FEATURE: Jig of Life: Why I Would Love to Write to Kate Bush




Jig of Life


Why I Would Love to Write to Kate Bush


IT is an ambition…

IN THIS PHOTO: Kate Bush in an outtake from the Hounds of Love album cover shoot in 1985/PHOTO CREDIT: John Carder Bush

that every Kate Bush fan has. In a digital age where we use email and social media, I am not sure whether we write letters or feel the need to. There is something personal about them. Maybe it is the effort of going through it. Perhaps there are not many reasons why we would need to write a letter. In terms of Kate Bush, once was the day that is the only way you could contact her. She used to receive letters through her fan club or label. Bush would have received a huge stack of them, yet she did reply to quite a few. Occasions where she really took the time to write a sweet response. Fans requesting song lyrics or getting a very thoughtful and personal message back. Perhaps it was not possible for her to reply to many letters when her career went to new levels in 1985. However, there are so many incidents where Bush was personally replying to fans. Now, people can get in touch with her. I think that it is more a case of filmmakers and producers asking Bush for permissions to use her music in their project. The Duffer Brothers reaching out to use Running Up That Hill (A Deal with God) in Stranger Things. They would have found a way to contact her. I guess calling up her P.R. agency, Murray Chalmers and calling the man himself. The same with other filmmakers that have used her music. There is no public address apart from Murray Chalmers. You can call them direct but it is unlikely that you would be passed through to her representative. In terms of writing letters to them, it would be hard to think any of them would ever reach Kate Bush. It is understandable but also frustrating. I suppose, if Bush was accepting and reading fan mail, she would be overwhelmed and bombarded! In terms of separating fan mail with genuine requests and pitches, how do you go about that?!

This is not a general pondering. Instead, one of my Kate Bush ambitions is to write to her. Not a letter saying how big a fan of hers I am. Of course, if I could write to her, I would mention the blog and the fact that I have written about her hundreds of times. To let her know her music is being shared and discussed. The reason I want to is because, next year, Hounds of Love turns forty. That anniversary is on 16th September. I have written about this recreantly. How it is important that we celebrate that anniversary. I think a radio documentary is the best way to mark the album on its fortieth anniversary. I have been emailing a few production companies but, as yet, no response. Even though it is a year away, it will take time to put everything into place. Getting contributors lined up and a script written. Everything planned to ensure that it is feasible to clear archive interview (from 1985 and 1992) and also use the music from the album. It might be thirty-second clips of each song from Hounds of Love. Also, reaching out to bigger guests like some of Kate Bush’s family and some of the musicians who played on Hounds of Love. Musicians and those through the arts who are influenced by the album and count it among their favourites. Maybe closer to commissioning rounds there will be an opportunity to discuss the project in more detail. I definitely want Sinéad Gleeson to narrate. It would be great to have everyone from Guy Garvey to Stevie Nicks talk about what Hounds of Love means to them. I have written a few Hounds of Love features because it is the album’s thirty-ninth anniversary on Monday (16th September).

I do know of someone who has her home address. I don’t think I could ever, in all good conscience, write to her unsolicited. It may seem too evasive, though it would be an honour if she were to read a letter. Mainly to get her approval to go ahead with a documentary. One I hope that reaches BBC Radio 4 next September. The more I read and learn about Hounds of Love, the more passionate I am about bringing something to life. A huge anniversary for a staggering work. There would be enormous interest. Kate Bush has a clear attachment to the album. She has reissued it a few times now. She performed almost every song from the album during 2014’s Before the Dawn. There is no reason why she would object to the documentary going ahead. The problem is, when it comes to something like this, people want Kate Bush involved. If there is this seal of approval, that would go a long way to making it happen! Giving her details of the documentary and letting her know it is coming from a fan. I would not be on the microphone myself. I am thinking that I could help write the script. I think also Graeme Thomson would be a great authority and someone who be perfect to help craft the script. Contributors ranging from high-profile fans and websites like Kate Bush News. A real celebration and dissection of Hounds of Love! The very least it deserves. I know there will be think-pieces, magazine articles and perhaps entire magazines published that focus on Hounds of Love next year.

PHOTO CREDIT: Pixabay/Pexels

A big dream and reason to write to Kate Bush would be to see if she could contribute a few words. Whether it was something at the start where she explains how she recorded the album and what it was like at the time, or something longer where she also discusses the legacy of Hounds of Love and what it means to her now, it would be a perfect addition to the mix. That may be ambitious. The fact Bush loves the album and has spent time reissuing it and getting it to fans does not entirely rule out the possibility she would do something like that. One can only ask! That is what I would include in a letter. Mostly it would be about the radio documentary and seeing if she could give her blessing to such a programme. That she would receive that letter and might even respond! It would not even need to be a long response. Like filmmakers asking her if they can use music, this would be an opportunity to let Bush know about a project that she would surely be on board with. Taking it back to the start. Whether it was a letter sent to Murray Chalmer that was passed on or another way, I would love that opportunity.

I would be fascinated to see what Bush thinks of a Hounds of Love at 40 documentary. It is very hard to get in touch with Kate Bush because everyone assumes she will say ‘no’. Phoning up her P.R. company and seeing if I can write a letter. If I was ever to get through to her representative, would they just refuse out of hand assuming she would not be interested?! I would love to write to Kate Bush because she would definitely give her go-ahead for the documentary. Maybe she would not contribute herself, though letting her know the plan and hoping that she would give her support. It would provide a lot of impetus for production companies to support and help make the documentary and hopefully BBC Radio 4 or another BBC network (maybe BBC Radio 6 Music?) to commission it. It would be a dream to pen a letter for Kate Bush to let her know about the deal I’m making for…

HER beloved masterpiece.