a job in music, especially for artists who often need to be on social media to grow their fanbases and build sustainable careers. However, being online should be a place to find your tribe, not to divide. We’re so pleased to partner with 6 Music on this important series and ensure those who may be struggling know they have a charity that will listen, understand and help.”

IN THIS PHOTO: Marianna Spring/PHOTO CREDIT: Sane Seven for The Times Magazine

Journeys In Sound (6 Music)

On Monday 13 May (11pm-12pm), 6 Music will broadcast a Journeys In Sound special, in which 6 Music presenter and psychotherapist Nemone hears from Rebecca Lucy Taylor, otherwise known as Self Esteem, Lauren Mayberry of the synth-pop band CHVRCHES, composer, producer and multi-instrumentalist Nitin Sawhney CBE, the BBC’s disinformation and social media correspondent Marianna Spring, 6 Music presenter, DJ and artist SHERELLE, as well as psychotherapist and former Babyshambles member Dr Adam Ficek about their perspectives on online abuse and the challenges they have faced in the digital space.

Rebecca, Lauren, Nitin and SHERELLE talk openly and frankly in the programme about their use of social media as a tool to promote their music and connect with fans, and reveal how such platforms have made them a target for shocking misogynistic and racial abuse.

Marianna comments on the digital world in which we find ourselves now. She shares her own experiences of receiving extreme hate online, the repercussions it has on her everyday life as an investigative reporter and the importance of shining a light on the darker areas of the internet.

Nemone also explores the subject with Dr Adam, the founder of Music & Mind, an independent service that helps musicians, creatives and music industry workers navigate their mental health and wellness.

Lauren Mayberry and Nemone will also discuss Change The Tune on Lauren Laverne’s BBC Radio 6 Music show on Monday 13 May (7.30am-10.30am) and Jeremy Vine’s BBC Radio 2 show on Wednesday 15 May (12pm-2pm).

A BBC Audio production.

All radio programming will be available on BBC Sounds.

PHOTO CREDIT: Pavel Danilyuk/Pexels

Lauren Mayberry: I Change Shapes (BBC iPlayer)

Live on BBC iPlayer from 6am on Monday 13 May, CHVRCHES frontwoman Lauren reflects on the highs and lows of her journey in music as she launches her solo career.

From worldwide success to online trolling and misogyny, the singer-songwriter speaks candidly about putting negative experiences as an artist behind her - including online threats – and the cathartic nature of her solo writing, which she describes as ‘psychological unstitching’.

Before her time as the frontwoman of CHVRCHES, multi-instrumentalist Lauren made an impact locally in the Glasgow music scene and was surrounded by a group of like-minded friends, who she met through TYCI: a DIY feminist fanzine that she co-founded to address gender imbalance in music.

National and international success followed and Lauren was quickly thrust into an exciting new world, however, there was a darker side. Lauren recalls how the narrative around her success was often centered on gender and image, rather than musicianship, and how she frequently faced abuse online, including misogynistic comments and violent threats.

This documentary will see Lauren explain how her fight against abuse made its way into her writing and how her experiences motivated her to move forward in an empowering and progressive way.

Commissioned by BBC Scotland and produced by BBC Scotland Productions

Social media

On Monday 13 May from 10am, 6 Music will launch Change The Tune across its social media platforms.

The station will reaffirm its mission for its online spaces - which includes the support and celebration of artists - and outline a clear code of conduct for its online community. The code of conduct is as follows:

In addition, there will be a new and simplified method for reporting comments of concern, with artists and fans alike able to contact the station via an email address that will be available on 6 Music’s social media platforms from 10am on Monday 13 May.

Across the week, (Monday 13 – Friday 17 May) 6 Music’s social media accounts will post films from artists and 6 Music presenters - AFRODEUTSCHE, Craig Charles, Deb Grant, Gossip, Hak Baker, Jamz Supernova and SHERELLE - in which they’ll share their personal experiences of online abuse.

IN THIS PHOTO: Pixabay/Pexels

Music Minds Matter

Partnering with 6 Music on Change The Tune is Help Musicians’ sister charity Music Minds Matter – its range of services include a 24/7 support line, available for free to everyone working in music in the UK.

Audiences can visit BBC Action Line for more information about how to get in touch with Music Minds Matter, from Monday 13th May onwards.

The BBC’s Mental Wellbeing season

Change The Tune is part of the BBC’s Mental Wellbeing season, which takes place throughout May. The BBC will be bringing audiences a range of mental health and wellbeing content across its platforms and services, highlighting stories of those who have faced mental health struggles as well as helping audiences understand how to look after their mental wellbeing, and where to go for support. More information is available here.

Journeys In Sound

The Change The Tune special of Journeys In Sound marks the start of a new four-part series of the returning programme (Monday 13 – Thursday 16 May, 11pm-12am). Journeys In Sound sees 6 Music’s Nemone explore the link between music and the mind and combine her role as broadcaster and integrative psychotherapist to find out how music really affects us.

Further episodes will see Nemone in conversation with Alison Mosshart (Tuesday 14 May), Paul Weller (Wednesday 15 May) and Jane Weaver (Thursday 16 May) about the songs that have soundtracked the ups and downs of their lives.

Alison Mosshart, artist and one half of enigmatic duo The Kills, discusses: growing up in the sleepy town of Vero Beach in Florida; how she convinced her parents to let her travel abroad as a young teenager with her first band Discount; her surprising love of Annie the musical; how she met her bandmate Jamie Hince on a trip to London; letting go on stage; long car journeys as a form of self-care; and how she has maintained a level of mystique in a world of social media. Featuring music from Led Zeppelin, Gang Green, PJ Harvey, Fugazi, The Dead Weather and Captain Beefheart.

Speaking about whether she feels it’s difficult to maintain distance in the era of social media, Alison Mosshart says: “I don’t really think it is, you just have to not post every day. I think it is up to you. I get it, I get the pressure, especially with work, especially with the way things are, having to brand yourself on such an extreme level to actually have a career in music and it’s really sad. It’s horrible. I hope I never have to do that because I will be the worst at it. It’s not going to come naturally to me.”

Paul Weller, the prolific, award-winning singer and songwriter affectionally known as “The Modfather” by his fans, reveals: what life growing up with the Wellers in Woking was like; the impact of The Jam’s success and subsequent split had on him; working with his musical ‘brother’ Steve Cradock of Ocean Colour Scene; the joy he feels playing live; how his life has changed since giving up alcohol; and how he tries to look after himself. Featuring music from The Beatles, Little Richard, The Four Tops, The Who, The Sex Pistols and The Clash.

Speaking in the programme, Paul Weller says: “Music was my escape […] I used to peer over the city walls and think ‘yeah one day I’m going to escape this and I’m going to go and do something else’. And that’s what music’s enabled me to do. But also in the first place, music made me realise there were other possibilities as well.”

Jane Weaver, who has performed as part of the Britpop group Kill Laura, the folktronica project Misty Dixon and as a solo artist, talks to Nemone about: growing up in Widnes; the influence the Liverpool music scene had on her as a teenager; the pitfalls of the music industry; living with coeliac disease and the long road to a diagnosis; overcoming an eating disorder and postnatal depression; and the tragic disappearance of her Misty Dixon band mate, Dave Tyack. Featuring music from Prince, U2, OMD, 10,000 Maniacs, The Icicle Works, Hawkwind and The Velvet Underground.

Speaking in the programme, Jane Weaver says: “It’s made me kind of resilient but I have experienced quite a lot of sexism in my time. Just people treat me differently because I’m a woman […]. I seem to get some kind of Columbo-style detective people who will interview you and say ‘exactly what did you do on your record’ […]. I’m fine being a nerd and talking about process or talking about instruments or technical things or things I did or didn’t do. I’m quite happy to do that but a long few minutes in I realise ah, you’re only asking me that because you think a man is behind everything”.


There is a lot of information here that I included in the earlier feature. I wanted to keep on the topic of online abuse as, more and more, there is this pressure on artists to market themselves. So much competition right now. It is so tough to make a break and get traction. Even if many artists wat to pull away from social media, it is still a hugely affective form of promotion and awareness. Even if Instagram is seen as a less toxic and troublesome space as Twitter or TikTok, there is no platform where artists are truly free from abuse and trolling. Not only is it the viciousness and bile they get from other people. I also feel the pressure of being online so much in itself is draining. A combination of posting about their own music and also having to see such horrible images, news and posts from others. Maybe more successful artists seemingly doing better. It can add its own sting. The reality is that no artist is immune from the worst side of social media. The more we use it and the worst things are in the world, the worst the experience is. I don’t think that cases of misogyny and abuse have massively reduced. So many women are still receiving the most disturbing and aggressive messages and comments. The mental health of many male artists is being damaged by what they have to read online. I think that BBC Radio 6 Music’s Change the Tune is very important.

It is good that there are resources and organisations that can help. Music Minds Matter is a great and needed charity. I also want to bring back in Tamsin Embleton’s Touring and Mental Health: The Music Industry Manual. This is also an invaluable resource at a time when the extra pressure and drain of touring goes alongside the forms of abuse and discrimination many artists experience online. It is worrying that so many artists are caught between a rock and a hard place. They need to be online and get their work shared and heard. That said, even though they mostly receive love, there are those that can make their life very unpleasant. A general demand too that they connect with fans. Even fi they are close to their fans, sometimes the boundaries can get blurred. It can be exhausting having to be upbeat and always engaging on social media when the industry and musician lifestyle can be enough on its own. Throw in some of the abuse that comes there way and it is clear that many musicians are being impacted. What is the combined cost of this?! We can never know how they feel behind closed doors. The true impact that of this abuse and trolling online. Making sure that social media and online spaces are safe is paramount. It should be the case: if you don’t like something then keep it to yourself. People think they are entitled to say what they want because they have that veil of anonymity and are not face-to-face with an artist. We need to ensure that conduct and behaviour is corrected. Let those who abuse and troll realise the damage they are doing. Whether it is sexual or racial abuse, it is having such a damaging and harrowing affect on artists. It will lead to many artists leaving the industry and social media to get away from it.

PHOTO CREDIT: Liza Summer/Pexels

Also at the moment, there is a real issue with misogyny and gender inequality in the industry (something that has always been there and is slow to go away). It is disappointing to see a comparative lack of male allyship and action from many artists. I do hope that this improves. In terms of tackling those who abuse and harass female artists online, I do hope that more men through the industry stand up. Of course, an unpleasant and sometimes dangerous online environment is something that affects all genders. The more that initiatives like Change the Tune spread and are taken to heart, the better it will be for everyone. Maybe we will never see the eradication of abuse and trolling online. We can get a lot closer than we are not. The fact that artists are so important and valuable to all of us should compel instant change. It will be slower than that, though Kudos to BBC Radio 6 Music for doing this. Through next week, tune into the station; follow BBC Radio 6 Music on Instagram. Opening the conversation so that we can all help make social media and the online world a much nicer place. It is long overdue. Hearing from artists like Rebecca Lucy Taylor, Lauren Mayberry and their peers discuss the challenges they have faced through the years – and still do – will bring to light the extent and severity of the problem. Change the Tune is a worthy and fascinating initiative that is going to be invaluable and eye-opening. When it comes to the negativity and toxicity that is still very present online, let’s hope we can all come together to help change the tune…

FOR good.

FEATURE: New Dawn Fades: Joy Division’s Unknown Pleasures at Forty-Five




New Dawn Fades


Joy Division’s Unknown Pleasures at Forty-Five


THERE are plenty of…

PHOTO CREDIT: Lex van Rossen/MAI/Redferns

interesting features around Joy Division’s Unknown Pleasures. Ones like this and this are well worth reading. I am going to bring in a couple. The reason for this is that the debut album from Joy Division turns forty-five on 15th June. Recorded and mixed over three successive weekends at Stockport's Strawberry Studios in April 1979, with producer Martin Hannett, many consider this album to be one of the best of all time. I will end with a couple of reviews. There are some features that are expansive and detailed that are worth uniting. Giving a clear impression of Unknown Pleasures. How it came together and the impact it has had. I will start out with Irish Times. They celebrated, what they called, an accidental masterpiece on the fortieth anniversary of Unknown Pleasures in 2019:

Unknown Pleasures seemed to have arrived through a slipstream, from another time and place. And though it could be enjoyed as both a bleak pop revue and an exorcism (ultimately unsuccessful) of singer Ian Curtis’s demons, the LP was above all profoundly mysterious. All these decades later there’s a case that it remains fundamentally inscrutable. You may think you’ve got its measure – but you’re never quite there, never really all the way in.

“Unknown Pleasures once sounded like the future – its genius is that, four decades later, it still sounds like the future,” says John Robb, Manchester musician, rock journalist and author of The North Will Rise Again: Manchester Music City 1976–1996.


“It is a remarkable and astonishing record made by a band who had no idea how good they were, with a singer who didn’t live long enough to see how important they would become. Its bass-driven soundscapes utilise space, emotion and melancholy in ways the generations of bands are still trying to unravel.”

Robb cuts to the heart Unknown Pleasures’ dark charm in describing it as the sound of the future glimmering over the horizon. Steeped in the social-realistic science fiction of JG Ballard and raised amid the infinite greys and browns of postwar greater Manchester, Joy Division had transcended punk and gone somewhere sadder and scarier.

They did so in part thanks to the expressive lyrics of Ian Curtis, lines delivered with the lights out, words recited from the heart, during the late-night sessions at Strawberry.

“To the centre of the city where all roads meet, waiting for you/ To the depths of the ocean where all hopes sank, searching for you,” Curtis sang on Shadowplay, a fever-dream striplit by halogen street-lighting and the flash of passing traffic.

“I could have lived a little better with the myths and the lies,” continued the narrator on She’s Lost Control. “When the darkness broke in, I just broke down and cried.”


She’s Lost Control was about a woman with epilepsy Curtis had met at the Macclesfield job centre where he worked. She died during an epileptic fit and, with Curtis himself diagnosed with the condition, the track is both a requiem and also a foreshadowing of his own future (he died by suicide in May 1980). But it chills even outside of that context, as a mediation on how ill-prepared we all are when life throws its worst at us.

Curtis’s unflinching lyrics were counterpointed by Bernard Sumner’s minimalist guitars and by the funereal stomp of bassist Peter Hook and drummer Stephen Morris. To this was added Peter Saville’s instantly iconic cover sleeve, based on the zig-zag radio frequency of a dying star.

“Unknown Pleasures may very well be one of the best white, English debut LPs of the year,” wrote the group’s future biographer Jon Savage in Melody Maker the week of its release. ”Without trying to baffle or overreach itself, this outfit step into a labyrinth that is rarely explored with any smidgeon of real conviction,” said the NME. Soon it was agreed that Joy Division had created a masterpiece.

Everyone in Manchester knew they were the best band in the city. I saw them play and sometimes they were s**t but most times they were great

All of this the band achieved, as already pointed out, largely by accident.Their ambition had been to make a cacophonous punk record in the vein of their idols Buzzcocks and The Sex Pistols. But Strawberry Studios, bankrolled by members of soft pop ensemble 10CC, was the domain of control freak producer Martin Hannett. He took care that Unknown Pleasures was his vision as much as Joy Division’s.

Eating glass

Hannett was an eccentric taskmaster. He taped, during the sessions, the sound of breaking glass, someone eating crisps (which he then played backwards) and the chilling clunk and shudder of the antiquated Strawberry Studios lift. “[Joy Division] were a gift to a producer, because they didn’t have a clue,” he would reminisce. “They didn’t argue.”

After the fact, though, they groused at length. “The production inflicted this dark, doomy mood over the album,” guitarist Sumner complained. “We’d drawn this picture in black-and-white, and Martin had coloured it in for us. We resented it.”

Joy Division were not at that point regarded as potentially one of the most significant British groups of their generation. Nonetheless, they were perceived as the Manchester band most likely to step up and break out.

“Joy Division were such a great band,” Jez Kerr of contemporaries and label-mates A Certain Ratio would later state. “Everyone in Manchester knew they were the best band in the city. Ask anyone from that era who was the best band in Manchester and they all say Joy Division. I saw them play and sometimes they were s**t but most times they were great. It’s the mark of a good band that starting out you can be crap but at other times totally brilliant.”

Hannett was introduced to Joy Division by Tony Wilson, a local scenester who had signed the group to his label, Factory Records. The Factory story is closely bound up with the north of England punk movement. But it also boasts several unusual Irish connections. Many of Factory’s most famous releases – including the 1979 Factory Sampler EP, and Joy Division’s timeless single Love Will Tear Us Part – were pressed at the Carlton Productions vinyl pressing plant on the John F Kennedy estate on the Naas Road.


Wilson, meanwhile, maintained a lifelong friendship with Meath football manager Sean Boylan. They had met when Wilson’s family was holidays in Dunboyne, where they struck up an enduring connection.

“Tony fell in love with our family and everyone around Dunboyne,” Boylan would recount. “So he came every Christmas. He came at Easter. He came at summer. He came at Whit. Every break there was he came, even when he went to Cambridge . . . Once you were a friend of Tony, that was it.”

Joy Division were also a huge influence on early U2. Hannett recorded the Dubliners’ seven-inch 11 O’Clock Tick-Tock, imbuing it with a Factory-ish veneer of monochrome angst. A Day Without Me, a single from U2’s debut album, Boy, was, moreover, partly a lament for Curtis (albeit one U2 had debuted in uncompleted form prior to his death).

Its black-and-white sleeve shot of Booterstown railway bridge was perceived as echoing Joy Division’s famous photoshoot at Epping Walk bridge in Hulme. Bono would later tell Wilson that U2 were ready to take the Manchester’s group’s place.

“Bono once said to me, he [Ian Curtis] was the best,” Wilson remembered. “‘I was always the number two, but he was the best. But you know, I’ll do it anyway. Now he’s gone.’ But I think Bono did do it. I mean, I’ve never been a massive U2 fan, but when I saw him, that wonderful performance at Live Aid, I thought, well, there you are.”

Wilson was a dedicated schmoozer, it’s worth acknowledging. As portrayed by Steve Coogan in Michael Winterbottom’s 24-Hour Party People, he seemed to enjoy the spotlight more than his bands did. Still, he wasn’t a shill – and he gave Joy Division the freedom they required.


What they, and Hannett, did with it was extraordinary. “I was such a fan of punk I thought all good music would end at that point, nothing would top the Sex Pistols, The Clash, The Jam etc,” recalls Tom Dunne, radio presenter and Something Happens frontman. “Then Unknown Pleasures arrived. I found it jarring initially. It was so unlike what had come before. I didn’t take to it at once. But slowly it crept into me. Ian Curtis singing those lonesome, plaintive words drew me in. He was mesmeric. There was an intensity about them.”

Ian Curtis, Bernard Sumner, Stephen Morris and Peter Hook of Joy Division. Photograph: Harry Goodwin/Rex Features

If Joy Division matter now more than ever, it's because they capture the depressed spirit of our times

Listened to today, what’s most striking is how contemporary Unknown Pleasure feels. It really hasn’t aged at all.

“If Joy Division matter now more than ever, it’s because they capture the depressed spirit of our times. Listen to Joy Division now, and you have the inescapable impression that the group were catatonically channelling our present, their future,” wrote Mark Fisher in his 2005 essay collection Ghosts of My Life.

Unknown Pleasures would inevitably be overshadowed by Curtis’s death. He hung himself in the kitchen of the Macclesfield terraced house he shared with his wife and baby daughter 11 months after the album’s release. Joy Division had just completed their second LP, Closer, and were planning a tour to America.

Curtis was just 24. He had married young and become a parent barely out of his teens. And while he had a sincere and thoughtful streak – as manifested in lyrics that referenced Ballard and Burroughs – he was a young man in a successful band.

An affair with a Belgian music journalist left him crippled with guilt. But it also stoked resentment towards his wife, Deborah, and the opportunities denied him by dint of his responsibilities towards her and their daughter. The heavy medication he was required to take for his epilepsy didn’t help.

I will come to some reviews now. There are so many tributes to the album and features about it. Going into detail about its brilliance. I hope that this feature gives you a better impression and understanding of Joy Division’s debut album. Unknown Pleasures is considered one of the greatest albums ever. If some in 1979 were mixed in their reception, things have changed now. Some noting that there was bleakness and this nightmare sound running through the album. Not sure how to take it. In the years since, the reviews have been unanimously positive. This is what NME noted in their review:

Joy Division’s reputation has grown with every year after their abrupt and tragic end in May 1980, when Curtis hanged himself in his Macclesfield home on the eve of the band’s first American tour. It’s a story told in full in the forthcoming Anton Corbijn biopic Control, an intoxicating mixture of musical triumph and personal tragedy. But it’s the music alone we’re here to talk about, as both studio albums (along with the posthumous compilation ‘Still’) are receiving timely reissues complete with extra CDs of live material.

The band’s debut ‘Unknown Pleasures’, originally released in 1979, is simply one of the best records ever made, and is still powerful enough to floor you 28 years on. With an almost dub-like, spacey atmosphere sculpted by studio genius Martin Hannett, the band’s sound – Peter Hook’s rumbling basslines, Barney Sumner’s eerie guitar shrieks and Steven Morris’ machine-like drumming – was almost the polar opposite of the punk music which had brought them together after a Sex Pistols show in 1976.

The album’s raw power is still gripping, most notably on the haunting ‘Day Of The Lords’ and ‘She’s Lost Control’, which Curtis, who was epileptic, wrote in sympathy after hearing that a girl he

knew with the same condition had died.

‘Closer’, released just months after his death in 1980, is an appropriate epitaph for Curtis. With personal problems and his medical condition causing him extreme pain both physically and mentally, the likes of clattering opener ‘Atrocity Exhibition’ and the harrowing ‘Decades’, which both refer to psychosis and mental breakdown, offer compelling evidence that this was a man at the end of his tether. Even the most upbeat moment is chilling – ‘Isolation’’s icy synths adding a sinister edge to what is essentially an electropop tune.

‘Closer’ almost touches the same heights as the band’s debut, but lacks an anthem – but then the contrary bastards did decide to release the peerless ‘Love Will Tear Us Apart’ as a stand-alone single instead, just because they could.

The remaining members regrouped after Curtis’ death and, as New Order, went on to change the alternative rock landscape again after investing in a sampler. But that’s another story entirely. The happy ending here is that, thanks to the astonishing, timeless, awe-inspiring music, Ian Curtis, Tony Wilson and Joy Division will all live forever”.

I am going to end with a review from AllMusic. It will be interesting to see how others react to the upcoming forty-fifth anniversary of Unknown Pleasures. On 15th June, I am sure that we will get a lot of new perspectives about a classic debut album. Joy Division followed Unknown Pleasure with 1980’s Closer. Even though I did not discover the album until fairly recently, I can recognise that it is an astonishing debut. A hugely influential album. If you have not heard it then I would advise that you spend time with it:

It even looks like something classic, beyond its time or place of origin even as it was a clear product of both -- one of Peter Saville's earliest and best designs, a transcription of a signal showing a star going nova, on a black embossed sleeve. If that were all Unknown Pleasures was, it wouldn't be discussed so much, but the ten songs inside, quite simply, are stone-cold landmarks, the whole album a monument to passion, energy, and cathartic despair. The quantum leap from the earliest thrashy singles to Unknown Pleasures can be heard through every note, with Martin Hannett's deservedly famous production -- emphasizing space in the most revelatory way since the dawn of dub -- as much a hallmark as the music itself. Songs fade in behind furtive noises of motion and activity, glass breaks with the force and clarity of doom, and minimal keyboard lines add to an air of looming disaster -- something, somehow, seems to wait or lurk beyond the edge of hearing. But even though this is Hannett's album as much as anyone's, the songs and performances are the true key. Bernard Sumner redefined heavy metal sludge as chilling feedback fear and explosive energy, Peter Hook's instantly recognizable bass work was at once warm and forbidding, and Stephen Morris' drumming smacked through the speakers above all else. Ian Curtis synthesizes and purifies every last impulse, his voice shot through with the desire first and foremost to connect, only connect -- as "Candidate" plaintively states, "I tried to get to you/You treat me like this." Pick any song: the nervous death dance of "She's Lost Control"; the harrowing call for release "New Dawn Fades," all four members in perfect sync; the romance in hell of "Shadowplay"; "Insight" and its nervous drive toward some sort of apocalypse. All visceral, all emotional, all theatrical, all perfect -- one of the best albums ever”.

Released on 15th June, 1979, we are not far from the forty-fifth anniversary of Unknown Pleasures. Songs like Shadowplay and She’s Lost Control still sounds so powerful and haunting to this day. So arresting and compelling, there are few albums that have the same legacy and significance as Unknown Pleasures. Once heard, this is an album that will…

NEVER be forgotten.

FEATURE: Oh England, My Lionheart: Kate Bush and the Importance and Relevance of Home




Oh England, My Lionheart

IN THIS PHOTO: Kate Bush at her family home, East Wickham Farm, on 26th September, 1978/PHOTO CREDIT: Chris Moorhouse/Evening Standard/Hulton Archive/Getty Images 


Kate Bush and the Importance and Relevance of Home


WHEREAS so many major artists…

IN THIS PHOTO: Kate Bush working hard in the studio in 1985/PHOTO CREDIT: John Carder Bush

have travelled the world and spent years living in different countries, Kate Bush is someone who has always very much been rooted in England. She has spent time with family in Ireland. Her mother, Hannah, was Irish. The Bush family travelled to Australia and New Zealand. She has been all around the world during her career. I think that people think of Kate Bush as a quintessential English woman. Despite the fact her D.N.A. goes deeper and she has travelled far and wide, for the most part, she has not moved beyond the south of England. I have been thinking about the importance and relevance of home to Kate Bush in terms of her career, sound and her and this image we have of her. I am going to be writing about her first three albums – 1978’s The Kick Inside and Lionheart; 1980’s Never for Ever – following a recent MOJO spread that was written by author Tom Doyle. Kate Bush was born in Bexleyheath is a town in the London Borough of Bexley, which is located in Greater London. It is situated in the historic county of Kent. Her family lived at East Wickham Farm in Welling (Welling is an area of South East London, within the London Borough of Bexley and the boundaries of Kent). She had that balance of being on the edge of London and the city but having the countryside and something all the more peaceful at her feet. I want to look more at her later career and how home and a permanent base was important after 1993. I guess Bush’s upbringing and the stability that she saw was important when it came to how her career and recording changed in the 1990s onwards. Not common among her peers, even before she released her debut album, she had this safety at home. A financial security and a very fostering family. A beautiful house in an ideal part of England, I also think that the way she experienced homelife as a child and teen affected how Bush would act and run things as a producer.

Kate Bush has amassed a heap of demos and recordings at her family home. With her brothers Paddy and Jay hugely interested in music and introducing her to so many different sounds, she also found a patient and encouraging audience in her parents. Her doctor father, Robert, was particularly encouraging and would listen to her perform at home. He played piano and was a big influence when it came to Kate Bush taking up the instrument. That nurturing and warm environment was crucial. Kate Bush did not really have the opportunity to record albums at home until she was established and could afford to. Even so, she was not moving far. Recording in London studios, really the only time she broke that rule was recording Lionheart in France in 1978. Perhaps more relaxing and picturesque than AIR Studios in Central London, there were issues in France. I think, for its faults and griminess, the locality to her family home and a sense of convenience was important. Bush spent time living with her brothers and had a flat in London. She has never really moved too far from where she grew up. Home and family has been at the heart of everything she has done. From that safety net and art-filled home when she was a child and teen, Bush always made sure she was never too far from that focused centre. It is also interesting how conduct and hospitality at home impacted her. A very warm and welcoming family who were at hand to greet musicians and guests with tea and a warm smile, that definitely would have made home and attractive place to record and create. Also, when Bush started producing from 1980’s Never for Ever, she brought a lot of that parental warmth and support to the people she worked with. Always running through her blood.

IN THIS PHOTO: Kate Bush at the grand piano at Studio Two, Abbey Road, London on 10th May, 1982/PHOTO CREDIT: Steve Rapport

1982’s The Dreaming changed things a lot. Even though she recorded at studios through London and lived in the area, it was exhausting and a tough period. Solo producing and packing so much into the album, there was not a lot of time for rest and any real bonding with her musicians. Even though that did happen, perhaps more time and budget would have been beneficial for so many reasons. When she could afford to build her own studio for Hounds of Love (1985), she put it right by her family home at East Wickham Farm. I know that that blossom and safe environment meant she could have support from the family and build her own recording and creative environment. Home once more being vital. At that time, prior to the album being released, there was hospitality and support from her family. Bush – who was still in her mid-twenties – was providing that same sort of support and warmth to her musicians. I often think of Kate Bush and her home. Right now, as we speak, the fact is that she does not need to travel. She can record at home. Everything around her can feed directly into her music. Life has changed since she recorded Hounds of Love. She now has a grown-up son, Albert, who is in his twenties. I wonder whether there was ever temptation for her to move to another part of the world. You feel like being rooted and remaining relatively close to where she was born and grew up was always the plan.

After Hounds of Love, it was clear things had changed for the better. How beneficial and enriching it was to be around family. To have control and say when it came to the studio and her environment. The next two albums, The Sensual World and The Red Shoes, saw Bush record at professional studios. A lot of The Sensual World was recorded at Wickham Farm Home. She also recorded at Windmill Lane (Dublin, Ireland) and Angel (Islington, England). Again, a connection to her family and ancestorial home. Having one foot in Ireland and the other in England. The Red Shoes took her to Abbey Road. That was released in 1993. During the recording of the album, Bush’s mother died (in 1992). She also was in a new relationship with Danny McIntosh. Feeling tired and in need of a career break, as soon as that album came out, Bush was more than ever committed to home. Bits of Aerial (2005) were recorded at Abbey Road though, as has been the case from there, home studios have been dominant. Having that stability. Not having to move between studios. She had started her own family too. It is wonderful reading features and interviews with Kate Bush from 2005. Unlike past interviews where she was in various locations and was pushed from pillar to post, album promotion was largely taking place from her home. People would be invited in. Bush would welcome with food and drink. Much like her mother and father in the 1970s and 1980s, Bush was embodying them when she was promoting at home. I don’t think Kate Bush would have released any albums after The Red Shoes if she could not record at home. The lure of professional studios and commuting had gone.

Aerial is a double album where home is at its heart. Lyrics and lines that reference her mother and domesticity. The garden and nature. Memories of the past and the comfort of home. It has always been vital to her. Receiving such love and support from her parents when she was a child through to years aspiring of being an artist, that has been held in her heart. The need to be close to home and have that base. 2011’s Director’s Cut and 50 Words for Snow. Bringing collaborators and artists into her home studio. I always get the impression that travel and exposure was an unwanted by-product of the music industry for Kate Bush. If she could have remained local or not travelled as much she would have been happy. I am sure that she did enjoy The Tour of Life and seeing people around the U.K. and Europe. Promotional trips to the U.S., Australia and Japan. It was all important. All the same, it took Bush from the studio and writing. Even when she was writing in London flats and elsewhere, one always get the feeling that she was not as happy and inspired as she was back at East Wickham Farm. Returning there for Hounds of Love, it might have ignited something in her. By 1993, when she was thirty-five, I think there was this resolution that she was going to set down foundations and keep home close to her. She had been traveling and going from place to place since she was a teen, but she always felt that pull and importance of family and being in and around where she grew up. Even since 1993, her moves have not been drastic. A home studio means she does not commute and can have a solid base. So many people she has interviewed in years since 1993 – including Tom Doyle – have reported her legendary hospitality. The fact that she is both this huge artist and impressive figure but also down to Earth and accessible. I have been thinking about it a lot. Kate Bush and home. Wanting to lead a more normal and modest life. Somewhere she feels more settled and inspired. Thinking back to that 2022 interview with Woman’s Hour where she was speaking from home on a landline. How unshowy and relatable that was! Distinctly Kate Bush! From the teen posing at her East Wickham Farm home in 1978 to right now, a sixty-five year old Kate Bush not living too far away from that place, I do wonder what the future holds. There is a lot of love out there for Kate Bush. We all want a new album, though one can appreciate how a quieter life would suit. Not wanting to do promotion and put out new work. Who knows. I have been pondering Kate Bush as someone who has always moored herself towards family and home. That magnetic and epicentre that remains to this day. Kate Bush really is this unique blend of musical deity and…

A homegrown and grounded queen.

FEATURE: Glory Days: Bruce Springsteen’s Born in the U.S.A. at Forty




Glory Days


Bruce Springsteen’s Born in the U.S.A. at Forty


ONE of the biggest and most important albums ever…

IN THIS PHOTO: Bruce Springsteen performs on 24th July, 1984/PHOTO CREDIT: Ebet Roberts/Redferns

Bruce Springsteen’s Born in the U.S.A. turns forty on 4th June. A 1984 commercial success that soon became a classic, Springsteen recorded Born in the U.S.A. with his E Street Band. He worked alongside producers Chuck Plotkin and Jon Landau. Compared to albums like 1982’s Nebraska – which Springsteen was recording at points during the same time as Born in the U.S.A.-, his seventh studio album contains more uplifting, brighter, Pop-focused songs. The synthesizer very much at the fore. In terms of its themes and inspirations, Born in the U.S.A deals more with topics like working-class struggles, disillusionment and patriotism. The iconic album cover was taken by legendary photographer, taken by Annie Leibovitz. Born in the U.S.A. has often been selected as one of the best albums ever. Topping the charts in nine countries when it was released in 1984, it has sold over thirty million copies worldwide. It is one of the best-selling albums in history. Even though Bruce Springsteen has released other classic albums – such as 1975’s Born to Run -, nothing quite compares with Born in the U.S.A. Some may disagree. I think, it terms of its depth, impact and accessibility, Born in the U.S.A. is his pinnacle. It is surprising there have not been more features written about the album. More podcasts and documentaries about it released. As it is approaching its fortieth anniversary, I wanted to spend time with it.

I will come to a couple of detailed reviews. As you can imagine, the reviews in 1984 were hugely positive. It has only got even more praise and platforming in the years since. As Born in the U.S.A. has impacted and influenced other artists and made its way into popular culture and the wider landscape. Stereogum saluted this work of brilliance back in 2014. Marking thirty years of Born in the U.S.A. I hope there is more celebration to mark forty years of a gigantic album:

For you to remember the first time you heard Born In The U.S.A., you have to be above a certain age. It’s just one of those albums. Once it was out there, it was ubiquitous. That tends to happen when you produce seven top ten singles from one album, or when a record goes platinum, let alone fifteen times over. The latter distinction means that Born In The U.S.A. sold about 15 million copies in America, a number that seems like total and complete fantasy compared to the anemic record industry of today, and one that ranks it within the top twenty or so highest selling albums, ever, in this country. This is not the kind of situation where you are still able to hear a record entirely on its own original terms, with remotely fresh ears. Even if you somehow all your life avoided hearing its title track, or “Dancing In The Dark,” or “Glory Days,” Born In The U.S.A. is the sort of work that, by virtue of its sheer magnitude and inevitable overexposure, comes with a whole lot of years of baggage down the line.

As of today, that would be thirty years of baggage, to be exact. Three decades on, Born In The U.S.A. has a shifting and at times conflicted legacy. In pop history, it’s simple enough — it’s one of the defining records of the ’80s, the one that jettisoned Springsteen to true superstar status. It’s one of those albums that’s never hard to find on a rack at Target or whatever, next to Thriller or Dark Side Of The Moon or Metallica. Those albums that I guess somebody somewhere will always feel like buying, the sort of stuff that’s never really out of style because it’s at such a level as to be beyond trends altogether. In Springsteen terms, it gets a little more complicated. Born In The U.S.A. is the Springsteen album for a certain generation of fans, and something else for those who came before or after. Every now and then I’ll talk to an older fan who still grimaces at memories of Born In The U.S.A. as the album where Bruce got too big, too pop, perhaps even sold out — if that’s still a thing you can really do when you were already on the covers of Newsweek and Time in the same week a decade prior. They’ll value the preceding six albums in a different way, maybe considering them more authentic. With a career as long and varied as Springsteen’s you’re bound to get those sorts of divides in a fanbase. Even something as widely beloved as “Backstreets” has been played frequently enough at Springsteen’s shows that it’s someone’s holy moment and someone else’s cue to go buy another beer. The dividing line always struck me as a bit more severe with Born In The U.S.A. tracks, though. Maybe you’re enraptured when “Dancing In The Dark” inevitably pops up in the encore, maybe you head to the parking lot early. (But if you’re the latter, I’m not sure we can be friends.)

Before we get too far down this rabbithole, it might be necessary to issue a disclaimer. I’m already on record, in a few places, about the extent of my Springsteen fandom, and the resulting amount of thought I put into his music. It’s only in the last year or two, however, where I’ve begun to listen to Born In The U.S.A. more than any of this other work. I don’t know what would be in second place, but it isn’t close. There are days when it’s my favorite Springsteen album. There are days when I think it’s a perfect album, and other days when I’m a bit more sensible and realize that if “My Love Will Not Let You Down” had taken the place of “Cover Me,” and if “Janey Don’t You Lose Heart” had replaced “Glory Days,” then it would’ve been perfect. (And, still, there are other days where I realize those maybe still wouldn’t fit, even if they’re brilliant.) And then, just about everyday, “Dancing In The Dark” is pretty much my favorite song ever. What I’m getting at here is that we’re dealing with a bias on my part.

But, more importantly, I’m also getting at the fact that I’m one of those Springsteen fans who grew up with Born In The U.S.A. as something that was just in the air, the most ever-present material from an ever-present artist, and it’s only in recent years where I’ve started to get truly obsessed with the thing, where I’ve learned to find personal resonance in an album that’s too easy to take for granted due to its inherent ubiquity. The weird thing about an album so readily ranked in the “Classic” category by every other rock retrospective of one form or another, is that people can just start to think of it as This Thing That Happened, a piece of work from some distant time and place that has little meaning to them. This is the territory in which an album like Born In The U.S.A., against most logical expectations, could become underrated.

Back around the time Springsteen released Magic in 2007, he was well into a career resurgence following a mixed bag of a decade in the ’90s. There were many factors to this, but one of them was that he’d attained a certain hipness in the ’00s; as Stephen M. Deusner put it in his review of Magic, Springsteen had replaced Brian Wilson as the “indie ideal.”

Bands like the Gaslight Anthem, the Hold Steady, and the Killers bore the influence sonically, where others like the National and the Arcade Fire were perhaps more so thematic descendants. Without fail, when people talk about Springsteen’s influence on pockets of this century’s generation of indie-rock, it’s easiest to draw the line back to Darkness On The Edge Of Town or Nebraska (especially in the case of Dirty Beaches).

Born In The U.S.A. gets a little less credit, but at times it feels like perhaps the most important Springsteen record when it comes to newer artists being influenced by his work. Given the age of some of these musicians, this is the one that would’ve been new when they were kids, just getting into music; chances are, it was the formative one. They would’ve been the young fans for whom this was their Springsteen album. Before they went all Sandinista! on Reflektor, Arcade Fire’s anthemic qualities seemed more in the lineage of Born In The U.S.A.-era Bruce, the themes of The Suburbs a mash-up of stuff like “My Hometown” and “Downbound Train” with Darkness and The River. Tellingly, when Win Butler chose his fourteen favorite Springsteen songs for Rolling Stone in 2010, most of them were from the ’80s. Butler might’ve gone onstage to play Nebraska’s “State Trooper” with the man himself, but when it came time for Arcade Fire to cover the Boss, they chose “Born In The U.S.A..” At this point, “I’m On Fire” seems destined to live on as a standard of sorts. You’ve got everyone from Mumford & Sons to Chromatics covering it. Gaslight Anthem frontman Brian Fallon, long the Springsteen acolyte, has been known to perform it solo, while his band’s own “High Lonesome” quotes/references the song”.

I am going to round off with a couple of the reviews for Born in the U.S.A. It is a shame there have not been more deep dives into the album. Anyway. This is what Pitchfork wrote when they reviewed Born in the U.S.A. in 2021. They show the appreciation of a bold, brilliant Rock blockbuster from Bruce Springsteen. An album that arrived at the apex of his career. An imperial phase as they put it. Although misunderstood by some – the title track was famously misinterpreted by so many people –, it caught fired and stole people’s hearts and minds. It still does to this day:

As the release of Born in the U.S.A. approached in spring 1984—and with it, one of the greatest commercial ascents in the history of popular music—Bruce Springsteen was feeling apprehensive. It wasn’t because of “Dancing in the Dark,” which he added last-minute after his manager convinced him to write one more surefire attempt at a hit. It wasn’t because of the title track, a booming anthem whose chorus could be misinterpreted as a rallying cry for Reagan-era jingoism. And it wasn’t because of the cover art, a photograph by Annie Leibovitz that could be mistaken for a man urinating on an American flag. It was because of a song called “No Surrender,” and, in particular, its final verse:

Something felt off as he sang these words. Who could be so blindly optimistic? During the tour for Born in the U.S.A., which spanned 16 months and brought the E Street Band to the biggest audiences they had ever played, Springsteen tried retooling the driving arrangement as a tender acoustic ballad; he rewrote the verse and changed his delivery. By the end of the run, it only appeared sporadically in setlists. “It was a song I was uncomfortable with,” he wrote years later. “You don’t hold out and triumph all the time in life. You compromise, you suffer defeat; you slip into life’s gray areas.”

So how did it wind up on the album? It wasn’t for a lack of material. Most casual fans know that as Springsteen was in the process of piecing together this full-band masterpiece, he first recorded an entirely different one: 1982’s solo acoustic Nebraska, originally intended as demos for the follow-up to 1980’s The River. But there was more where that came from. Before he landed on the dozen songs that would comprise his bestselling album, Springsteen continued down Nebraska’s folky path with story-song outtakes like “Shut Out the Light”; he worked with the band on epics like “This Hard Land” and straight-ahead rockers like “Murder Incorporated.” He wrote a goofy song about having his story told in a TV movie and a strange, apocalyptic one about the KKK. He is estimated to have recorded somewhere between 50 and 100 songs, hoping to amass enough material for one cohesive record 

IN THIS PHOTO: Bruce Springsteen on stage in 1984/PHOTO CREDIT: The Picture Collection LLC

In his early 30s, and a decade into his recording career, this was a period of introspection and desperate searching. For the first time after an album release, Springsteen didn’t go on tour for Nebraska. Instead, he went on vacation, taking a cross-country road trip with a friend. The type of open-road escape he sang about so convincingly, however, ended up being an emotional breaking point. As the trip took him from Jersey, through the South, and eventually to a new home he had purchased in the Hollywood Hills, Springsteen found himself crushed by waves of hopelessness and debilitating depression: collapsing in tears, feeling isolated, losing touch with whatever momentum had kept him burning down the road all this time.

The culture around Springsteen’s music was also shifting. MTV had evolved into a legitimate arm of the music industry, and Springsteen’s new look helped him gain traction in an image-centric medium. Meanwhile, vinyl had given way to cassettes, which were now ceding to compact discs. (Upon release, Born in the U.S.A. was advertised as the first CD manufactured in the United States; previous releases were mostly Japanese imports.) Adapting to the new technology, pop radio gravitated toward electronic strands of dance music, an innovation that Springsteen found inspiring. One song on the album, “Cover Me,” was something he originally wrote for Donna Summer, and you can hear her influence in his fiery, percussive delivery. (“She could really sing,” he wrote, “and I disliked the veiled racism of the anti-disco movement.”)

Because of its monocultural success, the ’80s gloss of Born in the U.S.A. can be somewhat overstated. It is a pristine and precise record whose synth pads, massive drums, and front-and-center vocals represent the defining qualities of the decade’s mainstream rock production. But listening to it now, I am struck by how physical, how alive the music sounds. Most of the songs were recorded live by the band in just a few takes, with Springsteen shouting cues, whooping and hollering off mic. And the writing, which blends the detailed narratives of Nebraska with the tighter pop structures of The River, is as thoughtful and emotional as any of his less polished material.

It is the sound of the E Street Band, then, that makes this feel uniquely like pop music. Roy Bittan’s synth is particularly effective—a thick humidity against the train-track momentum of “I’m on Fire,” and a taught fuse serving as a secondary bass line in “Dancing in the Dark.” Drummer Max Weinberg often takes center stage, calling the shots during the turnarounds in “Glory Days” and the title track with snare hits that match the energy of Springsteen’s prolonged runner’s high. He leads the band with such a locked-in sense of motion that, in the fadeout codas to songs like “Cover Me” and “Dancing in the Dark,” their backing tracks can feel a little like electronic music. It’s a sound that 21st-century bands like the War on Drugs would reinterpret as a kind of psychedelia, and that dance producer Arthur Baker capitalized on at the time with a fascinating series of club remixes.

After the willfully unmarketable Nebraska, Springsteen’s commercial reinvention thrilled the label executives, who are reported to have risen from their seats to dance during the playback sessions. (One said—upon hearing single after single, each better than the last and all mixed by Bob Clearmountain to sound tailor-made for radio—he might have actually pissed his pants.) It was also a windfall for Jon Landau, the music critic-turned-manager whose career-long belief in the life-saving power of rock music was gratified by these aspirational songs, some of which were actually about the life-saving power of rock music. Springsteen himself, already viewing his career with the analytic lens of a critic, couldn’t help but notice what this shift represented. “I was fascinated by people who had become a voice for their moment,” he would later say. “I don’t know if I felt I had a capacity for it or just willed my way in that direction, but it was something I was interested in.”

There was one person who wasn’t so interested. It was E Street Band guitarist Steven Van Zandt, a man with rare access to the inner workings of the artist’s brain. The pair united as like-minded outcasts growing up in New Jersey, where they bonded at battles of the bands and spent countless nights in each other’s homes, side-stepping their intimidating fathers and evangelizing the records they loved. As they embarked on their careers together, Van Zandt is often credited with helping his pal lighten up a little: arranging the ecstatic horn parts on Born to Run, suggesting the title track’s iconic riff be transposed into a major key, and helming the party-in-my-garage production on The River.

A co-producer on Born in the U.S.A., Van Zandt brings the same sense of uplift to these songs. The most joyful moment comes in “Darlington County.” When Van Zandt honks his way through the vocal harmonies—“He don’t work and he don’t get paid”—Springsteen starts to laugh: Boy, does that sound ugly, you hear him think, it’s perfect. Same goes for the mandolin part in “Glory Days,” which Van Zandt recorded impromptu into a vocal mic so that it couldn’t be edited out without scrapping the entire take.

Fitting for an album that buries its anxiety beneath a bright veneer, these moments coincided with a new tension between the two. Recording under the name Little Steven, Van Zandt was completing his own album, ambitiously titled Voice of America, and its raw sound and spirit of protest felt at odds with the commercial intent of Springsteen’s latest music. Van Zandt floated the idea of promoting their albums together on a joint tour—I love imagining the response to this proposition—and confessed to feeling a bit undervalued. Sensing a crossroads, and by now well-acquainted with his friend’s stubborn self-reliance, Van Zandt quit the band.

While Springsteen stood his ground, he wasn’t as confident as he might have seemed. With an overabundance of material, he extended his creative process beyond the inner circle, inviting friends into his home to pore over the multitude of tapes and piece together a tracklist while he went out for runs or waited patiently at the kitchen table. His engineer, Chuck Plotkin, went so far as to present an acetate copy of the record he envisioned. Landau wrote a five-page letter justifying his preferred sequence. Eventually, Springsteen took some of their advice, ignored a lot of it, and turned in his completed album.

He played it for Van Zandt, who was not a fan of “Dancing in the Dark.” The lyrics—so self-conscious, so vulnerable—were anathema to his image of rock’n’roll heaven, where everyone’s young and beautiful, forever strutting. And don’t get him started on the production. Still, his main concern was “No Surrender,” his favorite song, which was nowhere to be found. The hope, the romance, the guitars—that’s the whole point of what we do! At the eleventh hour, Springsteen slotted the song back into the tracklist, right at the start of Side B.

If this operation sounds haphazard for a noted perfectionist like Springsteen, it kind of was. To this day, he speaks about Born in the U.S.A. with a sense of discomfort. The bookending songs—the title track and “My Hometown,” the only explicitly political material that made the cut—are what he’s proudest of. “The rest of the album,” he writes, “contains a group of songs about which I’ve always had some ambivalence…. [It] really didn’t flesh out like I had hoped it would.”

But while the recordings span several years of sessions, plagued with interpersonal struggle and self-doubt, bouncing between genre and mood, built on creative compromise and commercial aspiration, overexposed and eternally misunderstood, there’s really not a dull moment. With its grab-bag nature, the whole thing explodes like an encore run—when the lights are up and there’s nothing left to play but the hits; when fatigue converts into a kind of euphoria and the energy builds until it seems a little dangerous.

That’s how “No Surrender” earns its place; the optimism is hard-won, doomed to be short-lived. “You say you’re tired and you just want to close your eyes,” he sings against the rhythm, “and follow your dreams down.” But down where? If you were to place a compass in the wide open country of this album, down is where the arrow would constantly point. It’s in the opening lyric (“Born down in a dead man’s town”), and it’s the next move for the couple in the closing “My Hometown,” who plan on packing up the family, “maybe heading south.” It’s where all the signposts of security—work, marriage, community—send the narrator of “Downbound Train,” and it’s a syllable that gets stretched into a slapstick, rockabilly hiccup in the chorus of “I’m Goin’ Down.” For many of the characters in these songs, down becomes homebase: the direction you’re cautioned to ignore when you’re at the top; the inevitable crash after any high.

The momentary bliss of “No Surrender” is followed on the tracklist by “Bobby Jean,” and while Springsteen has never explicitly confirmed its inspiration, fans have long seen it as his farewell to Van Zandt. Like all his writing about friendship, “Bobby Jean” flirts with the language of love songs—the gender is intentionally ambiguous—and, paired with a bittersweet piano melody, the sentiment is so heartbroken and earnest that it feels almost childlike. The crucial lyric arrives just before the last verse, and it’s a simple but effective choice of words: “Now there ain’t nobody, nowhere, nohow/Gonna ever understand me the way you did.” Not love me, not know me, but understand me. It’s a rare quality in a companion—especially in adulthood—and it’s a hard thing to let go of when you find it”.

I am going to round up shortly. Before that, Rolling Stone’s five-star review from 1984 is well worth illuminating. In a year when there were plenty of classic albums – Madonna’s Like a Virgin among them -, Bruce Springsteen’s masterpiece stands alongside the best of them. Recorded between Power Station and Hit Factory in New York City, we are going to be discussing and dissecting this album for generations to come. Such is its importance:

THOUGH IT LOOKS at hard times, at little people in little towns choosing between going away and getting left behind, Born in the U.S.A, Bruce Springsteen‘s seventh album, has a rowdy, indomitable spirit. Two guys pull into a hick town begging for work in “Darlington County,” but Springsteen is whooping with sha-la-las in the chorus. He may shove his broody characters out the door and send them cruising down the turnpike, but he gives them music they can pound on the dashboard to.

He’s set songs as well drawn as those on his bleak acoustic album, Nebraska, to music that incorporates new electronic textures while keeping as its heart all of the American rock & roll from the early Sixties. Like the guys in the songs, the music was born in the U.S.A.: Springsteen ignored the British Invasion and embraced instead the legacy of Phil Spector’s releases, the sort of soul that was coming from Atlantic Records and especially the garage bands that had anomalous radio hits. He’s always chased the utopian feeling of that music, and here he catches it with a sophisticated production and a subtle change in surroundings — the E Street Band cools it with the saxophone solos and piano arpeggios — from song to song.

The people who hang out in the new songs dread getting stuck in the small towns they grew up in almost as much as they worry that the big world outside holds no possibilities — a familiar theme in Springsteen’s work. But they wind up back at home, where you can practically see the roaches scurrying around the empty Twinkie packages in the linoleum kitchen. In the first line of the first song, Springsteen croaks, “Born down in a dead man’s town, the first kick I took was when I hit the ground.” His characters are born with their broken hearts, and the only thing that keeps them going is imagining that, as another line in another song goes, “There’s something happening somewhere.”

Though the characters are dying of longing for some sort of payoff from the American dream, Springsteen’s exuberant voice and the swell of the music clues you that they haven’t given up. In “No Surrender,” a song that has the uplifting sweep of his early anthem “Thunder Road,” he sings, “We made a promise we swore we’d always remember” no retreat, no surrender.” His music usually carries a motto like that. He writes a heartbreaking message called “Bobby Jean,” apparently to his longtime guitarist Miami Steve Van Zandt, who’s just left his band — “Maybe you’ll be out there on that road somewhere . . . in some motel room there’ll be a radio playing and you’ll hear me sing this son/Well, if you do, you’ll know I’m thinking of you and all the miles in between” — but he gives the song a wall of sound with a soaring saxophone solo. That’s classic Springsteen: the lyrics may put a lump in your throat, but the music says, Walk tall or don’t walk at all.

A great dancer himself, Springsteen puts an infectious beat under his songs. In the wonderfully exuberant “I’m Goin’ Down,” a hilarious song that gets its revenge, he makes a giddy run of nonsense syllables out of the chorus while drummer Max Weinberg whams out a huge backbeat. And “Working on the Highway,” whips into an ecstatic rocker that tells a funny story, hand-claps keeping the time about crime and punishment. Shifting the sound slightly, the band finds the right feeling of paranoia for “Cover Me,” the lone song to resurrect that shrieking, “Badlands”-style guitar, and the right ironic fervor for the Vietnam vet’s yelping about the dead ends of being “Born in the U.S.A.” Though there’s no big difference between these and some of the songs on Springsteen’s last rock LP, The River, these feel more delightfully offhanded.

The album finds its center in those cheering rock songs, but four tracks – the last two on either side — give the album an extraordinary depth. Springsteen has always been able to tell a story better than he can write a hook, and these lyrics are way beyond anything anybody else is writing. They’re sung in such an unaffected way that the starkness stabs you. In “My Hometown,” the singer, remembers sitting on his father’s lap and steering the family Buick as they drove proudly through town; but the boy grows up, and the final scene has him putting his own son on his lap for a last drive down a street that’s become a row of vacant buildings. “Take a good look around,” he tells his boy, repeating what his father told him, “this is your hometown.”

The tight-lipped character who sings “I’m On Fire” practically whispers about the desire that’s eating him up. “Sometimes it’s like someone took a knife, baby, edgy and dull, and cut a six-inch valley through the middle of my skull,” he rasps. The way the band’s turned down to just a light rattle of drums, faint organ and quiet, staccato guitar notes makes his lust seem ominous: you picture some pock-marked Harry Dean Stanton type, lying, too wired to sleep, in a motel room.

That you get such a vivid sense of these characters is because Springsteen gives them voices a playwright would be proud of. In “Working on the Highway,: all he says is “One day I looked straight at her and she looked straight back” to let us know the guy’s in love. And in the saddest song he’s ever written, “Downbound Train,” a man who’s lost everything pours his story, while, behind him, long, sorry notes on a synthesizer sound just like heartache. “I had a job, I had a girl,” he begins, then explains how everything’s changed: “Now I work down at the car wash, where all it ever does its rain.” It’s a line Sam Shepard could’ve written: so pathetic and so funny, you don’t know how to react.

The biggest departure from any familiar Springsteen sound is the breathtaking first single, “Dancing in the Dark,” with its modern synths, played by E Street keyboardist Roy Bittan, and thundering bass and drums. The kid who dances in the darkness here is practically choking on the self-consciousness of being sixteen. “I check my look in the mirror/I wanna change my clothes, my hair, my face,” he sings. “Man, I ain’t getting nowhere just living in a dump like this.” He turns out the lights not to set some drippy romantic mood but to escape in the fantasy of the music on the radio. In the dark, he finds a release from all the limitations he was born into. In the dark, like all the guys trapped in Springsteen’s songs, he’s just a spirit in the night”.

I will leave it there. On 4th June, Bruce Springsteen’s Born in the U.S.A. turns forty. If you are a fan of the album, it is worth reading up about it. In terms of its legacy, background and recording. Wikipedia has some good information. A fortieth anniversary edition of the album is coming out on 14th June. I would very much everyone to order it:

Sony Music will commemorate the 40th anniversary of Bruce Springsteen’s history-making “Born In The U.S.A.” on June 14, with a special-edition release featuring new colored vinyl and expanded packaging. Arriving via translucent red LP, this anniversary edition of “Born In The U.S.A.” will feature a gatefold sleeve and exclusive booklet with archival material from the era, new liner notes penned by Erik Flannigan and a four-color lithograph. Released on June 4, 1984, “Born In The U.S.A.” had an unprecedented seven top 10 singles on its tracklist, has sold approximately 25 million copies to date and captured the pop culture zeitgeist with once-in-a-generation impact. Springsteen and The E Street Band’s accompanying Born In The U.S.A. tour included 156 sold-out performances across the globe, while tracks like “Dancing In The Dark,” “No Surrender” and “Glory Days” remain staples of their live show to this day”.

I am excited looking ahead to the fortieth anniversary of Born in the U.S.A. On 4th June, there will be a new wave of affection and interest in this album. Bruce Springsteen’s next studio album would be 1987’s excellent Tunnel of Love. A very different-sounding album, it was another huge commercial and critical success. Even though The Boss has released quite a few world-class and timeless albums, I don’t think he soared as high and punched as hard as he did…

ON the magnificent Born in the U.S.A.

FEATURE: Our Friends Electric: Dr. Robert Moog at Ninety: An Ultimate Synthesizer Playlist




Our Friends Electric

PHOTO CREDIT: Jack Robinson


Dr. Robert Moog at Ninety: An Ultimate Synthesizer Playlist


ON 23rd May…

it will be ninety years since Dr. Robert Moog was born. He helped shape music in a way few others have. A hugely important and influential figure. He was an American engineer and Electronic music pioneer. Dr. Robert Moog was the founder of the synthesizer manufacturer, Moog Music. He was also the inventor of the first commercial synthesizer, the Moog, which debuted in 1964. That was introduced on 12th October, 1964. Think about all the songs that feature the Moog synthesiser and how it shaped music - especially during the 1970s and 1980s. Perhaps not as synonymous today as it was a few decades ago, there is no denying the impact the Moog synthesizer made. Its inventor was born on 23rd May, 1934, so I want to commemorate the upcoming ninetieth birthday. I will end with a playlist of songs that feature the distinct and iconic Moog synthesizer. Before that, from the Moog Music website, here is some background and biography concerning a pioneer and key figure in the history of music technology:

Bob’s innovative spirit continues to inspire us each day here in the Moog Factory, and we are forever grateful to be a part of this creative legacy.

It might seem like hyperbole to say that Bob Moog was destined for electronic instrument engineering.

But his lifelong curiosity with circuitry, especially the type that yielded sounds, proved prophetic. As he told Torsten Schmidt in a 2003 interview, he “got off on electronics” as a kid, especially electronics that made sound.

“And when I say electronics, it was not the electronics of today,” Moog said. “Back then, electronics was one or two vacuum tubes, a couple of resistors, capacitors and these big, fat transformers. You could put the whole thing together on the kitchen table, it was a hobby.”

Moog’s father, one of the first amateur radio operators, helped nurture Bob’s love of circuitry and sound. Instead of playing baseball, as he recalled, Moog messed around with electronics.

Born in 1934, Moog was chronologically well-positioned to get into electronic instruments. The vacuum tube, which had been around since 1906, had just revolutionized radio and film, and had already been incorporated into electronic instruments like Lee de Forest’s Audion piano (1915), Theremin (1920), Maurice Martenot’s Ondes instrument (1928), and Friedrich’s Trautwein’s Trautonium (one of the inspirations for Moog’s Subharmonicon). And by the 1930s and 1940s, audio oscillators, filters, envelope controllers, and basic effects units were in existence.

A teenage Moog attended Manhattan School of Music until the age of fourteen, an education that would later help him communicate well with musicians in the development of electronic instruments. As he recalled in a 1974 interview with Keyboard magazine, it was there that he received ear training, sight singing lessons, and instruction on the basics of music theory. He also attended the Bronx High School of Science during his teen years, and visited an area of Lower Manhattan to find parts for his electronic experiments. In 1958, Moog graduated with a B.S. in physics from Queens College and a B.S. in electrical engineering from Columbia.

By age 19, he and his father were building and selling theremins. In his foreword to Albert Glinsky's Theremin: Ether Music and Espionage, Moog described the Russian inventor Leon Theremin as the person who “virtually single-handedly launched the field of electronic music technology.” So dedicated to the Theremin was Moog that Radio News magazine actually published his design for the electronic instrument while still in college.

“I was actually making Theremins for a living,” he told Keyboard. “So from then, which was in 1954, through my entire college career, I made Theremins, and enough money to get through graduate school [at Cornell].”

“Electronic organs were just coming out at that time. I remember spending whole days at the Baldwin Organ display room in New York City: Listening, imposing myself on them, being a pain in the ass,” Moog recalled. “It had controls that were not too different from today’s synthesizer. You changed attack, switched filters in and out, switched in different octaves; all in all, not a bad instrument considering the time.”

After a failed attempt to market a musical amplifier kit, Moog serendipitously met composer Herb Deutsch in November of 1963 at the New York State Music Conference, where Moog was demonstrating his Theremin music kits. Deutsch had been using the Theremin for ear training, and the two immediately began discussing the possibilities of having synthesis at your fingertips at home.

“More or less in my spare time I built two voltage-controlled oscillators and two voltage-controlled amplifiers, and some kind of controller that could turn the sounds on and off and change the pitch and rates of modulation,” Moog said of this first modular synthesizer. “It might have [amounted to] a couple of doorbells. When Herb [Deutsch] came up . . . he just flipped when he heard what my breadboards could do. By the end of that session and the one that followed, together we had come up with the basics of a modular analog synthesizer.”

Moog Soon developed a modular synthesizer prototype...

Moog soon developed a modular synthesizer prototype, which he gave to Deutsch. It included a keyboard and two boxes: one equipped with two oscillators and an envelope generator, the other with Moog’s first iteration of his analogue filter concept.

A year later, in 1964, Moog demonstrated his modular synthesizer at the Audio Engineering Society convention, and began taking orders. Within a few years, Moog’s R.A. Moog, Inc. (the predecessor of Moog Music, Inc.) produced the Moog Modular Synthesizer models I, II, and III. And it was during the mid-1960s that pop culture began catching onto the sonic possibilities being explored by Moog, Don Buchla, and other synthesizer engineers.

The Monkees’ Micky Dolenz was one of the first musicians to bring the Moog Modular system into the popular music realm on the band’s 1967 album Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn & Jones Ltd. It was also around this time that Moog’s modular system was shown at the Monterey Pop Festival. Paul Beaver began incorporating the Moog modular sound into his film scores, starting with The Trip in 1967. A year later, Wendy Carlos, who had studied at the Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center (to which Moog had sold modules and later modular systems), used a Moog modular synthesizer to record her revolutionary electronic album Switched On Bach. In 1969, The Beatles would use it on their final album, Abbey Road, and a year later in 1970, rock keyboardist Keith Emerson would add the modular Moog Synthesizer to his sonic arsenal.

But Moog’s realization of that early dream of making the synthesizer truly portable, in the form of the Minimoog, would have an even greater lasting influence. Suddenly, synthesizers weren’t just for experimental composers and adventurous pop musicians. Keyboardists all across the musical spectrum, from jazz fusion (Chick Corea, Jan Hammer) to prog rock (Keith Emerson, Rick Wakeman), and the developing Krautrock scene exemplified by Tangerine Dream and Kraftwerk, were not just using the synthesizer on recordings, but demonstrating its strengths as an expressive live instrument—one that was every bit the sonic equal of the guitar.

The synthesizer even found its way into the world of disco by way of Giorgio Moroder’s electronic disco recordings. Modern ambient music, particularly with Tangerine Dream and Brian Eno, also came of age as the Moog and other synthesizers became culturally ubiquitous. Beyond these popular music movements, Moog’s commitment to giving musicians the tools they needed to sonically express themselves indirectly helped give birth to modern electronic music through the underground movements of Chicago House, Detroit Techno, and New York City’s Hip-Hop scene.

And yet, across his decades of work, Moog remained characteristically modest and low-key, giving credit to the musicians who used his instruments in ways he hadn’t imagined back in the early 1960s. Like his contemporaries Don Buchla, Dave Smith, and the folks from the Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center, Moog lived to see electronic music develop from a curiosity in electrical engineering and avant-garde composing to a worldwide artistic culture. Rather fittingly, it’s still a creative tech culture in a constant state of innovation, which is something Moog would surely appreciate”.

On 23rd May, we mark ninety years since the birth of Dr. Robert Moog. From its humble beginnings, it went on to change music forever. If you want to know more, there is a great book, Analog Days: The Invention and Impact of the Moog synthesizer, that was published back in 2004. Later in the year marks the sixtieth anniversary of the Moog synthesizer. I am going to wrap up there. I hope that radio stations give a little salute to Dr. Robert Moog on 23rd May. Play some classics that feature his crucial invention. Without the Moog synthesiser, who knows what the music world would have lost out on. The Moog synthesizer arrived in 1964 and made…

A gigantic impact.