FEATURE: Men Are Afraid That Women Will Laugh at Them… Where Is the Protest and Activation from the Music Industry?




Men Are Afraid That Women Will Laugh at Them…

IMAGE CREDIT: Nada Foundation


Where Is the Protest and Activation from the Music Industry?


EVERY year of civilisation…

PHOTO CREDIT: RDNE Stock project/Pexels

brings about reports of absolute barbarity, abuse and disgusting attitudes towards women. In terms of the misogyny out there in the world, it can range from Internet abuse through to murder. Recent news stories where women have been murdered – one particular case, it was beyond depraved and unbelievable – are both hugely upsetting, disgusting and, sadly, not surprising! Men’s threat and danger has been known for a long time and yet we keep seeing cases where women are abused, assaulted and murdered by men. Constant incidents of sexual assault and rape. Women being attacked and murdered. I don’t think we are in a better position than we were, say, fifty years ago. One would hope that the more cases we see that move and affect us, the less we would find women as victims. Awareness raised. The shock that you get from hearing about some truly evil and despicable acts! From everyday and no less reprehensible cases of women like Patsy Stevenson receiving abuse or blood-freezing stories of women being killed by those they trust and love, how safe are women now?! That may sound all-sweeping and vague. I know that there will be the predictable and idiotic arguments. Not all men are the same. Not all men are guilty. That is blindingly obvious! It is a reductive and pointless argument that takes focus away from the debate and point: Why should women feel threatened around men?! What all men are not doing is to raise their disgust and concerns. To do something about it. We have seen riots and protests around a variety of things over the past few years – one can never condone the right-wing protests, yet it shows that people will take to the streets if they believe in a cause (however misguided and insane).

PHOTO CREDIT: Pixabay/Pexels

It is great that we can physically protest and summon numbers in the thousands in a digital era. That causes like ending genocide in Palestine and protecting and making asylum seekers feel safe compels people to come together and raise their voices for a worthy cause. For humanity and solidarity. It is such a powerful and moving thing to witness! I remember seeing on the news those banding together to protest against right-wing terrorists trying to abuse asylum seekers. Those masses that took to the street to free Palestine and show their anger against Israel and the genocide happening there. What about women’s protection and rights?! For sure, there have been protests through the years, yet that mass mobilisation and huge anger and call for change?! I follow these amazing and important voices for awareness and change on Twitter: @JessPected, @ginamartinuk, @karenwhybro, @David_Challen, @flaminhaystacks. I am also a member of @TheTroubleClub and am constantly inspired by the women who speak there. Many share their experiences of being harassed, abused or assaulted by men. It is not something dying away or reserved to a certain few. In terms of violence against women, earlier this year, the World Health Organisation published statistics that highlighted how “globally about 1 in 3 (30%) of women worldwide have been subjected to either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime”.

IMAGE CREDIT: End Violence Against Women (2024)

Recent findings by ITN Business show that violence against women and girls in the U.K. is an epidemic. Something that seems to be on the rise. It is harrowing and despicable that we are in this position! How is there not more of a national outrage?! I hope that there is protest and activation. That the government does everything they can to address something that needs to end. That women can feel safe:

A new report by the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) and the College of Policing has shed light on the alarming state of violence against women and girls in the UK.

The findings, which were released on Tuesday, paint a grim picture, with Deputy Chief Constable Maggie Blyth describing the issue as having reached “epidemic” levels, and declaring it a “national emergency”.

The report’s statistics are staggering: an estimated one in 20 adults, amounting to 2.3 million people annually, are perpetrators of violence against women and girls (VAWG). Ms Blyth underscored the severity of the situation, stating, “Nobody in industry and in other sectors and across the public understands just the scale and impact of these crimes.”

The report identified multiple key threats to victims, including sexual violence, domestic abuse, stalking, and child sexual abuse. Between 2018 and 2023, there was a 37% increase in violent crimes against women and girls. Last year alone, over one million crimes against women and girls were recorded in England and Wales, constituting 20% of all crimes documented by the police”.

There are organisations and charities like Woman’s Trust, Women’s Aid , Refuge, Solace and SafeLives out there for any women suffering domestic abuse. It is a real moment of crisis we are in. It is good that there are campaigners and people out there and online who are highlighting the statistics and dangers. Opening up conversations and spotlighting the fact that, more and more, men are posing a huge danger. What will it take for women to ever feel safe and respected?! These are not words that I should be typing in 2024!

PHOTO CREDIT: Duané Viljoen/Pexels

Where does this connect with the music industry? Well, there were plans for concerts protesting the rise in racism we are seeing in the country. It is very worthy and needed. There have been very few campaigns and protests in the music industry. Artists can raise awareness and talk about subjects such as race and violence through their songs. You occasionally get campaigns designed to ignite conversation and raise awareness. That does happen. Considering the horrific rise in violence against women, you feel like the music industry does need to do something. It is something that impacts women right through music. From artists to fans and those in office, it is this constant danger that must be indescribably frightening for women. It affects each and every one of them. In terms of having some connection – whether first-hand or knowing someone who has been abused or attacked – and experiencing the emotional and physical plight of assault and abuse. The number of women killed by men this year is staggering! I do hope that artists react to this. Not just women. Male allyship is so important. I also hope there are protests in the streets and calls for change and immediate action. Music has real power and influence. Campaigns and films need to be made. Artists and those in the industry sharing their words. In the same way there are concerts planned to combat racism and far-right activity in this country, women’s rights and safety needs to provoke a similar sense of duty and rebellion.


In 2024, we should not be hearing news stories of women being murdered by men so frequently. Abuse, domestic violence and sexual assault still incredibly high. To the point where women are constantly under threat. It is not an overstatement to say it is a crisis. One that is growing more disturbing and toxic by the year. There is a big role and opportunity for music to intervene. Artists brining this to the fore in their music. Campaigns raised. Not only highlighting the statistics and the grim realities that women face. Awareness and social media campaigns where men can be educated and informed. Where there is this concerted and dedicated effort to help. Of course, the sad reality is that we will never see the end of violence against women! Since the dawn of civilisation it has been the case. It will be until the end of humanity. However, there has been a startling rise. Whether that is partly responsible for misogynists and abusers like Andrew Tate brainwashing young men or something wider in society, we cannot keep talking about violence against women and stand still. Well, not still, but as we are at breaking point and things are extraordinarily serious, it feels like something needs to happen!

 IMAGE CREDIT: usembassy.gov

Music and those in the industry have an opportunity to do so much. Sexual abuse and violence has impacted so many women in music. There has been very little in the way of any real movement or campaign. That surely must change. As I say, male allyship vital right now. After a past couple of weeks that has seen some of the most disturbing and unimaginable violence and abuse against women, there needs to be uprising. It is important that organisations that can help women are known about. That important activists and figures speak out and highlight what is happening. It feels like this is a moment for taking to the streets. Regardless, I have been thinking how the music industry can do its part. How something so universal and widespread can help bring about change. Huge artists through Pop and beyond can either raise it through their music or join a wider campaign or film that highlights violence against women. I have been appalled and upset by seeing what is happening and this horrendous rise in violence and abuse against women! We cannot get to the position where things are as bad and in the say situation as they are now…


THIS time next year.